Jared Kushner threw Israeli ambassador out of the White House: Book

Jared Kushner screamed at the Israeli ambassador and told him to ‘get out’ of the White House when he said Netanyahu didn’t trust Trump to broker a peace deal in the Middle East, book claims

  • Trump’s son-in-law also threatened Netanyahu when the ex-prime minister said he would proceed with West Bank annexations without the US’s go-ahead
  • ‘This will be the biggest mistake you have ever made,’ Kushner told him according to Israeli Axios reporter Barak Ravid’s new book 
  • When Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer tried to stall the Abraham Accords to try to add more countries, Kushner allegedly said he could get one or ‘go f**k himself’
  • Ravid also claims that Netanyahu tried to pull out of the Accords the day before the deal was announced but the US made it clear that was not possible
  • ‘I don’t think Bibi ever wanted to make peace,’ Trump told the Israeli author  
  • Trump spoke highly of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas – ‘I thought he was terrific. He was almost like a father. Couldn’t have been nicer’ 
  • On Friday, it was revealed Trump said he hasn’t spoken to Netanyahu since he congratulated Biden on his 2020 win. ‘F*** him,’ Trump said
  • Netanyahu said he congratulated Biden because he appreciates ‘the importance of a strong alliance between the US and Israel’ 

Former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and ex-senior adviser Jared Kushner once screamed at the Israeli ambassador and kicked him out of the White House, a new book claims. 

The initial meeting between Kushner and former Ambassador Ron Dermer occurred in February 2020 as relations between Israel and the US were rapidly deteriorating over disagreements on how to deal with Palestine and Israel’s encroachment on the West Bank.

At a later point Kushner reportedly answered the diplomat’s request to hold the Abraham Accords until two more Arab countries could be added by telling him Israel could take the existing deal with the United Arab Emirates or he could ‘go f**k himself.’ 

According to the author, Israeli Axios reporter Barak Ravid, Kushner’s February outburst came after Dermer told him that then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had reservations over whether he could trust the Trump administration.

‘Don’t be mistaken to think that everything that happened in the past three years was for you. We did it because we were serious about peace,’ Kushner reportedly screamed in response.

‘To say such a thing about us is disgusting. Get out.’

A month earlier, Dermer allegedly ran into a similar wall with the White House when he requested a personal meeting with Trump.

‘The president doesn’t like you guys right now,’ Avi Berkowitz, one of Trump’s Mideast peace envoys, replied in the account.

And Kushner, who Trump reportedly ‘surprised’ the night before his 2016 inauguration with the task of solving Middle East peace, was not afraid to bring the fight to even Netanyahu himself, according to an account of Ravid’s book reported in Forward. 

Kushner threw former Israeli ambassador to the US Ron Dermer out of the White House for expressing Netanyahu’s uncertainty over whether he can trust Trump, a new book detailing the final months of Trump’s fraying relationship with Israel claims

The White House had reportedly been using Netanyahu’s forced compromise with his government’s opposition party to stall discussions on Israeli annexations.

Netanyahu, frustrated, allegedly threatened to proceed without the US government’s greenlight. 

‘This will be the biggest mistake you have ever made,’ Kushner told his longtime family friend. ‘Trump will come out against you.’

The book details one other clash between Kushner and Dermer as the US, Israel and United Arab Emirates were trying to hammer out a deal that would eventually be the Abraham Accords. 

The diplomat allegedly told Berkowitz that Netanyahu wanted to wait on signing the deal until he could get two other Arab countries on board.

Kushner replied according to the book, ‘Tell Ron that one country is all he’s getting, and if he doesn’t want it, let him go f**k himself.’

The book, published in Hebrew, was released on Sunday

Netanyahu himself almost got cold feet on the historic deal. Ravid writes that the embattled former prime minister tried to back out the day before the Abraham Accords were announced.

‘But the Americans made it certain the train had left the station,’ the report reads. 

Throughout his book the Axios journalist details the deteriorating relationship between Trump and Netanyahu in the last year of Trump’s presidency. 

In another part, the ex-president  claimed his promise of peace between Israel and Palestine fell through because Netanyahu was not interested in peace, escalating new tensions between himself and the former Israeli prime minister, a longtime ally.

‘I don’t think Bibi ever wanted to make peace,’ Trump told Israeli author Ravid.

‘I think he just tapped us along. Just tap, tap, tap, you know?’ 

But in a piece for Axios, Ravid said that Trump spoke highly of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. 

‘I thought he was terrific,’ Trump said. ‘He was almost like a father. Couldn’t have been nicer. I thought he wanted to make a deal more than Netanyahu.’ 

