Putin vows to give Russian mums one-off £13.5k payment if they have 10 children

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Vladimir Putin has revived an old award from the Soviet era given to women who have 10 or more children.

It is understood the recognition has been bought back after Russia’s population has been misshapen following the loss of troops in Ukraine.

Women who reach the milestone will be gifted a one-off payment of one million roubles (£13,518) for their efforts.

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In 1944, Stalin introduced the “Mother Heroine” award to celebrate and encourage those who raised big families.

Millions of Soviet citizens were killed in the horrors of the Second World War, leaving the Union in desperate need of a new generation of young people.

By the time the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed, some 400,000 women had reportedly won the award.

In Putin’s new rule, the money is only paid on the birth of the 10th child if the previous nine are all alive.

In 2008, the Parental Glory award was created for families who have seven children or more – this pays out 700,000 roubles, around £9,500.

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Current state statistics from Russia have raised concerns that in the next 20 years the current 144 million population could shrink down to as little as 132 million.

The same data said that between January and June 380,000 fewer people were living in Russia.

While the exact death toll of the war in Ukraine is not known, tens of thousands are thought to have lost their lives.

According to the Times, the average age of those who have died as part of the “special operation” is just 21.

Hundreds of thousands more are said to have emigrated away from the country since the violence kicked off.


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