Jilted wife batters love rat husband's mistress as she rains down punches and kicks her in the head at school gates after discovering affair

A JILTED wife punched her love rat husband's mistress in the face outside the school gates after finding out about the affair.

Lauren Gray, 38, yelled "I want a word with you" before leaving Amanda Boylan with a bloody nose in the confrontation outside a school in Paisley, near Glasgow.

The mum admitted to assaulting her love rival in January, with the court told "tempers and emotions were high" as it was the first time the women had seen each other since the affair had been uncovered.

She pled guilty to assaulting Miss Boylan by punching her on the head and grabbing her by the hair

Procurator Fiscal Depute Saud Ul-Hassan told Paisley Sheriff Court Miss Boylan had heard Gray shout: "I want a word with you" as she walked past.

The prosecutor said: "Miss Boylan ignored the accused and walked in to the gates of the school.

“She started walking back to her car.

“The accused and Miss Boylan then exchanged words about an allegation involving the witness Boylan and the accused’s husband.

“The accused punched her in the face and seized her by the hair then made off in her motor vehicle.”

Gray was eventually tracked down at her own home and charged with assault.

Her defence solicitor David Nicholson told the court it was a "spontaneous" attack.

He said: “There is a background to this in so far as there was an infidelity between Mrs Gray’s husband and the complainer.

“This was the first coming together between her and the complainer and tempers and emotions were high.

“There was an exchange and she reacted in this manner – it was spontaneous.

“Emotions were high and she felt significantly wronged.

“She apologises for her conduct.

“She and her husband and now working through the issues that led to this particular incident.”



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The spurned wife is now "working through the issues" with her husband, the court heard.

Gray pleaded guilty to assault.

Sheriff Colin Pettigrew fined Mrs Gray, who works as a sales assistant, £400 for the offence – which he termed “entirely inappropriate” – and ordered her to pay the fine at the rate of £40 every four weeks.

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