Hero cop who survived cancer dies getting sucked into whirlpool trying to save drowning woman in Australia

AN Australian cop, who survived cancer, has died after getting sucked into a whirlpool while trying to save a drowning woman.

Senior Constable Kelly Foster, 39, attempted to save the student who was reportedly on a canyoning tour of the Blue Mountains in New South Wales on Saturday afternoon.

Witnesses told how Senior Constable Foster dived into the water after seeing the woman's inflatable lilo be sucked into the whirlpool in Wollangambe Canyon.

But as the Officer, who recently returned to work after beating breast cancer, attempted to drag the woman out she too was sucked under by the powerful currents.

The other victim, who reportedly toppled off her lilo, is understood to have been a 24-year-old international student from Sydney.

Police are waiting for confirmation that her family has been notified.

According to the Mail Online, Senior Constable Foster had been trekking from the town of Mount Wilson to the Wollangambe River with her long-term partner, Gavin Morom, on Saturday morning.

Police and ambulance crews rushed to the scene at 2:30pm on Saturday when the two victims were lost beneath the surface of the water.

According to reports, the search was suspended at 6pm due to bad weather conditions.

The search resumed at 7am on Sunday morning and at midday, divers located the bodies of the two victims, a police statement said.

NSW Police Acting Commissioner Mal Lanyon extended his condolences to Kelly's family on behalf of the police force and praised Officer Foster's "commitment to the community".

"It's a very sad time for the NSW Police Force and Kelly’s death is a loss to the whole community," Mr Lanyon said.

"Kelly was a highly regarded and dedicated officer who will be sorely missed by colleagues across the force.

"To hear reports that Kelly was trying to help another woman when she died demonstrates her commitment to the community she served and the ability to put the needs of others before her own.

"Kelly was a highly regarded and dedicated officer who will be sorely missed by colleagues across the force.

"Above all, Kelly was a kind and loving daughter, sister and partner."

Mr Lanyon also spoke of Senior Constable Foster's "strength" after fighting cancer and returning to work following her recovery.

"Her policing career was put on hold when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, however, her strength to survive this and return to work is another testament to her strength and resilience."

A former colleague who joined the NSW Police Force at the same time as Ms Foster said that she remembered her as a "selfless and compassionate individual".

"RIP my old Academy mate. Always a selfless and compassionate individual. You will now be remembered as a hero," the policewoman wrote.

"I will treasure the memories of our good times in Goulbur."

Police confirmed that the fatalities were part of a canyoning group when the incident occurred on Saturday.

Other members of the group are reported to not have been injured.

The canyon is believed to have been flooded due to recent heavy rainfall in the area.

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