How I nailed Bath murderer who raped teen and stabbed her 26 times by taking DNA from arrested daughter 30 years later

WHEN 17-year-old Melanie Road left a local nightclub at 2am, her boyfriend offered to pay for a taxi but she refused, cheerfully opting to take the 30 minute walk home.

It was a route the bright, popular teenager from Bath had taken numerous times before – but on June 9, 1984, she didn’t make it.

Melanie – who was about to take her A Levels and was looking forward to going to university – was stabbed 26 times and raped by a sadistic killer, who left her to die in a pool of blood just yards from her front door.

Her body was found at 5.30am by the 11-year-old son of a milkman helping his dad on his early morning round. 

The killer had left a trail of blood spots from the scene of the crime and semen on the body – but it would be 32 years before DNA advances and a lucky break led to the arrest of Christopher Hampton who was jailed for life in 2016.

The murder – which features in tonight’s episode of Murdertown on Crime+Investigation – sent shockwaves through the picturesque Somerset city and had a devastating effect on Melanie’s family.

In her impact statement, read out at Hampton’s trial, Melanie’s mother, then 81, described how the family was torn apart by the brutal death and haunted by thoughts of her finals moments.  

“We put on a face for the outside world,” she said. “Once asleep I hoped I would never wake up so that I could be with Melanie and comfort her.

“The thought of what our lovely daughter had to endure on that fateful night still sucks the energy from within me.

“The horror of the way our daughter died hangs over us like a heavy lead weight which never moves away.”

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The city’s horror was compounded when another young woman, Melanie Hall, disappeared after a night out on exactly the same date, June 9, 12 years later. 

Her skull and bones were discovered in a bin bag by a workman in 2009 and her killer has never been found, due to lack of forensic evidence.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, investigating officer Gary Mason says police have not ruled out Hampton as a suspect.

He believes Hampton must have committed other offences before Melanie's murder.

“He wasn't on police records at all, not even for assault or a minor offence,” he says. “But most police officers and criminal psychologists would say you don't go from nothing to a crime like that.

“That doesn't mean it never happens, but I find it hard to believe Melanie Road’s murder is his only crime.”

All hell let loose

A police loudhailer split the peace of the residential area of Lansdowne at 9.15 on the morning of June 9, 1984, repeatedly calling out the name Melanie.

Having found the unidentified body of a young woman lying in the street, officers had discovered a key ring bearing only her first name – and were now looking for the family of the tragic victim.

Jean Road, already frantic with worry after finding her daughter’s bed had not been slept in, ran out and banged on the boot of the passing police car, demanding an explanation. 

The horrifying truth was about to hit home. 

“The police officer escorted me back to the house and that’s when all hell let loose as our lives were taken over by the tragedy and horror when hearing of our daughter’s death," she said.

After raping her, Melanie's killer had partially dressed her before leaving her to die in front of garages in a quiet cul-de-sac.

“She had some deep stab wounds, mainly in the front and some more shallow stab wounds to her back,” recalls Gary Mason. 

“The officers attending the scene read that she was probably prodded with a knife to make her go in a direction that the offender wanted her to.”

A pool of blood was found behind a low wall a few yards from where her body had been found, prompting speculation she had crouched behind it, hiding from her attacker, before being dragged out.

A trail of 86 blood spots led from the body back towards the city centre, stretching half a mile, and police swabbed every spot, as well as recovering semen from the body.

But forensics were unable to analyse DNA in 1984 and could only narrow suspects down through matching blood types.

A huge manhunt followed, with 90,000 with the correct blood type being interviewed, but police initially drew a blank.

Second murder with chilling echoes

In her statement Jean said the family’s “world fell apart”. Big brother Adrian was unable to complete his university exams and sister Karen, who was breastfeeding her youngest child, was so distressed her “milk dried up”.

“We sat for hours traumatised by the horror of knowing Melanie was gone forever,” she wrote. 

“To never see her beautiful smile and girlish laughter hurts beyond repair."

