Russia was behind 2010 plane crash that killed 96, Warsaw panel claims

Russia was behind 2010 plane crash that killed 96 including Polish leader Lech Kaczynski, Warsaw government panel claims

  • Latest report today alleges that the April 2010 crash was caused by intentional detonation of planted explosives
  • The crash killed 96 including Polish leader Lech Kaczynski and his wife 
  • Commission head Antoni Macierewicz said deaths were caused by an ‘act of unlawful interference by the Russian side’
  • New report repeats numerous allegations made by the commission about crash

Russia was behind a 2010 plane crash that killed 96 including the Polish leader Lech Kaczynski, a Warsaw government panel has claimed. 

The latest report today released by the special commission alleges that the April 10, 2010 crash was caused by an intentional detonation of planted explosives.

The plane crash killed Mr Kaczynski, the first lady and 94 other members of the government and armed forces as well as many other prominent Polish figures. 

Commission head Antoni Macierewicz today told a news conference that their deaths were caused by an ‘act of unlawful interference by the Russian side.’ 

WARSAW, POLAND: Polish Senior Speaker and former Polish Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz (pictured) today presents a report of a special sub-commission investigating the cause of the Smolensk air disaster, which alleges that the crash happened because of an intentional detonation of planted explosives

Pictured: Mr Macierewicz (pictured) shows a previous report alleging the Smolensk crash was an assassination in Warsaw, Poland in March 2016 (file image)

Mr Macierwicz, who in 2015-2018 served as defense minister in Poland’s right-wing government, added: ‘The main and indisputable proof of the interference was an explosion in the left wing … followed by an explosion in the plane’s centre.’

And he denied that there were any mistakes made by Polish pilots or crew members, despite there being bad weather at the time of the crash.  

The new report repeats numerous previous allegations made by the commission, appointed by the government whose key figure is the main ruling Law and Justice party leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the twin of the late president.  

Yesterday, Polish President Andrzej Duda stood at Pilsudski Square to place a candle at the monument to the victims of the plane crash.

It was part of the ceremonies commemorating the 12th anniversary of the crash. 

Wreaths and flowers were laid at monuments and memorials across Poland in memory of those killed. 

Yesterday, Polish President Andrzej Duda (pictured) stood at Pilsudski Square to place a candle at the monument to the victims of the plane crash

Wreaths and flowers were laid at monuments and memorials across Poland in memory of those killed. Pictured: Poland’s deputy prime minister and key politician, Jaroslaw  Kaczynski (centre), pays respect to his twin, the late President Lech Kaczynski yesterday

Today’s new report comes as Russia’s war unleashed on Poland’s neighbouring country Ukraine rages on and amid current tense relations between Moscow and Warsaw. 

Poland is supporting Ukraine in its battle against Russia and is calling for tough sanctions on Moscow after its February 24 invasion of Ukraine.    

The latest report once again drums up hostility toward Russia among some Poles, chiefly supporters of the nationalist government, in what seems to be an effort to consolidate the voter base of the Law and Justice party, which was founded by the Kaczynski twins in 2001.

Today’s new report comes as Russia’s war unleashed on Poland’s neighbouring country Ukraine rages on and amid current tense relations between Moscow and Warsaw. Pictured: Mr Macierewicz today presents his report at a special sub-commission investigating the cause of the Smolensk air disaster in April 2010

Additional suspicions are fuelled by Russia’s refusal to return the wreckage, which has made Poland’s investigation more complex.  

There were two separate earlier reports by Polish and Russian experts on aviation incidents.

These said that the crash on approach in dense fog to the Smolensk airport, which did not have sophisticated aviation equipment, was caused by human errors made in poor weather conditions.  

Both earlier reports found no proof of foul play. 

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