GP struck off over 'sexual relationship' with schoolgirl, 14

Family GP who had ‘sexual relationship’ with schoolgirl, 14, and sent her sick poem about having sex with her while he was at university is struck off – after his victim came forward 13 years later

  • Dr Ravish Roy, 40, ‘groomed’ girl online and began a sexual relationship aged 14
  • He was struck off after victim came forward and revealed how he preyed on her
  • Roy invited her to Cardiff home when he was a student where they had relations

A family GP has been struck off over a sexual relationship with a schoolgirl initiated by him ‘grooming’ her when she was just 10-years-old after his victim came forward more than a decade later, a medical tribunal heard.

Dr Ravish Roy, 40, was banned from practising medicine after a woman, now 26, came forward to say she was preyed upon by the GP when he was a medical student – and that a sexual relationship started in 2005 when she was 14 and he was 23.

His sick messages to the girl included love poem where he said he ‘fantasised’ about having sex with her in her school uniform mini-skirt, told her ‘age is nothing but a mere number’ and made a joke about the size of his penis.

Roy, from London, and the girl – known as Ms A – had been messaging via MSN Messenger since 2001 when she was 10 and he was 19 and studying at the University of Wales. He told her that he had a crush on her when she was just 12-years-old.

Ian Brook, on behalf of the General Medical Council, submitted that Dr Roy groomed her for four years, and their relationship was increasingly sexual for the last three of those years, while she was a child.

Dr Ravish Roy (pictured), 40, was banned from practising medicine after a woman, now 26, came forward to say she preyed upon by the GP when he was a medical student – and that a sexual relationship started in 2005 when she was 14 and he was 23

Sick messages that Roy (pictured) sent to the girl included love poem where he said he ‘fantasised’ about having sex with her in her school uniform mini-skirt, told her ‘age is nothing but a mere number’ and made a joke about the size of his penis

In 2005 Roy convinced the then 14-year-old girl to skip school and take long train ride Cardiff and to tell her family that she was depressed and ran away after she was reported missing to the police, Ms A told the tribunal.

During the visit he took her to his room where Ms A said Roy ‘immediately started kissed and cuddling me’ on his single bed, before climbing on top of her and ‘simulating sex by thrusting his hips against mine’ as he groped and licked her breasts.

She said when he drove her home along the M1 motorway he would ‘continuously kiss me… while driving at well over 70mph’.

During the drive he pulled over to the hard shoulder ‘at least three or four times to kiss me’ and then lay flat, pull her on top of him so she was ‘straddling’ him, so he could kiss her and lick her breasts, Ms A told the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS).

Roy wrote a sexually charged love poem to the schoolgirl in 2006, when she would have been around 15, which was composed almost entirely of ways Roy wanted to have sexual relations with her and suggestive comments about her appearance.

It opened with: ‘There may be an age gap between us. But age is nothing but a mere number. That is exactly how I feel about the size of my cucumber!’

‘I fanticise [sic] about you in your school uniform. F***ing you through that mini-skirt is why I was born,’ he wrote.

He said her ‘body defines perfection’ and said she had ‘sexy buttocks and thighs’.

Other extracts said: ‘Let’s do it on your living room floor, maybe on your living room couch, I really wanna hear you say “ouch”! Perhaps on your dining table, you know it’s very stable.’

The pair remained friends even after they broke up in 2012 and in 2016 Roy went onto to become a successful GP partner at a surgery in Wood Green, London. But she made a complaint to the General Medical Council in 2018 after reflecting on their relationship whilst confiding to a family friend.

In letter to the GMC she wrote: ‘It has taken me many years to come to terms with the fact that I am a victim of paedophilia and that I should not be ashamed to come forward.’

Ms A also forwarded a series of incriminating texts, emails and other messages in which Roy called her, ‘honey’ and baby’ claimed she was ‘one of the most beautiful girls in the world and said she had sexier legs than US soul singer Amerie Mi Marie Nicholson.

And she further produced a ‘corny’ essay written about her by Roy in which he said: ‘With every kiss, smile, laugh, look and touch I fall deeper in love with you. In the end we all die, but when I’m with you all I think about is you, me, and this one moment of pure bliss. You have a pair of legs that ought to be the envy of all women. Amerie, eat your heart out!’

At the MPTS hearing, Roy from Leytonstone, denied wrongdoing branding Ms A’s account as ‘false and malicious’ but he was found guilty of sexually motivated misconduct. No criminal charges have brought against him.

In a statement Ms A said: ‘I enjoyed our conversations as they made me feel very mature and grown up. He made me feel like an equal and not as though I was several years younger than him.

‘He made me feel important by continually prioritising speaking to me over his other social engagements and sharing details of his life he told me that he didn’t share with others. He would very often tell me speaking to me was the best part of his day.’

