Forget Hollywood, if aliens ever invade we'll never be able to stop our total destruction, warns chief ET hunter

IF aliens ever invade Earth humans will never be able to stop the total destruction, a chief extraterrestrial hunter has revealed.

Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, said that if a War of the Worlds were to ever happen we would definitely lose.

"If they want to come here and flatten Swindon there’s nothing we can do," he told the Daily Star.

Shostak compared the entire human race to the Carib Indians and aliens toChristopher Columbus when the explorer first invaded their lands in the 15th century.

“Say you’ve got a plan, but it’s like the Carib Indians planning what they’ll do if they see Chris Columbus coming across the horizon," he explained.

“He’s going to get into some small boats and come and land on your island. What are you going to do about that?”

“Bear in mind, any alien travellers that could reach us are very much more advanced technologically than we are.

“Our best rockets would take 100,000 years to get to the next star over let alone to one where there might be some aliens – so the conceit that you see in the movies where we take the invaders on is nonsense.

“If they want to come here and flatten Swindon there’s nothing we can do."

He added that our only option would be to possibly negotiate with the extraterrestrial civilisation.

But even that could be a problem as the scientists claimed that large global institutions like the UN do not take alien invasions seriously.

“If they were to show up in Trafalgar Square, as far as I know, there’s absolutely no contingency for that," he explained.

He claimed that he and his colleagues at the SETI Institute, a non-profit research organisation that scans space for alien life, have been lobbying the UN for years to adopt a protocol in the event of an ET landing.

Meanwhile, astronomers have pinpointed more than 2,000 stars that can catch a glimpse of Earth.

The stars, located in the past and future can detect Earth transitioning across the face of the Sun.


And so if aliens lived on any of those stars, and had the same technological advancement as our planet does, then they would be able to see us.

Shostak claimed that the study would help his team focus on what systems have a view of Earth.

"It really helps in the hunting if you know where the prey is located," he told Nature.

It comes after the Pentagon finally released its UFO report in June.

The long-awaited document detailed what the US government knows about a series of mysterious flying objects that have been observed in military airspaces over the last several decades.

The report, released on the website of the Office of the Director for National Intelligence, examined 144 reports of encounters with what the government deemed "unidentified aerial phenomenon".

Only one of those encounters could be explained by investigators by the end of the study. That case was put down to "airborne clutter".

Investigators also found no evidence to suggest the sightings represented either extraterrestrial life or a major technological advancement by a foreign foe, such as China or Russia.

"Of the 144 reports we are dealing with here, we have no clear indications that there is any non-terrestrial explanation for them — but we will go wherever the data takes us," a senior US official said.

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