Putting a New Face on Beauty Email Marketing in 2022

Description: The beauty industry has gone digital! Don’t get left behind. If you want to learn how to use email to increase your beauty sales today, check out our article right now!

Update Your Beauty Email Marketing Strategy in 2022

Historically the beauty industry has thrived no matter the economic conditions. Even during the Great Depression, when people were struggling to buy food, items like lipstick were still flying off the shelves. This is where the term “lipstick effect” came from, as people will still purchase small luxury goods irrespective of the economic situation. In 2020 this effect proved true as the pandemic disrupted the almost $100 billion American beauty industry, consumers hopped online and kicked off a buying frenzy.

The explosion in digital beauty sales won’t totally make up for the pandemic. However, analysts are predicting that the increased digitization of the beauty industry is here to stay. And while currently over 80% of beauty sales are made in physical stores, that number is set to rapidly decline over the next 5 years. Due to the shift in the way people purchase, beauty products marketers need to expand their digital channels to connect with customers and drive growth. One of the most effective digital strategies is email marketing, thanks to its ease of use, reach, and incredibly high ROI.

Are Physical Retail Beauty Stores A Thing Of The Past?

Analysts believe that physical retail stores will make a comeback once all pandemic restrictions are lifted. However, many beauty shoppers will convert to online shoppers. In-person retail beauty shopping was already declining before the pandemic, and Coronavirus has helped accelerate this trend. If you want your beauty business to thrive in the post-pandemic era, you need to shift online. Your focus should be selling through social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram and having a strong eCommerce website. You should also run extensive online advertising campaigns which feature social media ads, partnering with influencers, and of course, email marketing. Check out below to find out how to use email marketing to grow your beauty business!

1. Build Your Email List

In email marketing, your list of contacts is vital. If you spend all day emailing the wrong people, your sales will not move at all. To ensure your email marketing campaign is incredibly effective, you need to build a list of people who are perfect for your products. For example, if you are in a beauty business, you can focus on women between the age of 16 to 60. You then can further segment your target market based on the particular products you sell. For example, if you sell products designed specifically for African-American women, you need to create an email list that matches your products’ ideal demographic.

The best way to build an email list is to use a lead magnet. A lead magnet is essentially a mini bribe, where you offer a potential buyer something free in exchange for them entering your details. For example, you may have a link to an eBook on makeup tips, and if a potential buyer wants to download it, they have to enter their name and email. You can offer different things as part of your lead magnets, including webinars, promo codes, and more! The great thing about using lead magnets to build your email list is you already know the person leaving their details knows your brand and is interested in beauty products. This type of potential buyer does not need much persuading to purchase your products. You will have an extremely high conversion by targeting this type of potential customer.

One more great way to build your email list is to use email finders. These tools can pull emails of specific people from social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn. If you are trying to go after a big client or your products are niche, these tools are incredibly effective. For example, let’s say you want to sell your products wholesale to a huge international online retailer, but you can’t contact anyone at the company and keep getting blocked by receptionists. You can use an email finder tool to find the specific email for the person in charge of the retailer’s catalog and send a proposal.

2. Create Eye-Popping Emails

After you have figured out who you are going to send your marketing emails to, you now need to figure out how to get your potential buyers to open them and act. You need to create an engaging subject line to boost your open rates. The best subject lines include numbers, are a little creative, and are written in a friendly conversational tone. For example, “5 anti-aging creams that will make you look 10 years younger”. You need to test out different subject styles and see which ones have the highest open rate.

After nailing your subject line, you need to work on the content of your email. Your email should start with the person’s name to add a personal touch. The best marketing emails are short and polite with a little bit of data, some light humor, and written in a relaxed tone. It is also critical to include a call to action that inspires your potential buyers to take action. The last thing you want is someone to open your email, read it and then simply click away! Effective call-to-actions are simple and clear; here are some great examples:

  • Buy now and receive 50% off!
  • Only 10 left at this price. Shop now!
  • Save $X today!
  • Look your best today!
  • Claim your coupon!

If you combine a catchy subject line with a short but sweet email and finish it with an inspiring call to action, you will see a big boost in your online sales.

3. Figure Out Email Marketing Schedule

The final step in your beauty email marketing campaign is determining when you are going to send your emails and how often. While this may seem like a small step, the exact time you blast out your emails and the frequency can play a major role in your open rates. The latest research has shown that sending emails on Tuesdays and Thursdays (both average above 20% open rates) is the most effective. As for time, it depends on the specific market you are targeting. However, if you are targeting the 9-5 crowd, then 8 am is an amazing time as you tend to be first in a person’s inbox when they check their email when starting work. To find the best days and times, you need to run some experiments and measure open and conversion rates.

Wrapping Up

Dealing with the fallout of the pandemic is not easy, and the economic situation may not recover for many years. However, your beauty business can still thrive no matter the economic situation by moving your business online and pursuing optimal digital marketing strategies. If you follow our email marketing strategies, your business will not only sell more beauty products this year, but you will also achieve greater margins. So stop waiting for the perfect time and start ramping up your email marketing today!

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