James Bond-style ‘spaceship’ home with 1970s gadgets that’s frozen in time

Fans of Seventies style will love this time capsule taking us back to the age of flares, kipper ties and maxi-dresses.

The amazing retro property, perfectly preserved with original fixtures and fittings from the glam rock era, is on the market for the first time.

From the mirror tiles and glass brick walls to the handmade carpet and statement pieces of furniture, everything is in its place and looking as special as the day it was built and decorated.

The house in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales,. has been described locally as a “spaceship” or a “James Bond-style” home.

This retro gem is a bespoke, luxury home built for local couple Margaret and James Grainger in 1971 by celebrated Welsh architect and designer Ifan Prys Edwards – and very little has changed since.

At the time, reports Wales Online, the house was top of the range and was definitely ahead of its time.

How many modern homes now have integrated sound systems? This James Bond house had one installed in 1971 in the ceilings of the entertaining spaces.

How many modern homes have an internal intercom system and not just a front door intercom? This spaceship house landed in 1971 with a top of the range intercom that meant Margaret could tell James from the bedroom to the kitchen that it was time for breakfast in bed.

How many modern homes are now upside down houses, with the bedrooms on the ground floor?

This incredible building, described by some like something from TV's Thunderbirds' Tracy Island, was at the forefront of the trend in 1971, and for a very good reason; the couple loved to entertain in the home's most special room, the 'broken-plan' lounge diner that includes a built-in bar.

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But this incredible and special house wasn't always appreciated, or even loved, by the couple's grandchildren when they were young, who thought it was "a bit weird".

Granddaughter Amy Grainger and her sisters, Michelle Grainger Mead, Nikki Webb and Kate Grainger, were rather embarrassed at their grandparent's totally unique home.

Amy says: "I always remember thinking 'what the hell is this?'.

"It was like walking into a spaceship because none of the rooms were square. When I was younger I was a bit embarrassed by it because I used to think it was not like anybody else's house, and I was a bit like 'Oh my God this is so weird!'.

"People would be saying, 'What? That's your nan's house? What's it like inside?', and I'd be thinking oh my God, everything inside is so old!

"But my nan loved it, especially when people would say it looks like something out of James Bond and that it could be used as a film set".

The house is a snapshot of the glamorous times her nan and civil engineer and businessman grandfather used to enjoy at the house, which was definitely a party pad of its time.

Amy says: "I can understand now as an adult why my nan was so proud of it then. When people made a big fuss of it I thought they were just being polite but the fact is now I'm older, it's just nice to think of the kind of glamour, the parties, fancy cars and life that came with it for them – all centred around this house.

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"Researching about the house so much has given me a new-found respect for it," Amy added.

"I never recognised it as anything special before but as an adult looking back now I'm thinking it was amazing – it includes top of the range everything. It cost about £30k when it was built in 1971."

Amy hopes the house’s unique features will be preserved, saying: ”We’d hope that they'd respect the beauty and originality of it, that they leave it untouched and respect the special soul of this special house."

The house is for sale for £550,000 with agency The Modern House. Call them on 020 3795 5920 to find out more.

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