Mom of NYC boy who fell from 29th floor has pending child abuse charge

Mom of NYC boy, 3, who plunged to his death from 29th floor apartment has pending child endangerment charge and ‘thought son was safe playing alone in living room when he fell’

  • Jayce Garcia, 3, died after falling from the 29th floor balcony in New York City on Saturday 
  • His mom – named as Jayda by relatives – was recorded, devastated outside of the building after the fall
  • The boy’s mother has an open child endangerment charge against her stemming from a November incident
  • It’s unclear if that related to Jayce or another child, and further details of the allegations have yet to emerge 
  • While the boy’s father has been mentioned in nine domestic abuse cases, seven as the victim
  • Neighbors said they heard adults fighting about 10 minutes before they heard a thump
  • The boy, wearing only a diaper and yellow t-shirt, was found on the scaffolding
  • He was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead 
  • Police said the child’s death is under ‘active investigation’ 

The mother of the three year-old boy who died after falling from a 29th floor balcony of a New York City apartment building on Saturday morning was facing a previous child endangerment charge at the time of her son’s death.

Jayce Garcia plunged to his death from the Harlem apartment tower Saturday, with his mom Jayda now revealed as a suspected child neglecter, the New York Post revealed.

 A friend said Sunday that Jayda and partner Julio Garcia were in a separate room, and believed there son to be safe playing in their living room by himself when he broke through some mosquito netting and fell onto fifth floor scaffolding. 

Jayda has an open charge against her, dating back to November, but it’s unclear if it relates to Jayce, and further details of the allegations have yet to emerge. 

Meanwhile Jayce’s dad Julio, has been named in nine different domestic violence reports, and is listed as a victim in seven of them. It’s unclear if Jayda is the person accused of abusing him, with the couple reportedly heard arguing in the run-up to their son’s horrific death fall. 

The mom was seen kneeling in anguish on the road outside her apartment building, with eyewitnesses saying she cried ‘My baby, my baby, he is up there,’ after her son’s tragic death. 

Jayce Garcia pictured on a GoFundMe page that was set up by his aunt to help to pay for his funeral expenses

This is the ripped mosquito netting which Jayce is believed to have fallen through while playing alone in a room of his parents’ 29th floor Harlem apartment  

The Taino Towers residential complex on Third Avenue between East 122nd and 123rd Streets 

Speaking to the Post, Jayce’s grandmother, Cherise Young, told the Post: ‘[The boy’s mom is] not doing well at all. She’s not well at all.’

Cherise described the child as a ‘very happy baby’ and added: ‘His mother loved him very much. It was a normal, loving relationship.’ She also said that the only met Jayce’s father on a couple of occasions.   

The Post also reported that Jayce’s parents were in the bedroom of the apartment and thought the child was playing in the living room. When they stopped hearing him, they noticed loose mesh netting over their balcony.

That’s when they looked down and made the horrific discovery as they saw their child lying motionless on a scaffolding on the fifth floor of the building. 

Police responded a 911 call at the Taino Towers residential complex in Harlem around 11:10 a.m., where they found the toddler on a third floor scaffolding wearing a diaper and a yellow t-shirt. 

Heartbreaking video from a witness driving by shows the chaotic scene in front of the apartment building, and captures a woman falling to her knees next to the ambulance as emergency workers attempt to her console her. 

Neighbors told the Post they heard what sounded like a ‘boom’ and a ‘thump’ when the boy fell. He was transported to Harlem Hospital where he was pronounced dead.  

The toddler’s distraught mother cried out from the street below, witnesses said. She was photographed weeping by the Post. His father tried to climb onto the scaffolding to get to the child, witnesses added, but he unable to do so. 

A neighbor told The Post that her kids heard ‘a big fight’ between adults coming from the 29th-story balcony and less than 10 minutes later, there was a ‘thump.’  

That neighbor, who wasn’t named, said the home had a history of domestic violence, although the toddler’s death is being treated as accidental. 

Police said the child’s death is under ‘active investigation.’ 

On the GoFundMe page, Jayce is described as a ‘sweet, innocent child with nothing but hugs and smiles.’ 

His aunt wrote: ‘He loved to play with his race cars and loved to snuggle while watching Disney movies. He was such a bright child with a huge life ahead of him. He was surrounded by many who loved and adored him.’

The goal of the page is $50,000.  

A woman falls to her knees after a three-year-old boy falls from the 29th floor balcony of an apartment building in New York City on Saturday. He was rushed to the hospital where he died

‘We believe the child exited through a window, but exactly how that occurred is under investigation at the time,’ a police spokesperson told The Associated Press.  

The Taino Towers residential complex is located on Third Avenue between East 122nd and 123rd Streets.   

Nidia Cordero, 58, a foster mom who lived on the 34th floor, said her kids heard a fight between adults on the 29th floor minutes before the toddler fell.   

‘When you look out the terrace you see the baby’s body. He was in his diapers and T-shirt,’ Cordero said.  

‘Then you hear screams,’ she added. ‘I think the mom was screaming and I looked and the baby was in the scaffolding.’  

Other neighbors said that while the mother screamed from the street below, the boy’s father ‘ran downstairs crying,’ and tried to climb onto the scaffolding to get to the child but was unable to.  

‘She was sitting on the ground in her socks,’ neighbor Alexander Townsend said of the boy’s mother. ‘She was screaming, ‘My baby, my baby, he is up there,”  

Neighbors say the mother was on the ground crying out for her son who had just fallen from the 29th floor balcony in Harlem 

Tanjelyn Castro, 33, who lives on the 23rd floor, told The Post she heard a ‘boom’ that sounded like construction.   

‘It sounded like something really heavy. It sounded like construction,’ Castro said. ‘We just started looking and everybody started coming out of their building.’  

‘Everybody that were upstairs that could see down, saw the little boy with the yellow shirt. He was flat in the scaffolding.’  

She then described the frantic scene as neighbors and emergency workers attempted to reach the child after what she   

‘Everybody that was outside was running, climbing,’ Castro added. ‘Every man you saw was trying to get to the scaffold. It was a whole bunch of emotion.’   

Another witness Richard Linares, 36, told New York Daily News that the toddler was still crying when his own son ran to help.   

‘My boy that was here ran to the front. He ran up the scaffold to find the baby. The baby was still crying and breathing when he got there.  

‘By the time the paramedics brought him down, they had a towel over his face.’  

New York City law requires owners of buildings with three or more apartments to install window guards if a child age 10 years or younger lives there or if a tenant or occupant requests them.   

It’s unclear whether window guards were installed in this particular apartment.  

But neighbor Castro told The Post that the balconies are about 30 years old and are in the process of being replaced.   

‘We don’t have no AC right now,’ she added. ‘Everybody hangs out on the balcony right now but I can’t say if it’s one thing or another.’  

Police said the child’s death is under ‘active investigation’ and that authorities are speaking with two individuals who were inside the apartment when the boy fell.

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