Kailee Scales, Former Black Lives Matter Managing Director, Awarded Lifetime Achievement Prize

Making a positive impact isn’t easy, so those who are should be celebrated.

Kailee Scales served as the first Managing Director of Black Lives Matter Global Network and helped take the movement from a hashtag to one of the most powerful organizations in the world.

Now she’s aiming to do the same in her new role as CEO of nonprofit Pencils of Promise, and getting recognized for all of her incredible work.

It was recently announced that Scales was awarded a lifetime achievement from Classy, an online fundraising platform with a mission to mobilize and empower the world for good. The ninth annual Classy Awards, one of the largest in the social impact sector, selected 13 winners from a competitive pool of more than 1,700 applicants.

“Classy Award nominees set the bar for ambitious, innovative, and impactful work in service of the greater good. These groundbreaking nonprofit organizations work tirelessly, often with too little resourcing and recognition, to drive change in their communities,” says Soraya Alexander, Classy’s COO. “We started the Classy Awards in 2009 as a way to honor this incredible cohort of organizations that give so much to the world. Congratulations to this incredible group of Classy Award winners, and a deep thank you for the work that you do.”

Scales Scales started her career as an organizer for New York Congressional candidate Barry Ford, then went on to work with the WHO, UN, and global CEOs to ideate solutions for social impact issue. In June 2021, Scales stepped into her role as CEO of Pencils of Promise, an organization that has built more than 580 schools across the globe.

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