JK Rowling slams rapist's sentence after he attacked girl, 13

‘Young Scottish men are effectively being told, “first time’s free”‘: JK Rowling slams 21-year-old rapist’s sentence after he was spared jail for attacking girl, 13, because he’s too young for prison under Nicola Sturgeon’s justice reforms

  • Tommy Ross KC also said the sentence given to Sean Hogg was ‘unusual’

J.K. Rowling has hit out at the community sentence given to a man who raped a 13-year-old girl at the age of 17 – saying young Scottish men are ‘effectively being told “first time’s free.”‘

Sean Hogg, 21, was found guilty of raping a vulnerable teenager at Dalkeith Country Park in Midlothian, Scotland but has been deemed too young to go to jail by a judge.

Judge Lord Lake said the age of the rapist, 17 at the time of the attack, had to be taken into account when passing sentence.  

Hogg, of Hamilton, Lanarkshire, walked free from court and will only have to carry out 270 hours of unpaid work – a sentence which has sparked outrage. 

Rowling today tweeted a news article on Hogg’s sentence with the caption: ‘Progressive Scotland 2023, where a man gets no jail time for raping a 13-year-old girl in a park. 

‘Young Scottish men are effectively being told ‘first time’s free.’’

Sean Hogg (pictured), 21, was found guilty of raping the vulnerable teenager at Dalkeith Country Park in Midlothian

Rowling today tweeted a news article on Hogg’s sentence with the caption: ‘Progressive Scotland 2023, where a man gets no jail time for raping a 13-year-old girl in a park’ (Rowling pictured last year outside a theatre performance)

Prosecutors were yesterday weighing up whether to challenge the sentence for being ‘unduly lenient’.

Under new court guidance, criminals under the age of 25 are treated more leniently because of their alleged brain immaturity.

The guidelines were drawn up by the controversial Scottish Sentencing Council, which was set up by the SNP Government in 2015  – a year after Nicola Sturgeon became first minister – and led by Lady Dorrian, the Lord Justice Clerk.

A top lawyer has also branded the community sentence Hogg was given as ‘extraordinary’. 

Leading KC Tommy Ross has said the 270-hour community sentence handed down to Hogg was ‘very unusual’.

He told BBC Radio’s Good Morning Scotland he had never known a case like it, adding: ‘It is an extraordinary sentence.

‘I have been working in the high court for around 20 years and I have never seen anybody avoid prison for rape until yesterday.’

Leading KC Tommy Ross (pictured) has said the 270-hour community sentence handed down to Hogg was ‘very unusual’

Opposition leaders described Hogg’s sentence as ‘an insult’ to the teenage victim.

Sandy Brindley, chief executive of Rape Crisis Scotland, said: ‘This is an extremely serious case and we are shocked this perpetrator has not received a custodial sentence. 

‘Given the gravity of this crime and the fact it was tried at the High Court, this sentence appears to us to be worryingly lenient.

‘Our thoughts are with the survivor of this crime. For survivors of any sexual violence, it can be very difficult to see reports of convicted perpetrators walking free from court.’

Court papers state that Hogg attacked the girl on various occasions between March and June 2018. They also say he assaulted the teenager by threatening her and pulling down her clothing.

He then seized her by the wrists and forced her to commit a sex act before going on to rape the youngster.

As well as being ordered to carry out unpaid work, Hogg was put under supervision and placed on the sex offenders’ register for three years.

Judge Lord Lake said the age of the rapist, who was 17 at the time of the attack, had to be taken into account when passing sentence. It means Hogg, of Hamilton, Lanarkshire, will only have to carry out 270 hours of unpaid work. Pictured, the High Court in Glasgow (stock image)

At Hogg’s sentencing at the High Court in Glasgow yesterday, Lord Lake said that he had considered guidelines on offenders under the age of 25.

He also concluded that prison would not contribute to the thug’s rehabilitation and took into account the fact he was a first-time offender.

Lord Lake said: ‘Rape is one of the most serious crimes and that is why it is tried at the High Court.

‘Looking at the circumstances, her age and vulnerabilities are aggravating factors. For the level of seriousness, I have to consider your liability and have regard to your age as a factor. 

‘This offence, if committed by an adult over 25, would attract a sentence of four or five years.

‘I don’t consider that appropriate and don’t intend to send you to prison.

‘You are a first offender with no previous history of prison; you are 21 and were 17 at the time. Prison does not lead me to believe this will contribute to your rehabilitation.’

But last night Scottish Conservative justice spokesman Jamie Greene said the sentence places the wellbeing of Hogg above that of the schoolgirl he attacked.

He added: ‘The lack of a prison sentence is a total insult to the young teenage victim in this case.

‘It once again reaffirms how misguided the SNP’s sentencing guidelines are in reality and how judges’ hands are tied as a result.

‘While this dangerous sex offender committed the offence when he was 17, the policies agreed to by SNP ministers mean that under-25-year-olds are now routinely wrapped in cotton wool.

‘The needs of a criminal have shamefully been put above those of a victim in the SNP’s justice system.

‘This young girl will be scarred for life by this horrendous attack. Her and her family now have to suffer the indignity of this criminal only being handed down a community payback order, many of which are often written off by this SNP Government.

‘It is time victims are always put first, which is why I have brought forward my victims law to the Scottish parliament to ensure that is always the case.’

Yesterday, a spokesman for Scotland’s public prosecution service said: ‘As with all cases, the Crown will consider the sentence and give consideration to whether it might be unduly lenient.’

A Scottish Government spokesman said: ‘Decisions on sentencing in individual cases are taken by the independent court within the legal framework where they consider all the facts and circumstances, and the Scottish Government does not comment on nor intervene in individual cases.

‘Sentencing guidelines are the responsibility of the independent Sentencing Council, the establishment of which was backed by all parties in parliament.’

Lawyer Donald Findlay KC, defending, told the sentencing hearing that an appeal against Hogg’s conviction is being planned.

  • Rape Crisis Scotland’s helpline is open every night from 5pm to midnight. Telephone: 08088 010302.
  • Rape Crisis England & Wales is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Call free on 0808 500 2222. 

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