Royals’ weirdest requests from round sandwiches to bath routines and teddies

Being a member of the Royal Family means that everyone surrounding you will be looking for ways to make you happy.

They could probably get anything in the world that they asked for – no matter how weird and wacky it might be.

And although members of the Firm are mostly polite when speaking to their staff, they have indeed been known to make some quite outlandish requests.

From strict teddy bear set ups, particularly cut round sandwiches and even perfect bath routines – here are some of the wackiest requests from the Royal Family.

Prince Charles' extremely strict bath demands

Prince Charles has been known to be very particular about his morning routine, including the temperature in which he has his baths.

The Prince of Wales has a dedicated team of staff who help him meet his strict and quite unusual morning routine.

Paul Burrell, the former butler and friend of Princess Diana's, once gave an insight into the life of the future King, The Mirror reported.

Speaking during Amazon Prime's documentary Serving the Royals: Inside the Firm, Mr Burrell said: "His pyjamas are pressed every morning and his shoe laces are pressed flat with an iron."

He also added that the Prince's bath habits were very particular, telling the documentary: "The water temperature has to be just tepid, and only half full.”

Queen's particularly cut sandwiches

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The Queen, like other Royals, loves a good bit of afternoon tea.

But strangely, the Monarch will reportedly only eat her sandwiches if they're cut circular with no points, according to a former Royal chef.

Speaking on the documentary Secrets of the Royal Kitchen, chef Graham Newbould said: "The royals never have square sandwiches because tradition has it that anyone presenting them with pointed-edged food is trying to overthrow the throne of England."

Prince Andrew's strict teddy bear layout

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Prince Andrew weirdly has a very specific set up for his collection of cuddly toys, according to a former Royal protection officer.

The Duke of York reportedly once sketched out a plan on how his five teddies should be laid out on his bed every night.

His collection of toys included a black panther, two hippos and bears, as well as three soft cushions named "Ducks", "Daddy" and "Prince".

The plan allegedly shows where to place all of the toys, the blankets and a particular fur, which had ribbons that hang off the sides of the bed.

The instructions were reportedly laminated and titled "DOY bed: Points for turn down & making the bed".

Kate's bizarre name plea

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Despite the fact she wasn't married to Prince William at the time so wasn't strictly a Royal, Kate Middleton once made a strange request.

Kate's real first name is Catherine, but she became known as Kate while studying at St Andrews University.

This meant that the whole world got to know her as Kate as the nation pondered if she was going to become our future Queen.

But it was reported that she wasn't actually a fan of the name and even emailed her friends in 2008, two years before her engagement, to ask them to call her Catherine instead.

Writing for the Sunday Express at the time, columnist Adam Helliker said: "With Prince William’s engagement now a surefire certainty (even Ladbrokes has stopped taking bets on whether it will happen after a flurry of well-placed wagers) there are intriguing signs that Kate Middleton is preparing for her future role.

"It looks like she’s taking it very seriously indeed too.

"I hear that in the past few weeks the former accessories buyer has quietly informed friends that she would like to drop the informal ‘Kate’ and in future wishes to be known by her full name: 'Catherine'."

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