Jean told how she would wander aimlessly through the city's streets, hoping to see a glimpse of Melanie, adding: "Where Melanie’s blood was spilled, I prayed that it would not rain to wash it away, and when it did I cursed the rain for finally taking it away." 

Advances in DNA technology in 1995 meant that if the perpetrator was on the police database, he would be identified, as would any suspect swabbed during investigation, but still the killer remained a mystery.

Then on June 9, 1996, 25-year-old Melanie Hall had a row with her boyfriend in a Bath nightclub before he stormed off.

Later that night, Melanie disappeared.

The chilling coincidence of both the date and the name led many in Bath to believe the two murders were linked.

Where Melanie’s blood was spilled, I prayed that it would not rain to wash it away

It would be 13 years before a workman clearing a slip road on the M5 would find a bin liner containing the bones and skull of a young woman, who was later identified as Ms Hall.

In a press conference at the time her heartbroken father Steve said: “We had a young, vibrant daughter. Happy, with a future in front of her. Today we have a bag of bones discarded on the side of a motorway.”

Mum Patricia said she was glad they could now “bury her properly” but expressed her anger that Melanie had been “dumped on the side of a road like a sack of garbage.”

Daughter's arrest leads to killer

The development of familial DNA testing – which meant a suspect could be identified through a match with a close relative – provided new hope of a breakthrough.

In 2014, Detective Chief Inspector Julie McKay pushed for a new manhunt using the pioneering forensic method, and an incredible twist of fate provided them with a chief suspect.

Christopher Hampton's daughter – arrested for a minor domestic offence for which she received a caution – provided a DNA sample which suggested she was related to Melanie Road’s killer.

Gary Mason was sent to swab her father, a painter and decorator, who surprisingly agreed.

“I’d been in the police for 40 years and I've dealt with all sorts of criminals, for murder, for serious sexual assaults, and looking back I am still amazed I couldn’t pick up on any sense of anxiousness or a feeling of guilt," he says.

“He shook my hand when I greeted him, he sat down, he signed the consent forms and agreed to two swabs. 

“He knew that they were going to prove his guilt and that within about five weeks, we would know he was the offender, but he was as calm as anything.”

In fact, Gary reveals, a delay in the operation also worked in their favour.

“Julie Mackay was trying to get the management team to agree and get the paperwork to get pushed through to get it done, but it got delayed,” he says.

“If it had happened when we asked for it to happen, we would have been before his daughter’s arrest and we’d have missed it by about a month or two.

"It was lucky, but you make your own luck to some degree."

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Hampton initially entered a plea of not guilty, but when faced with DNA evidence, he changed his plea and in May, 2016, was jailed for life.

But he has never cooperated with the police and Gary says we may never find out if he killed others, including Melanie Hall.

Another potential victim could be Shelley Morgan, a 33-year-old mum who was stabbed to death and sexually assaulted in Bristol two days after Melanie Road died.

“An eminent criminal psychologist felt there was a lot of similarities with the Shelley Morgan murder and that remains undetected but, as with Melanie Hall, there is very little forensic potential,” he says.

“He has always refused to speak to us, even about the murder he has been convicted of, and there are still so many questions.

“But I believe he may have committed other crimes, especially when you consider that, on that night, he was out and about in the early hours and he had a knife with him, so he was obviously up to no good.

“Obviously if we had DNA that could prove Christopher Hampton was responsible for other offences, I would be pleased, for the sake of the families.

“But cold cases are never, ever forgotten and will always be pursued where possible.”

For Melanie Road’s family, the 32-year wait added to their immense pain, splitting the family and, they believe, contributing to Tony’s early dementia, but Gary is pleased they finally got the closure they deserved.

“The family were so pleased when we got the offender and they all wanted to go to the court and say their piece," he says.

“So, for them, I feel we achieved an awful lot because we never gave up and we didn't forget, at any stage, what Melanie had been through.”

Murdertown airs on Crime+Investigation at 9pm tonight and is available to stream on C+I Play on 26th October. Episodes will be available on C+I Play weekly, with Murdertown S1 & S2 available to stream already; please visit

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