Harry and Meghan fear Lilibet being ‘written out of royal history’, expert says

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle fear their daughter may be “written out of royal history” after they failed to get a picture of Lilibet with the Queen during the Jubilee weekend, a royal commentator has claimed.

Harry and Meghan brought Lilibet to the UK for the first time at the start of June to celebrate the Queen reaching 70 years on the throne.

The weekend also marked Lilibet’s first birthday, and the Sussexes released a picture of their youngest child at a picnic at their royal home in Windsor.

READ MORE: Queen 'surprised' by Meghan and Harry's Lilibet name choice, socialite claims

Despite this photo, fans did not see either Lilibet or Archie, 3, at any royal events, and royal commentator Neil Sean has claimed that this might cause the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to worry that their royal links are eroding.

“This all centres upon that alleged meeting between Her Majesty the Queen and Harry and Meghan out at Frogmore Cottage, and the elusive picture that nobody has ever seen, that was allegedly taken of Her Majesty with her namesake Lilibet,” Neil said in a recent YouTube video.

“According to a good source in the US, they feel that they’ve been re-written out of royal history.

“The fact that they decided to release that picture of their daughter to the world was simply a kickback to say, ‘here she is, this is what you’re missing out on’.”

Neil acknowledged that there has been no confirmation from Buckingham Palace about whether a meeting actually took place between the Queen and the Sussexes during the Jubilee weekend, with Harry and Meghan only visibly present at one royal occasion.

However, the royal commentator agreed with other experts, and suggested that the lack of a snap picturing the Queen and her great-granddaughter may have frustrated the former royals.

“By not having a picture with Her Majesty the Queen, according to that good source, it appears that both Harry and Meghan feel that their daughter is going to be re-written out of history,” he claimed.

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“This is because if you think about it logically, when are they next going to return? When will the opportunity be there to have a formal portrait with our gracious monarch, and at 96 years old they have to look logically at that.

“So will their daughter Lili ever truly get to meet her great-grandmother again?”

This comes after a socialite claimed that the Queen was “surprised” by Meghan and Harry’s choice of name for their daughter, instead believing that she would be called Elizabeth.


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