Our neighbours are dumping mountains of rubbish in our alley… it's infested with rats & maggots – it looks like a SLUM

A MYSTERY fly-tipper has dumped so much disgusting rubbish in a gated alleyway that it's crawling with rats and maggots.

Furious residents of Nelson Street in Hyde, Greater Manchester, have branded the alleyway "a slum" because of the filthy trash that's been ditched there.

Locals are terrified to let their children play outside, where rubbish bags and broken furniture pile up dangerously.

Stinking old mattresses stained with animal poo and nappy waste are swarming with maggots, flies and scary rats.

The dumping ground is so overrun with junk that blameless residents are now battling to put their own bins out, as piles of rubbish block the entrance of the alleyway.

Neighbours on the road are outraged at the appalling filth – but they have no idea who to blame.

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Mum-of-three Hayley Sharman, 38, said: "When I take my bins out I have to take my kids and they are all under four.

"It's running the gauntlet, there are big wooden wardrobes that could fall on them, mattress after mattress blocking the alleyway and nappy waste – it's just disgusting.

"The stench on a hot day is awful. It's an ongoing battle and it starts with a wardrobe and then more and more stuff appears.

"Dogs and cats are pooing on the mattresses and quilt covers – it looks like a litter tray has been emptied out there.

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"We don't know who is dumping the rubbish and when. There's new rubbish coming every day.

"It could be anybody – the alleyway gate has been left open sometimes."

Jeanie Sidebottom, 77, said: "It's disgusting – why do people leave places like this looking like a slum.

"My grandchildren come over often and they cannot play out for fear of the rats.

"The cats come from all over the place and you can't stop them.

"It's so dirty. You see all this rubbish being dumped and you think, my God, it's becoming worse – it's not nice.

I'm sick of it and so are all the decent hard-working people here.

"People walk past and they think everyone dumps rubbish there, but we actually clean up after our kids. I'm sick of it and so are all the decent hard-working people here.

"The Council said we could all help clean it up or we could all pay to clean it up. We shouldn't have to pay for it- why should we have to pay when we didn't dump the rubbish? It's totally unfair."

One mum's is even considering moving house to get away from the the mountain of muck.

She said: "My mental health is really suffering. I am getting down with it all.

"My anxiety is through the roof – I don't want to live here anymore. I can't cope with it.

"It's disgusting. I can't take my bins out… it makes me anxious every time.

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"I am scared my kids will get bitten by a rat or that something awful will happen.

"It's not fair that the Council are suggesting we have to do a community clean-up or pay for it ourselves. It's not my rubbish to clean, and I am not prepared to pay for someone to clean this rubbish."

Taxi driver Ahmed Begum, 39, and his wife Henna, 38, have lived on the other end of the terrace for around 12 years and are appalled by the fly-tipping.

Ahmed said: "It is disgusting, it can only be one or two people doing it, but the mess is immense. We spend £120 every three months on the rat man.

"They put the poison down and then go away, but we have two children and we cannot allow them to play in the alleyway."

Lily Ibbotson, 82, who has lived in her terraced home since 1983, said: "It's the last 18 months and it just keeps happening.

It's not first world conditions

"The council cleared it once and it happened again. It took three man and a few trips to get it all away.

"It's not fair on the residents – it's just appalling. It will obviously attract rats – it's not first world conditions and this was such a nice street when I moved in nearly 40 years ago."

Tameside Council told Manchester Evening News:  "Fly-tipping like this is totally unacceptable and we will take enforcement action if we find out who is responsible.

"The alleyway to the rear of Nelson Street is a gated, privately owned area and the responsibility for maintaining and cleaning it rests with those residents who have access to their properties via the alleyway.

"However we’re working with residents to help resolve what appears to be an ongoing issue and we’re supporting a resident-led community clear up planned for next week.

"This is the third incidence of fly-tipping we have investigated and cleared up in this alleyway in the last six months and it is believed the waste originates from a minority of local residents that do not seem to have any concern or respect for their neighbours or for the environment.

"Whenever we receive a fly-tipping complaint/request, the waste is inspected to look for evidence of who is responsible. When evidence is found we take appropriate enforcement action against the offender."

Crime statistics around Nelson Street

Fly-tipping is a criminal offence which you can be prosecuted for

The crime statistics for Tameside are fairly similar to the averages for the whole Greater Manchester area.

But by the end of last year, Tameside's rates of crime were down slightly on the whole city.

Police recorded 27.63 crimes per 1,000 population in Tameside, in contrast to 31.24 in Greater Manchester at the end of December 2021.

There were 3.89 instances of public order crimes in Tameside, versus 4.21 in Greater Manchester.

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