Father grapples with German Shepherd after it 'shook son like ragdoll'

EXCLUSIVE Horror moment father grapples with ‘devil’ German Shepherd after it ‘shook his son, seven, like a ragdoll’ in vicious street mauling

  • EXCLUSIVE: Father battled dog after it attacked his son, seven, in south London 

This is the moment a father grappled with a massive dog that had attacked his seven-year-old son.

Former social worker Anthoney, battled to free his child from the ‘devil’ German Shepherd’s jaws just minutes after it was said to have attacked two other children in Thornton Heath, south London, at around 8am yesterday.

The huge dog was seized by police, who are trying to find its owner, while paramedics tended to Anthoney and his son.

The unaccompanied dog first launched itself at Anthoney’s son without catching him before going on a rampage along Broughton Road.

The dog then returned to latch its jaws onto the seven-year-old, ‘shaking him like a rag doll’ beside his father’s car.

Former social worker Anthoney, battled to free his child from the ‘devil’ German Shepherd’s jaws just minutes after it was said to have attacked two other children in Thornton Heath, south London, at around 8am yesterday

This is the moment a father grappled with a massive dog that had attacked his seven-year-old son

Anthoney and his son were hospitalised with dog bites on their right arms after the attack.

The boy was also wounded on his right thumb and Anthoney said the dog dislocated his shoulder, with both father and son now on antibiotics.

People at the scene said a crying mother later appeared and claimed her children had been attacked by the same dog.

The horrifying ordeal started yesterday morning when Anthoney walked out of his house and his son ran ahead beyond the gate.

Without knowing the dog was nearby, the former social care worker told his son not to go onto the pavement on his own.

As the child closed the gate the huge German Shepherd sprinted up.

Anthoney rushed his son inside and watched the dog charge at a mother-of-two’s house directly across the road.

The ginormous dog was trying to lunge through her open door but she managed to slam it shut.

After the dog ran up the hill, Anthoney tried to hurry his son into the car.

READ MORE: Girl, 17, is ‘lucky to have arms’ after she was savaged by eight stone American bulldog which went berserk in crowded playground 

He said: ‘I was putting him inside a car, and then all I heard is ‘Dad – it’s – it’s’ and then he screamed.

‘It grabbed a hold of his hand and start thrashing like a rag doll.

‘I had the keys in my hand and all I could do was grab it and start trying to whack it with them.

‘I grabbed hold of the collar and twisted it, and then I was just trying to punch it with the key to try and get it to release him.

‘You’re not going to touch my child.

‘I twisted it a bit tighter and tried get it to release him and then it grabbed hold of my hand.

‘I pushed my hand back in its mouth and tried to push it back up against the wall to force it back and my son stood there and started to scream.

‘I turned around and shouted ”Get in the car! Get in the car!” When he got into the car he started screaming ”dad” again. His shoes and everything were in the road.

‘A gentleman ran out and shoved him the car and told him to stay in the car and said ”daddy’s alright”.

‘I continued to twist the collar and my son started to panic because he saw the dog wasn’t letting go, so the gentleman took him into his house and another lady ran down from upstairs and sat with him.

‘She said he was crying and the only way of consoling him was crying with him.’

Another neighbour called the police at 8.52am, who arrived with riot shields and blocked off the road.

However, Anthoney said that officers were reluctant to go near the dog.

He added: ‘We love animals but how can we domesticate dogs that size? It’s massive.

‘It’s a German Shepherd mix, but it didn’t look like it was a good mix because its back legs didn’t look right.

‘There are so many children living on this street but they don’t go out. It’s too dangerous.’ 

The huge dog was seized by police, who are trying to find its owner, while paramedics tended to Anthoney and his son

Anthoney said: ‘I pushed my hand back in its mouth and tried to push it back up against the wall to force it back and my son stood there and started to scream’

The Met Police told MailOnline: ‘Police were called to reports of a man and a child attacked by an aggressive dog at Broughton Road, Thornton Heath.

‘Officers and London Ambulance Service attended.

‘At the scene a seven-year-old boy and an adult male were found with bite injuries.

‘While at the scene, officers were approached by another man who had also been attacked by the dog.

‘None of their injuries were life threatening.

‘The dog, which appeared to be a German shepherd breed, was seized by officers and will be assessed.

‘Enquiries are underway to identify and locate the owner of the dog.’

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