Is this UK's dirtiest flat? Home filled with empty bottles and rubbish

Is this Britain’s filthiest flat? Disgusting images show rooms covered in piles of rubbish with hundreds of empty booze bottles, carrier bags filled with waste and rotting food left in kitchen

  • Removal specialists shared pictures from ‘house of horrors’ in Newcastle centre
  • City centre flat was full of bottles, takeaway boxes, old furniture and even tyres
  • Company owner said it took his entire team six to seven hours and three vans 

A removal boss has shared shocking pictures after his firm was called in to clear a city centre flat which was so cluttered with rubbish the floors couldn’t be seen.

Disgusting images depict the home in Newcastle awash with empty beer and rum bottles covered in thick layers of dust.

The kitchen stove is filled with pizza boxes and left over food as well as litter that has spilled onto the floor.

The owner of a removals company has shared shocking images of a house clearance job at a flat in the centre of Newcastle. Pictured: The floor was not visible in one of the bedrooms

Every inch of the kitchen’s surfaces was covered in empty alcohol bottles and plastic bags

Clearing out: A picture of just some of the bottles that had been collected at the Newcastle flat

The counters feature a mountain of carrier bags filled with waste and the flat is also cluttered with discarded mattresses, overturned sofas and even tyres. 

Jonny Caisley, director of Gold Star Haulage and Removals, was called in to gut the filth-covered home.

Branding it the ‘house of horrors’, he said: ‘The flat is in the middle of Newcastle city centre so it’s a sought after area and those flats cost around £150,000.

‘The owner was an alcoholic who let it go to wreck and ruin. I got a call to view it and I thought “this is bad”.

‘But, it’s a job. Other companies had turned it down. The smell was horrendous. The food had been left there for a while, as had everything else.

‘We removed all sorts, clothes, tyres, mattresses, rubbish. All of my staff were working on the job and it took six or seven hours to do – and three van loads.’

Jonny Caisley, director of Gold Star Haulage and Removals, was called in to gut the filth-covered home. Pictured: Empty bottles, cans and takeaway wrappers litter the bedroom 

Pictured: Plastic bags, old takeaway boxes and more bottles covered the kitchen surfaces

Despite other companies turning it down, Jonny Caisley, director of Gold Star Haulage and Removals, took on the job and said it took his entire crew six or seven hours to gut the property

Done: How the kitchen and living area looked after the flat had been cleared by Jonny’s team

Pictures after the removal show carpets with huge black stains.

Yet, despite it’s filthy past, Jonny believes the flat could be turned into a new home.

He added: ‘The neighbours were happy we had cleared it as I think he was a nightmare neighbour type.

‘It’s a great location and a decent size. Hopefully someone else can move in and give it a new lease of life.’

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