Labour has chosen to back vandals and thugs by blocking sensible protest laws

Crusties’ party

WHOSE side is Labour on? Certainly not the hard-working public’s.

Keir Starmer’s unelected peers have inflicted defeats on the Government which had Insulate ­Britain and Extinction Rebellion’s crusties dancing with joy.

One by one, sensible new measures to help prevent motorway-blocking, train-halting eco-fanatics causing hardship and misery to those with jobs were knocked back by left-wing Lords.

A ban on carrying super-glue to a demo to stick their hands to a road? No way! A ban on serial offenders going to yet another protest? No chance!

A ban on blockades of key infrastructure, including airports and newspaper plants? Absolutely not! All were painted, absurdly, as a fascistic assault on the right to protest. What overblown bilge.

Labour, as Home Secretary Priti Patel says, has chosen to back vandals and thugs against the law-abiding majority.

The Tories must drive these laws through. And Britain must beware.

Jurors are letting off arrogant statue-wreckers and sociopathic eco-cultists based not on the law but because they sympathise with them.

And a wannabe Labour Government thinks the right of woke extremists to inflict disruption trumps that of everyone else to go freely about their lives.

That road is open to us. It leads to ruin.

Pay & dismay

PRECIOUS little of yesterday’s hugely positive economic news will gain the Tories any credit with pay falling behind inflation.

It’s fantastic that employment is booming, unemployment is almost down to pre-Covid levels and the predicted ­tsunami of layoffs never happened.

Wages rising by 4.2 per cent should be great news too. Except inflation’s at 5.1 per cent. We’re all getting poorer.

You might think this would be the worst time to hammer workers with a tax hike too and you’d be right. But that is what’s coming in April, along with staggering rises in many energy bills.

The Government may imagine things could barely get worse than Partygate.

Without an urgent plan to cut the cost of living, they ain’t seen nothing yet.

BBC’s squeals

WITH tedious predictability the BBC now issues dire warnings about the savage cuts it will have to make to popular channels.

And that is just with the licence fee frozen for two years, let alone if it is ditched for a subscription model later.

The Beeb can’t possibly find enough savings elsewhere, of course. Not in all those lavish salaries, its infamous over-staffing or its vast over-reach, including into local news.

It surely won’t be long before boss Tim Davie brandishes his axe at Strictly or David Attenborough.

Only time will tell if the Tories are truly serious about reinventing the BBC.

But it’s time its bluff was called.

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