Giants star blasted for Henry Ruggs tweet 'everyone makes mistakes' after Raiders rookie ‘killed woman in 156mph crash’

A GIANTS star has been slammed for tweeting "everyone makes mistakes" after ex-Raiders star Henry Ruggs was involved in a fatal car crash.

Ruggs, 22, rammed his Chevrolet Corvette supercar into the SUV of 23-year-old Tina Tintor while driving at 156 mph.

Harrowing footage shows Tintor's car engulfed in flames while horrified witnesses heard her screaming as she was being burned alive.

While Ruggs has been arrested for allegedly driving under the influence, 22-year-old Giants player Kadarius Toney, tweeted his support.

He posted on Wednesday: "We young…..everybody make mistakes….y’all lookin at the situation like “this or that” kuz it ain’t y’all…having so much too say….

"he know he messed up don’t drag em for it……that’s goofy to me….just pray for the families involved."

But his supportive post backfired, as furious users blasted him and even though he later turned off the comments on his tweet, his post was retweeted almost 7,000 times.

Someone said: "Kadarius Toney is really going to die on the hill defending Henry Ruggs! SMH."

Another one commented:"'everyone makes mistakes'?? Ruggs KILLED SOMEONE. That poor lady died horrifically.

"I read earlier that the first people on scene trying to help said she was screaming in the fire. Mistake?? GTFOH with that BS."

While a third one said: "Kadarius Toney is actually tryin to defend Henry Ruggs?! Wow. Da guy was well ova the alcohol limit and was excessively speedin and killed a woman. There is no defendin Ruggs."

One tweeted: "In addition to being a grammatical nightmare @officialC2N Kadarius Toney thinks Henry Ruggs deserves a mulligan for driving drunk at 156mph and killing someone? Your move @Giants."

And another user said: "Kadarius Toney on Henry Ruggs… "We young…" Yeah, so was the woman who died due to a really stupid decision made by an adult who had multiple options and chose the worst one."


But Toney does not appear to have been bothered by the negative comments as the following day he tweeted: "tough talkin don’t faze me…….gangsta."

Meanwhile, Giants coach Joe Judge issued a statement on Thursday supporting the 22-year-old and saying it's important to "make sure we articulate our words."

He said: “What he tweeted out, I know where his heart was with that. I think sometimes it comes across that obviously you read it and you say OK this doesn’t really sound the right way.

"I think it’s more about making sure we articulate our words .. We talked as a team yesterday about our prayers should be with everybody involved, and that’s the truth.

“One thing I’ll tell you right now is KT’s a good kid. He’s a good dude, he really is, and he’s got a good heart. He’s a hard worker. He’s a team-first guy.

“I think the important thing is we express our prayers are with everybody involved in this. It’s a terrible thing that happened."

Ruggs appeared in a neck brace in court Wednesday on pending felony charges of driving under the influence of alcohol resulting in death and reckless driving.

Judge Joe Bonaventure set his bail at $150,000 with the highest level of electronic monitoring.

The Raiders announced that they were releasing Ruggs from the team.

Ruggs refused a Breathalyzer test at the scene, police said, but later blood tests were taken at the hospital showing his intoxication levels of 0.161, more than double Nevada’s legal blood alcohol content.

 He is set to return to court on November 10.

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