Abbas reportedly told Trump he was eager to make a deal, while Netanyahu told him to wait. 

Peace between Israel and Palestine has eluded US presidents for decades, and in the beginning of 2020, Trump proposed a deal that would have been the most favorable to Israel since the Madrid peace conference in 1991. 

‘My whole life is deals. I’m like one big deal. That’s all I do, so I understand it. And after meeting with Bibi for three minutes … I stopped Bibi in the middle of a sentence. I said, ‘Bibi, you don’t want to make a deal. Do you?’ And he said, ‘Well, uh, uh uh’ — and the fact is, I don’t think Bibi ever wanted to make a deal.’ 

But Trump also accused Abbas of ‘hugs and kisses’ behind closed doors and criticism in public. 

Kushner reportedly threatened Netanyahu, an old family friend, telling him that proceeding with West Bank annexation without the United States’ go-ahead ‘will be the biggest mistake you have ever made’

Former President Trump claimed his promise of peace between Israel and Palestine fell through because Benjamin Netanyahu was not interested in peace

‘I thought he was terrific,’ Trump said of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (above). ‘He was almost like a father. Couldn’t have been nicer. I thought he wanted to make a deal more than Netanyahu.’

‘When he went back home, he didn’t say the right things. He said much more warlike things than what he said to my face. … Maybe he felt, politically, it was good,’ Trump reasoned. 

Trump also said that Netanyahu’s opponent, deputy Prime Minister Benny Gantz, would have been much easier to strike a deal with. 

Trump said of Gantz: ‘I thought he was great. A really impressive guy. In my opinion, it would have been much easier to make a deal with the Palestinians [with Gantz] than with Netanyahu. The Palestinians hate Netanyahu. … They did not hate Gantz. It’s a big factor.’ 

Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign repeatedly said he had been told peace was not possible between Israel and Palestine. 

‘I have been told by everybody that it’s not doable. Sheldon Adelson said it’s not doable,’ Trump said, referring to the late Republican mega-donor, whom he referenced repeatedly in our interview when discussing his Middle East policies.

‘The hatred is so great between the Palestinians and the Israelis. They learned from the first day to hate each other, especially the Palestinians toward Israel,’ Trump claimed. ‘And Sheldon was a great deal-maker. He said it’s impossible.’

And when Trump announced his peace plan in 2020, Netanyahu seized on the opportunity to annex parts of the Israel-occupied West Bank ahead of elections.   

The White House was taken aback. ‘I got angry and I stopped it because that was really going too far,’ Trump told Ravid.  

Abbas was highly critical of the plan – where proponents called it the ‘deal of the century, Abbas called it the ‘slap of the century.’  

Trump came to the same realization that former Presidents Clinton and Obama did – that Netanyahu would stand in the way of a peaceful two-state solution. In a 2014 interview, Clinton said that Netanyahu was probably ‘not the guy’ who would make peace with Palestine. 

Though the Israel-Palestine peace deal fell through, the Trump administration did broker a number of peace deals between Israel and four Arab states, a series of deals known as the Abraham Accords. 

On Friday it was reported that Trump railed against Netanyahu for congratulating President Biden on his 2020 win, calling him disloyal and ungrateful.

‘I haven’t spoken to him since. F*** him,’ Trump said. 

‘I liked Bibi. I still like Bibi. But I also like loyalty. The first person to congratulate Biden was Bibi. And not only did he congratulate him, he did it on tape,’ Trump told Ravid.  

Netanyahu was not the first world leader to congratulate Biden and he waited more than 12 hours after the U.S. networks called the election to send his felicitations.

He did post his congratulations on Twitter and in a video on November 8, 2020, the day after the race had been called in Biden’s favor. In the post, he and Biden have had a ‘long & warm’ personal relationship for almost 40 years and sees him as ‘a great friend of Israel’ and looks forward to working together.

‘Bibi could have stayed quiet. He has made a terrible mistake,’ Trump said.

He accused the former Israeli leader of disloyalty, saying he had helped Netanyahu in his own elections by reversing decades of U.S. policy and supporting Israel’s claims over the Golan Heights, captured from Syria during a war in 1967.

In a separate Twitter post at the time, Netanyahu thanked Trump ‘for the friendship you have shown the state of Israel and me personally, for recognizing Jerusalem and the Golan, for standing up to Iran, for the historic peace accords and for bringing the American-Israeli alliance to unprecedented heights.’

Netanyahu defended his congratulator message. 

‘I highly appreciate President Trump’s big contribution to Israel and its security. I also appreciate the importance of the strong alliance between Israel and the U.S. and therefore it was important for me to congratulate the incoming President,’ Netanyahu said in a statement to Axios.

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