Foul-mouthed flasher jailed for naked ‘thrusting’ at punters in Wetherspoons

A foul-mouthed serial stripper has been jailed after going on a naked midday stroll through a city centre on one of the hottest days of the year.

Philip Knott was reported to have been verbally abusive as he made his way past Wetherspoons and McDonald's in Hanley while naked, with some claiming he was 'thrusting his genitals' towards shoppers and making other lewd gestures.

Several videos emerged of the homeless 53-year-old's nude walk before police officers swooped in to detain him after being called at around 1.20pm on June 22.

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Knott has now been locked up for 43 weeks after pleading guilty to exposure and two offences of common assault.

The defendant, of no fixed address, has also been placed on the sex offenders' register for 10 years.

One eye-witness said Knott was shouting things and thrusting himself near the people outside of Wetherspoons, and flashed a child.

"It was disgusting," the eyewitness said.

"He was shouting things like 'I know you want it' and 'I know you're jealous aren't you'."

Another bystander said: "It was terrible what he was saying to women and the actions he was doing.

"It was all in front of little kids."

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Knott – who has battled issues with alcohol and drug addiction – has a history of committing similar offences and was jailed for 10 months last year for another exposure laden rampage in Hanley.

Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard security staff found pornographic images strewn on the ground outside the court.

When they checked CCTV, they discovered images of Knott taking down his trousers, exposing his penis and performing a sex act before mooning at the camera.

Later that day, he stripped naked at a city centre bus stop in Marsh Street South and lay on the ground before shaking his genitals in front of a woman in the street.

He then spat food into the face of a police officer who was trying to deal with him, and ended up being PAVA sprayed so he could be arrested.

On that occasion, Knott admitted assaulting an emergency worker and three counts of indecent exposure.

Those offences came after he was jailed for 10 months for 'strikingly similar' offences the previous November.

In his police interview the defendant said it was a hot day, he saw people staring at him so he dropped his boxer shorts and exposed himself.

And in 2018, Knott head-butted a police officer 15 times to his chest after being arrested for repeatedly swearing.


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