Man discovers someone in his home town with same name and address was paying his student loans

A SCIENTIST discovered a man in his home city with the same name and date of birth has been paying his student loans.

Harpreet Singh’s double, who works in a kebab shop, has wrongly had hundreds of pounds deducted by the taxman.

The pair discovered the blunder after HMRC mistakenly sent the takeaway worker the email address of the neuroscientist.

The fast-food employee, from India, settled in Harpreet’s home city Peterborough last year.

It is thought he was paying off both of the graduate’s student loans, including for his master’s degree in clinical psychology.

The scientist, 25, said: “Basically, there has been a bureaucratic muddle and on paper we appear to be the same person.

“We have the same date of birth, name, and age. The other Harpreet is living in Peterborough — where I’m from — and working in a kebab shop.

"It’s a freak coincidence. He was being taxed for my undergraduate and postgraduate student loan and had never been to university in this country.

“He emailed me. We’re just trying to untangle any mix-ups.”

Harpreet, now of Bath, added: “I’m looking forward to meeting him when I go home and will definitely order a kebab.”

HMRC apologised and is working to resolve the problem.

    Source: Read Full Article

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