Next union boss criticised Nato over Ukraine and said Britain 'racist'

Teaching union’s next leader has criticised Nato over Ukraine war, is strong supporter of Jeremy Corbyn and says Britain is ‘brutally racist’

  • Self-styled socialist Daniel Kebede was elected leader of the the NEU in March
  • He has been outspoken about his political stances on Nato and Conservatives

The next leader of Britain’s largest education union has criticised Nato over the Ukraine war and called Britain ‘brutally racist’.

Self-styled socialist Daniel Kebede is a strong supporter of radical former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

He was elected general secretary of the National Education Union (NEU) on March 31 with a turnout of just 9 per cent from members. 

This follows calls for an anti-Semetism probe into Kebede after he was seen speaking at a rally where the crowd allegedly chanted a song calling for violence against Jews.

It comes as an overwhelming 98 per cent of NEU members voted to continue striuke action after the union urged members to reject the latest ‘insulting’ offer from the Government.

Daniel Kebede was elected general secretary of the National Education Union (NEU) on March 31 with a turnout of just 9 per cent from members

A self-styled socialist, he is a strong supporter of radical former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Pictured: Kebede and Corbyn together in September 2019

Daniel Kebede (centre) has been outspoken on his political stances – including a statement after threats from Russian president Vladimir Putin against Ukraine where he criticised Nato involvement in the conflict

Kebede comes into the role with staunch stances on underfunding of schools, Ofstead reform and teacher workload.

But he has been outspoken on his political stances – including a statement after threats from Russian president Vladimir Putin against Ukraine.

In a now-deleted declaration where he offered solidarity to the war-torn nation, he also warned against the expansion of military alliances in Europe. 

READ MORE: Calls for anti-Semitism probe into hard-left Corbynite who is set to become the next leader of education union after video emerged of him speaking at a rally 

He said: ‘The conflict between Russia and the Ukraine must not lead to the expansion of military alliances in Europe which can only threaten future stability for all and hasten the likelihood of further conflicts and wars.

‘Peaceful dialogue, based on a commitment to finding a solution which fully respects the democratic and human rights of all those affected by this crisis is the only way forward.’ 

Kebede later said the anti-Nato criticism was drafted by people more senior than him.

But at a meeting at the NEU conference last April called No to War in Ukraine – Why we say no to Nato Expansion he said: ‘The strengthening of military alliances in eastern Europe will do nothing to bring about peace.’

He later shared his pride for the NEU’s links to the Stop the War Coalition – who have also criticised Nato’s involvement within the conflict.

Kebede has also been vocal about the Conservative party – with whom he has to negotiate when he is replaces joint general secretaries Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney in August.

At a Stop the War event in 2020 the radical refrenced Boris Johnson, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, saying: ‘We see the racism that is being pushed by leaders of the world’, the Times reported.

And at the Socialist Workers Party’s Marxism Festival last year, he suggested teachers’ strikes were also about: ‘taking back control of an education system from a brutally racist state that sends refugees to Rwanda’.

In a now-deleted declaration where he offered solidarity to the war-torn nation, Kebede also warned against the expansion of military alliances in Europe

Kebede comes into the role with staunch stances on underfunding of schools, Ofstead reform and teacher workload – but he has been outspoken on his political stances on Nato and the Conservative Party

At the same event two years before he said British children were being taught a narrative of white saviours. 

He also said he would have found it difficult to see Churchill celebrated for the 75th anniversary of VE day in 2020.

Kebede’s father fled to the UK from the Megistu regime in Ethiopia – where the ‘Red Terror’ saw the arrest, torture and execution of tens of thousands.

He experienced racism as a child in London, seeing his white friend’s dyslexia identified but not his own.

The activist became a socialist while studying law in Cardiff and reading Marx.

And following the Police killing of 29-year-old black man Mark Duggan in the London riots, Kebede dedicated himself to anti-racism activism while working as a teacher near Newcastle. 

He was later a coordinater of counter-protests against far-right groups for Unite Against Fascism and was a vocal supporter of Jeremy Corbyn when he was elected leader of the Labour party in 2015.

Kebede previously told demonstrators at an English Defence League rally to follow Hitler’s example and shoot themselves and had to appologise in 2020 for using the antisemitic phrase ‘thirty pieces of silver’ to describe publishers commissioning books about the downfall of Corbynism.

A spokeswoman for the NEU said: ‘Addressing discrimination on the grounds of race, religion or sexuality are principles that should be held by all. The NEU is unapologetic for the stand the union and Daniel Kebede holds on such issues.

‘The NEU is affiliated to no political party and engages with all mainstream parties and politicians. Daniel Kebede will effectively continue the work of the NEU on trying to get the best possible outcome for children and young peoples education and for those who teach them.’

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