Neighbor's nasty anonymous letter claims man is devaluing the entire area by not weeding his yard or mowing grass

ANANGRY neighbor has sent a nasty anonymous letter to a man claiming he devalues the entire area by not looking after his garden.

The man, named Jeremy, who moved to the property a few years ago, was shocked to receive the letter accusing him of devaluing the homes of the whole street with his unkept yard.

He says he makes sure to tend to his garden and mow the lawn regularly but admits he hasn't been able to do so in the past weeks due to stormy weather.

The frustrated man from Ohio shared the letter on Reddit captioning it as "Anonymous letter from a local Karen."

The letter reads: "Dear Neighbour, for many years (street name) has been a beautiful street, with pretty homes and well-kept lawns.

"However, as the appearances of our homes deteriorate, so do our property values.

"Your lawn is full of weeds and dandelions, and seeds from those weeds will soon be blowing into the lawns around you.

"We take care of our lawns, and don't appreciate spending the money for weed control just to have seeds from your lawn coming into ours.

"Have a little consideration for you neighbours. It doesn't take a lot of time or money to keep your yard maintained.

"Would it be too much of your neighbours to ask that you kill the weeds and dandelions in your yard and pull the weeds in your flower beds?

"If your work schedule keeps you from keeping your property manicured, there are many economical lawn services available, and also teenagers who would appreciate the summer work.

"All of our property values depend on all of our neighbours.

"Spring is now here, and it is time to keep this neighbourhood looking good. We sincerely thank you!"

All my dandelions came from the lawn you’re talking about. I will agree they my flower beds are gnarly.

His post got more than 2,000 comments, with some Redditors siding with the neighbor while others took his side and branded her "Karen."

When asked about the condition of his garden, Jeremy insisted he mows at least once a week and said he feels it "should be enough to dissuade these types of letters."

    Source: Read Full Article

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