Iran reveals new 'suicide drone' designed to hit Tel Avi

Iran reveals new ‘suicide drone’ designed to hit Tel Aviv… but is warned by Israel of a ‘painful response’

  • General Kioomars Heidari said ‘Arash 2’ drone has ‘unique capabilities’ that were designed specifically for targeting Haifa and Tel Aviv
  • Israel has warned Iran against ‘resorting to force against Israel or Israelis.’ 
  • Efforts to revive the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, have yet to succeed

Iran has developed an advanced long-range suicide drone designed to hit Israel’s Tel Aviv and Haifa cities, a top military commander said. 

Commander of Iran’s Army Ground Force Brigadier General Kioomars Heidari said on state TV that ‘Arash 2’ drone has ‘unique capabilities’ that were designed specifically for targeting Haifa and Tel Aviv.

The director of Israel’s Mossad spy service, David Barnea, reacted to the news and has warned Iran’s rulers against ‘resorting to force against Israel or Israelis.’ 

General said that the drone has joined the Army Ground Force and that they will unveil its capabilities in future exercises

‘The top Iranian echelon must be aware that resorting to force against Israel or Israelis, directly from Iran or via proxies, will meet a painful response against those responsible – on Iranian soil,’ Barnea said in a speech at Reichman University near Tel Aviv on Monday.

‘This will happen in Tehran, in Kermanshah, in Isfahan,’ he added, referring to areas of Iran where authorities have reported sabotage operations against facilities or personnel linked to the country’s military or nuclear programs. 

General Heidari said: ‘Today, we have drones with a strategic range and also a drone with a range of 2,000 kilometers. Of course, we also have drones with lower ranges in our stockpiles.’ 

Heidari has claimed that ‘Arash 2’ drone was specially designed for attacking Haifa and Tel Aviv, adding that it is a unique drone made for that purpose and awaits the command to start operation.

In Iran supreme leader Ali Khamenei in commander in chief.

The general added that the drone has joined the Army Ground Force and that they will unveil its capabilities in future exercises. 

‘Arash 2’ has both seekers and is also equipped with search systems in addition to other unique capabilities that it recovers itself several times until it hits the target, precisely.

The Iranian Army shows the launch of a military unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV or drone) during a two-day drone drill at an undisclosed location on August 25, 2022 in Iran 

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid also warned Iran last Tuesday not to test his country’s ‘long arm’ in a video on Tuesday as he stood next to an F-35 stealth bomber.

‘If Iran continues to test us, it will discover Israel’s long arm and capabilities,’ he said, vowing to ‘continue to act on all fronts against terrorism and against those who seek to harm us.’ 

Meanwhile efforts to revive the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, which Israel opposes, have yet to succeed since negotiations began in Vienna in April 2021.

Israel, which views the deal as flawed, has vowed to do whatever it takes to stop its arch foe from obtaining a nuclear arsenal. 

Iranian Army started a two-day military drone drill in various parts of the country. Iranian Army holds a military drone drill in various parts of the country, Tehran, Iran – 25 Aug 2022 

The 2015 deal offered Iran sanctions relief in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program.

Speaking after European powers expressed frustration with Tehran’s intentions to salvage the agreement, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani urged the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ‘not to yield to Israel’s pressure’ over Tehran’s nuclear activities. 

Iran said on Monday it was ready to continue cooperating with UN nuclear watchdog while revealing a drone capable of hitting major cities in Israel, which has threatened to attack Iranian nuclear sites if diplomacy fails to save a 2015 nuclear pact. 

France, Britain and Germany said Saturday they had ‘serious doubts’ about Iran’s intentions to revive a deal curbing its nuclear program in return for a lifting of sanctions, comments that were rejected by Tehran and called ‘very untimely’ by Moscow. 

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