Europe faces war on TWO fronts – new threat arises as EU distracted by Putin

Russia: Nuclear strike would turn Germany into a wasteland

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With the EU threatened by the mass of Russian forces on the Ukrainian border, there are now fears the bloc may be forced to intervene over the future of the Balkan state, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The country’s Bosnia Serb leader, Milorad Dodik, has insisted the changes must be made to Bosnia’s tax system, judiciary and army. Amid the threats to break up institutions in the country, there are fears the state may collapse and push the region into disarray.

Indeed, one commentator has warned China and Russia have now become active in the region as the EU has refused to deal with the impending crisis.

Reinhard Vesser, editor for Frankfurter Allgemeine warned “neglect” is now taking its toll on the Balkans in a comment piece.

He wrote: “The leadership of the Bosnian Serbs wants to terminate the agreement that ended the Bosnian War in 1995.

“A repetition of this bloody nightmare is unlikely, but a breakup of Bosnia-Herzegovina would result in a destabilization of the entire region with political consequences that are difficult to assess.

“It is now taking revenge for the EU not taking developments in the Balkans seriously enough in recent years, treating authoritarian nationalists as partners and offending pro-Europeans.

“For further development, a lot depends on how quickly and decisively the West, and especially the EU, act now.

“It still has the greatest influence in the region, which is completely surrounded by member states.

“But their position has been weakened as China and Russia have become more active there.”

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The attack against the three pillars of the country is seen as a threat to the implementation of the Dayton Agreement which was signed to end the war in the 90s. 

On Friday, the parliament of the Serb Republic in Bosnia-Herzegovina voted to transfer powers away from the state.

Following the vote, western states slapped down the attempt to break up the state.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said: “Efforts to break away are unacceptable, and this means, too — and I have lobbied for this here — that the existing sanctions regime should also be used against Mr Dodik now.”


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The EU, US, UK, Germany, France and Italy also released a joint statement, saying: “Members of the governing coalition in the RS must be aware that continuing this dead-end path is damaging the economic prospects of the entity, threatening the stability of the country and the entire region and jeopardising BiH’s future with the EU.”

This comes amid reports Russia has amassed 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border.

Indeed, the Prime Minister held a call with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin on Monday.

In the call, the Prime Minister warned there will be “significant consequences” if Russia invades Ukraine.

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A Number 10 spokesperson said: “The Prime Minister reiterated the importance of working through diplomatic channels to de-escalate tensions and identify durable solutions.

“The Prime Minister emphasised the UK’s commitment to Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and warned that any destabilising action would be a strategic mistake that would have significant consequences.”

Additional reporting by Monika Pallenberg.

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