Drugged-up motorist performs 'worst ever' fitness to drive test

Moment drugged-up driver struggles walk in a straight line after being stopped by police for veering across lanes on motorway

  • The man was veering between motorways lanes near Leeds when he was caught
  • The reckless driver tested positive for cannabis and mephedrone at the roadside
  • He was later filmed by police after a poor attempt at a fitness-to-drive test
  • He failed to put one foot in front of the other and is clearly impaired in the video
  • He also could not manage to lift one of his legs while looking at the sky
  • West Yorkshire Police have called the man’s effort their ‘worst-ever’ test 

This is the moment a drugged-up motorist performed the ‘worst ever’ fitness-to-drive test after police spotted him veering between lanes on a motorway. 

In the footage released by West Yorkshire Police, the motorist struggled to even put one foot in front of the other and fails to walk along a straight white line when asked.

Officers had spotted the motorist driving recklessly towards Leeds on the M621 in his orange Nissan Qashqai on September 22 2019

He tested positive for cannabis and mephedrone at the roadside before the fitness-to-drive test.

The man was driving near Leeds when he was pulled over for reckless driving and tested positive for cannabis and mephedrone at the roadside

The orange Nissan Qashqai was seen veering across motorway lanes by police in the footage

The man could barely put one foot in front of the other and was visibly impaired by the drugs

He failed repeatedly to walk in a straight line after he was pulled over by West Yorkshire Police

At one point, his car nearly collided with a concrete barrier, as an officer was heard saying: ‘He’s continually over the rumble strips on the central reservation.’

Later, he dived down a slip road and nearly crashed into another vehicle, before police caught up with him again and finally brought him to a stop by boxing him in.

A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police said that the officer who instructed the driver to perform the Field Impairment Test said he did the ‘worst’ of anyone they’d seen.

They said: ‘The test – which includes being asked to walk in a straight line and other exercises – is designed to establish whether a driver is impaired and is done in addition to a breath test for alcohol and drugs wipe for cannabis and cocaine.

At a point in the video, the vehicle can be seen verring towards the crash barrier on the M621

The drugged-up driver was tailed by police who saw his dangerous driving first-hand before stopping him safely

‘In the video, one of the officers says that out of all the tests he’s ever done it is probably the worst he has ever seen.’

Chief Inspector Katy Woodmason, Head of West Yorkshire Police’s Roads Policing Unit, said that drink-driving, particularly around Christmas, can lead to ‘catastrophic’ consequences.

She said: ‘We know that over the Christmas period there tends to be an increase in family meet-ups, work dos and social gatherings, which can all contribute to an increase in, particularly, drink-driving both on the night and the morning after.

‘Last year for the first time, potentially due to pubs and bars being closed because of the pandemic, we saw nearly the same amount of arrests for drug driving as drink driving.

The car was later stopped at a junction by police officers who administered a drugs test after

‘Both drink or drugs can have a significant impact on a person’s ability to drive and the consequences can be catastrophic.

‘This winter season we are urging people to plan ahead and think about how they are going to get home and whether they need to put other arrangements in place to do the school run or get to work the morning after a night out.

‘If you are caught drink or drug driving, the cost to you could be a significant fine and a ban from driving, but that is the best-case scenario.

‘We don’t want to be knocking on any doors this December telling a family that their loved one won’t be home for Christmas because they have been seriously injured or died in a collision caused by a drink or drug driver.’

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