Election 2022 LIVE updates: Scott Morrison prepares final pitch to voters; campaigns continue across the country

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  • Morrison to unveil superannuation policy at Liberal Party campaign launch
  • This morning’s headlines at a glance
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Morrison to unveil superannuation policy at Liberal Party campaign launch

Prime Minister Scott Morrison will today make his final set-piece pitch to Australian voters with a superannuation policy to encourage Australians to downsize their homes in a last-ditch attempt to halt his campaign’s stumbling momentum.

The PM will formally launch his party’s campaign at the Brisbane Convention Centre before Liberal luminaries – including former prime minister John Howard – as he attempts to shore up key marginal seats and convince undecided voters to give him another term in office.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s campaign was in damage control on Saturday.Credit:James Brickwood

In a sign of his campaign’s faltering momentum, Morrison spent yesterday on the back foot over revelations in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age that senior members of the Biden administration insisted that it would only consider pursuing the landmark AUKUS deal if it had solid support from Labor.

There was fury in government ranks at the publication of the story, which sent the Coalition further into damage control and resulted in the party pulling plans to provide this masthead with details of today’s centrepiece announcement ahead of time.

The story prompted Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese to accuse Morrison of breaking trust with the Biden administration by not briefing Labor months before the announcement of the AUKUS agreement with the United States and Britain.

Read the full story here.

This morning’s headlines at a glance

Good morning and thanks for your company.

It’s Sunday, May 15. I’m Broede Carmody and I’ll be anchoring our live coverage for the first half of the day.

Here’s what you need to know before we get started.

  • The Liberal Party will hold its campaign launch in Brisbane today. The event kicks off around 11.30am AEST. As James Massola and Anthony Galloway report, Prime Minister Scott Morrison will unveil a new superannuation policy.
  • Meanwhile, Labor leader Anthony Albanese is also in Queensland today after visiting the Northern Territory. The opposition leader will be interviewed by David Speers on the ABC’s Insiders program.
  • In other news, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will also be interviewed on ABC TV this morning. And Paul Sakkal writes that the campaign for a high-profile “teal” independent is worried that some supporters may be casting invalid votes.
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