THIS hilarious clip shows a "con-artist" dog, that copied its owner's limp, racing around the garden when he left the house.
Russell Jones, who was on crutches, spent £300 on vet bills for Billy, his limping lurcher – only to find out he was just copying him.
Russell, who had his leg in a plaster cast, was left unable to walk and concerned for his pet who was hobbling next to him on the street.
He paid £300 in vet fees and X-rays to figure out why poor Billy was limping.
He soon discovered his golden-coated pup was just imitating his own injured walk out of sympathy.
Russell told ITV's This Morning: "As I was limping around the house, Michelle noticed that he was copying me.
"We thought we'd better phone the vet."
But they found nothing wrong with the dog – and the owner told his Facebook friends: "Cost me £300 in vet fees and X-rays, nothing wrong just sympathy. Love him."
And now Russell has revealed what his dog is like when he's not around.
Instead of limping on one leg – the pooch can be seen sprinting around the garden, proving that all his limbs work perfectly fine.
At one point, the canine even leaps into water to chase a ball – which is a far cry from the hobbling he put on.
Little Billy has now been dubbed a "con-artist," only putting on his limp when his owner was around.
Speaking to Russell this morning, Holly Willoughby said: "There's something quite special that a dog has that much empathy for a human, that he decides to limp alongside you."
The initial video, which Russell posted on social media, now received over two million views.
It shows his beloved pet hop along the street with one paw raised above the ground – mimicking his owner's movements perfectly.
Facebook users commented on how adorable the video was.
One user said: "Oh my goodness, bless his heart. Hope you're not in plaster too long"
Another added: "Aww. Now that is pure love."
A third joked: "He's copying you. That's brilliant! Though you have my sympathy for the vets bill."
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