I think my daughter is the reincarnation of a famous opera singer – she’s remembers her old name and past life | The Sun

A MUM claims she nearly fainted with astonishment when her six-year-old daughter revealed she was the reincarnation of a famous opera singer.

Dorothy Angelica recalled vivid details of her "past life" as Lily Pons – including her painful death from cancer 34 years before she was born, according to her mother.

Kira Angelica revealed the details in 2019 to Dr Walter Semkiw, a physician and reincarnation researcher based in California.

She told him she had an eerie vision when she was eight months pregnant in 2010.

While sewing a baby blanket, she heard a voice calling "Mommy, Mommy" from another room.

She then saw a young girl in a plaid dress smiling at her before fading away.

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Kira said she believed the soul of her future child could have been trying to communicate with her.

After Dorothy was born as grew older, Kira says it was clear that the girl in the vision closely resembled her daughter.

But she also resembled another person – the woman whose name she first heard years later from the youngster's mouth.

Kira says Dorothy was a natural performer from before she could talk.

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She learned to sing with perfect pitch and had "magnetic stage presence" in a musical production at the age of three and a half.

When she was six, Kira told her about the vision of the girl in the dress.

By then, Dorothy had learned to meditate, although she had not yet learned to read or use a computer.

According to her mother's account, Dorothy decided to meditate to see if she could find out who that girl was in a past life.

"After a few minutes, Dorothy started rattling off details of a possible life," Dr Semkiw wrote on his Reincarnation Research website.

"Kira grabbed a notebook and scribbled down what Dorothy said.

"Kira documented Dorothy’s statements over time. She thought that her daughter was describing imaginary things, but Kira wrote it all down anyhow.

"While Dorothy was sitting on the floor meditating, she suddenly opened her eyes and said: 'Mom, I know who I used to be in a past life.

“'Her name was something like Lizy or Lily, but her REAL name was Alice Pons.'”

Kira googled the names and discovered Lily Pons was a star soprano at New York's Metropolitan Opera who also found fame in Hollywood in the 1930s on US television in the 1950s and 60s.

And when she read that the French-born singer's birth name was Alice Pons, "Kira gasped and almost fainted".

'Hair stood on end'

Dorothy went on reveal more about her past life, her mother claims.

She said Lily spoke many languages, played the piano and was a professional singer by the age of 22.

Dorothy also said her husband’s name was “Cos Liams”, that she had a music room in her house, and loved wild cats and the singing of birds.

In another spooky coincidence, Dorothy developed frequent and very painful abdominal pains.

She told her mother: “Ever since you started talking about dying and being reborn, I started having a terrible stomach ache, and I feel sad.

“I might throw up, Mom. It feels like I had a bad stomach in my past life. Very bad. It makes me sad.”

And during one episode, she declared, “Now I know what Lily Pons died from, Mom. She died from a bad stomach ache.”

Kira then read that Lily Pons had died from pancreatic cancer in 1976.

"Upon reading this, Kira’s hair stood on end!", Dr Semkiw wrote.

Kira also showed Dorothy a photo of Pons, and she said: “Hey, that was me! Now you’ve seen me with short hair, Mom!”

The real Lily Pons was born in 1898 and studied piano as a teenager at the Paris Conservatory before taking up singing and moving to the US.

Her second husband was the conductor Andre Kostelanetz – which Kira believes her young daughter could have pronounced as “Cos Liams”.

Dr Semkiw believes it has all the hallmarks of a true case of reincarnation.

He said Dorothy and Lily Pons are facially similar, which is often seen in the cases he studies.

He added: "The singing and acting talent of Alice Pons is being replicated in the persona of Dorothy Angelica."

As for Kira's vision while pregnant, he believes this is an example of an "announcing dream".

Announcing dreams were described by the pioneering reincarnation researcher Prof Ian Stevenson, who believed there was evidence souls send dreams to families they about to incarnate into.

Prof Stevenson, of the University of Virginia, recorded thousands of cases of reincarnation in his career.

One of the most chilling was a pair of twins who claimed to be two murdered brothers in their past life – and recognised their killers.

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Another youngster claimed to be the reincarnation of a Hollywood agent and remembered what happened when he died.

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