Mum discovered an angel inside an aubergine in 2008 and still has it

Slice of heaven: Reiki guru discovered ‘miracle’ outline of an angel inside an AUBERGINE in 2008… and has kept it in her freezer ever since

  • Maya Rana was making a curry back in 2008 when she found the outline
  • The 54-year-old became obsessed with the angels when she started reiki 
  • She once claimed a group of them formed a choir and woke her up one morning

A mum-of-two said it was a ‘miracle’ to discover the perfect outline of an angle in her aubergine she kept in the freezer for 14 years.  

Maya Rana was making a aubergine curry back in 2008 when she cut up the fruit and found the angel outline running through it.

At the same time the 54-year-old started doing reiki – a Japanese form of energy healing – when she became obsessed with the religious beings. 

She has claimed to have heard them while also insisting that a group of them formed a choir in her bedroom and woke her up one morning. 

The reiki practitioner refused to throw the aubergine away as she said finding the outline of the angel in her dinner was a sign that they were ‘with her’.  

Photos captured show the reiki practitioner proudly holding her circular slice with the silhouette of an angel, complete with open wings, which have been carved by the fruit’s seeds.

Maya Rana (pictured) was making a aubergine curry back in 2008 when she cut up the fruit and found the angel outline running through it

Maya, of Leicester, Leicestershire, said: ‘I was very surprised to see the angel in the aubergine, you don’t expect to see that.

‘I couldn’t believe it, you could properly see the outline of the angel and everything. I was cutting into the aubergine and noticed it straight away.

‘As I cut more slices it was all through the aubergine. I was just chopping an aubergine and all through the whole thing, every slice, had the same outline on it.

‘To me straight away, it looks like an angel. I kept the biggest slice, which was the middle one and I’ve still got it after all these years in a little tub in the freezer.

‘I can’t bear to throw it away. I just think it’s like a miracle, especially experiencing so many [other] things as well around that time.

‘To me that’s a sign that angels are with me. They’re not going to come unless you truly believe in them then they start making themselves available or seen to you – you can see them or hear them..’

The singleton said she started looking into angels after she got divorced in 2008.

The reiki practitioner refused to throw the aubergine (pictured) away as she said finding the outline of the angel in her dinner was a sign that they were ‘with her’

Maya’s interest was sparked by a friend who used to do reiki that told her she had a dream where angels appeared and said that she also needed to do reiki.

She then started completed her training and does it for friends and family.

Maya said: ‘Things started happening after I did the reiki course and started looking into angels more.

‘The more I started thinking about them and looking into it, I started seeing things, like the aubergine.

‘I started believing in it so much. I was going around charity shops looking for angel books and when you do reiki you have a 21 days ‘clearing period’ to get rid of negativity.

‘The priest says that you’ll hear and see things but not to be scared. One night I opened my eyes and there was a big beautiful glow and I think it was an angel in my room.

Maya’s interest was sparked by a friend who used to do reiki that told her she had a dream where angels appeared and said that she also needed to do reiki. (Pictured: the aubergine and a card with the words ‘angel in your pocket’)

‘I was literally just looking at it and it was kind of smiling. I got so scared I screamed out loud and it just vanished.

‘One Christmas a friend of mine gave me a very small book and every night I used to go to bed, read a couple of pages and go to sleep.

‘One night I finished it and went to sleep and usually have an alarm on. I woke up one morning and all I could hear was a beautiful choir of angels just singing.

‘When I woke up I thought ‘oh my God, what was that?’ I’ve never heard anything like it. It was amazing.

‘I haven’t seen any more angels in vegetables since. It happened one time.’

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