Give more consideration for social workers

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Matt GoldingCredit: .

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Case for social workers
The article, ″⁣School camps saved″⁣ (10/6), brings up valid questions whether teachers should be paid for being on call at overnight school camps. This situation is not restricted only to teachers but many professions, one being first-response social workers.
Social workers are called out all hours of the day or night looking for kids in their care. There is no overtime on pay day, only time in lieu which a lot of social workers don’t take because it’s viewed by the kids as a breaking of trust. The kids trust that their social worker will always be there in a time of need and there always seems to be a time of need.
As unfair as this seems, social workers do their job with no overtime given because their job is to help marginal people and save lives. The world would be a better place if we could recognise all workers’ contribution to society and reward them.

Sharon Hendon, Glen Iris

Assange a warning for all
How will the world be different if Julian Assange is extradited to the United States?
As a foreign national who never stepped foot on US soil, Assange’s situation should send a chilling warning to all. The US has given itself jurisdiction over persons of any nationality, in any country.
If you think this decision affects just one man, think again. What message does this send to others who might dare to consider the same? How might they view the prospect of enduring what Assange has endured? Where does that leave our right to access truthful information about what governments do in our name, with our taxes? And where does it leave our supposed democracies?

Kim Stacey, Black Rock

Restricted parking
Doug Bray’s Comment (10/6) raises a question about disability. I no longer drive but have a disability parking permit and there’s a disabled parking spot outside my house. I also have a home care package and tradespeople and various other support people regularly visit.
Recently, two tradesmen were booked by council inspectors who explained to me that because neither of them were involved in transporting me anywhere, they were not covered by my permit, which they say is limited to cover only the pick-up and delivery of a disabled person.
This is very restrictive particularly when efforts are being made to ensure the welfare of those who choose independent lives. It seems very unfair that a tradie who comes to fix a domestic problem funded through my home-care package cannot use my permit. It also raises questions of access for family supporters and visitors who are themselves elderly or disabled. The permit is marked ″⁣Australian″⁣, the scheme is apparently Victorian, the permit itself is the property of the council.

Ros Collins, Elwood

Grant’s the man
The editorial (10/6) calls for an inspirational Indigenous figure to galvanise the Yes campaign. In terms of eloquence, knowledge and a media reach that embraces fair thinking and intelligent white Australians, Stan Grant transcends all potential Indigenous spokespeople. His part-memoir, Talking to My Country, is unflinching in its description of his Indigenous people being ″⁣the detritus of the Australian frontier″⁣. However, he also talks movingly of how his extended Wiradjuri family’s life has at times intersected lovingly with non-Indigenous people, notably his wife. As viewers of Q&A know, Grant has a profound humanity and a willingness to hear a range of views. Notwithstanding the recent ABC debacle, one can only hope that he might emulate the unifying example of Martin Luther King in the 1960s in America. Grant could bring sceptical Australians to realise that a Yes vote can advance Australia through formalising consultation with Indigenous representatives; and eliminate the gaps blighting outcomes in health, education and justice.

Jon McMillan, Mount Eliza

Ban boxing
I agree with Alan Attwood (Comment, 9/6) to ban boxing. Until the recent advent of the more barbaric cage fighting (MMA), boxing was the only “sport” where the primary objective was to cause brain damage to your opponent, because that is what happens with a knockout.
We’ve banned dog-fighting and cock-fighting on the grounds of cruelty. How are boxing and MMA still allowed?

Terry Black, Black Rock

Stop meddling
Peter Dutton argues that high-ranking officers who weren’t present and didn’t know what was going on in Afghanistan shouldn’t lose their medals. So, why did they get medals in the first place?

Peter Randles,
Pascoe Vale South

Succession points
Jacqueline Maley (Comment, 4/6) is right to point to the deep sexism underlying Succession, but I’d add two further points. The least credible character seemed to be the mother, whom she describes accurately as ″⁣ice-dry″⁣, but who is never really developed as a character. And the series is relentlessly heterosexual, somewhat surprising given American television’s fondness for including at least one token queer character in every story.

Dennis Altman, Clifton Hill

No need to say sorry
Brett Sutton in resigning as the state’s chief medical officer apologised for the inconvenience he caused Victorians during the lockdowns. He did not need to apologise and has well earned thanks from most of us he protected from COVID-19.

Alan Inchley, Frankston

Helping hand
Thank you Brett Sutton, for helping me see through all the spin and bull—-.

David Cayzer, Clifton Hill

Benighted coverage
How is it we never get to see the World Chess Championship on TV?

Paul Drakeford, Kew

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