She said the pair met up when Roy came home for the weekend to see his parents in 2005 and added: ‘He told me that I looked different and was very genuinely taken aback by the way I looked. He kept complimenting me on how “beautiful” and “sexy” I looked and I was flattered by his attention.

‘I remember he told me I looked “randy” and said he had dressed to impress me by buying a £400 suit to wear just for me. The next day I wore a pair of jeans and I remember that he complimented the way my bum looked. He told me I had an amazing “boonka”, which was an expression for bum he picked up from the TV show: “My Wife and Kids”.

In emails to Ms A, Roy said: ‘Make no mistake, I love you girl! O yes! I have never met someone so affectionate in my life sweetheart!

In another email he wrote: ‘I think most women are b****es now but you’re the one and only exception cause you’re so f***omg sweet! No one else compares honey!’

In Ms A’s witness statement, she went on: ‘During an event Dr Roy repeatedly complimented me and was glued to my side. He brought his digital camera specifically to take pictures of us together and encouraged me to drink from his glass of wine with him. This was the first time I ever tried alcohol.

‘He also took me aside to a smaller room in the venue so that we could talk without other people there. He placed me on his lap and hugged me and kissed me several times all over my hair and face, except my lips, and kept telling me how sexy and randy I looked. Later we went for a walk in a local park. Dr Roy held my hand as we walked and kept stopping to cuddle and kiss me on the cheek and other parts of my face.

‘At one point, when he pulled me in for a cuddle, we heard wedding bells ringing at exactly the same time. He told me that the wedding bells were a sign that I was going to be his wife. We both said ‘I love you’ to one another. I was very flattered and agreed to be his girlfriend.

‘Dr Roy told me he was deeply in love with me, that he couldn’t stop thinking about me and that he was desperate to have sex with me. He told me that on my 18th birthday, he would get a hotel room so that he could finally have sex with me.’

Dr Roy became a successful partner at a GP practice (pictured) in Leytonstone, London in 2016

Ms A told the tribunal that she had to keep the relationship a secret from her family and that Roy told her she was not allowed to tell anyone that he was her boyfriend but he was instead a ‘brother-like figure’ to her.

She said: ‘At one event, Dr Roy took every chance to grab me and take me away from the main party. He took me to a back alley where he kissed me on the lips for the first time. He then got progressively more passionate and physical with me.’

She said she saw Roy in person on Valentine’s Day in 2006 ‘at his insistence’. ‘Dr Roy came to visit me after school as he wanted us to spend our first Valentine’s Day as a couple together,’ Ms A said. ‘I told my parents that I was with a school friend.’

‘When I met up with Dr Roy, he gave me a huge bear hug. I brought him a huge card. We stayed in his car and kissed and he touched me. I thought that as Dr Roy was my boyfriend and I loved him, I should do everything he told me to do. I was therefore happy to try whatever he suggested even though it was completely new to me.’

The pair had a further string of trysts at a conference hall and in which she gave him oral sex and she added: ‘As a general reflection, I never shared Dr Roy’s desire and enjoyment for sexual activity. If anything, I saw it as uncomfortable and awkward and the least appealing part of the relationship, but I was happy to go along with it if it meant we could be together.’

In the weeks before she made her formal complaint in June 2018, Ms A wrote to Roy saying: ‘Hey, we’ve never really had a proper chat since things ended between us. It just happened one day and we went our separate ways.

‘But I have had to explain our relationship to people since and I’ve had a lot of overwhelming concern at the fact that I had a 23 year old boyfriend when I was 14. Now that I’m a 26 year old adult and able to reflect on everything properly, I’m absolutely horrified at the things that happened between us.

‘I would like to speak to you first in order to get some assurance that you are a changed person and would never do something like this again. I have absolutely no interest in ruining your career however I do have an interest in rebuilding my own life and moving forward. I can’t do that unless you realise what you did to me was wrong on every level.’

Roy said in his witness statement: ‘I admit to having an inappropriate emotional relationship, conducted mainly on the telephone and in e-mail correspondence, some of which was inappropriately sexualised and I am incredibly remorseful about this.

‘I disagree that it was sexually motivated but rather it was for emotional intimacy seeking purposes. Our physical contact extended to a kiss on the cheek or a hug but was never sexual until she was an adult.’

His lawyer Mr Anthony Haycroft added: ‘These events occurred around 16 years ago when Dr Roy was not a doctor at the time and he was clearly immature, both sexually and otherwise at the time.

‘This was a case where there was a clear, romantic and emotional infatuation. Unusually, it is a case where the parties had a full adult sexual relationship in due course and were still on good terms by the end of 2017 – five years after they broke up.’

Tribunal chairman Mr Julian Weinberg said: ‘There was a substantial age gap between them, and Ms A was a child at all material times. Whilst he was not a doctor at the material time, he was a medical student and significantly older than Ms A and it was incumbent on him to demonstrate the high standards of behaviour which justified the trust placed in him as a future member of the profession.’

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