Schoolgirl, 15, texted ‘help’ to her best friend just hours before she was raped and murdered – The Sun

A SCHOOLGIRL who was groomed online before being raped and murdered text a friend for “help” hours before her death, a court has heard.

Kayleigh Haywood was assaulted and beaten to death by Stephen Beadman, 29, in woodland in Ibstock, Leics in November.

Beadman admits beating her to death but is on trial after denying false imprisonment along with his neighbour 27-year-old Luke Harlow.

Kayleigh had met the men on Facebook and lied to her mum about going to visit them, claiming instead she was staying with a friend.

In a witness statement read out to Nottingham Crown Court, Kayleigh's friend Katie Simpson said: "At about 3.15pm on November 13 Kayleigh messaged me and said she couldn't come over because she was staying with her auntie that weekend.

"I woke up at about 6am or 7am the next day and I had a message from Kayleigh sent at 9.30pm the night before which said 'Help'.

"I asked her straight away what do you mean.

“She text back straight away, 'I meant hello.'

"Her messages were unusual that weekend, and didn't sound like her."

Harlow has already admitted two sexual offences against Kayleigh.

Miranda Moore QC told the court Harlow had contacted a string of underage girls – the youngest being 13 – in the months before Kayleigh's murder.

He also repeatedly told the girls he fantasised about kidnapping them.

She told the jury: "We are going to look at Harlow's messages to some other young girls so you can see his train of thought for getting girls to his flat.

"He was messaging one girl 16 years younger than him from March 2015 until October 15.

"In May he said: 'Would you come and stay for the weekend or something. I would come and meet you somewhere, and that means I'm going to keep you forever.'

"He said to her: 'I'm crying and I miss you. I need them kisses off you to cheer me up. Kisses, and maybe more.'

"Later on he said: 'Just say you are staying with your mates,' which is exactly what he said to Kayleigh, and is exactly what she did.

"He said to another girl, who was 16, but was 15 when he started talking to her, 'I want to take advantage of you, get you drunk.'

"At Christmas 2014 he said to her: 'Can I kidnap you for Christmas.'

"'I mean it, I would keep you here all Christmas.

“I wish I could kidnap you for Christmas, but I would probably be arrested and sent to prison.

"'If I kidnap you, I'm keeping you.'


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"In August in 2015 he said to her: 'Might kidnap you though, no promises.'

"On September 15 he said: 'I will look after you, I might try to kidnap you though.

"'Come over for back rub and Maccies. Still might kidnap you though.

"Run away and come and live with me. We will party all the time.'

"She told him she was a lightweight, and he said: 'At least you are cheap, easy to get drunk and take advantage of you.

"Having sex with drunk, unconscious girls is my favourite.

"'I will pay for you to get here, but then you will have to stay here forever as my slave. A naked slave.'

"He messaged another older girl saying: 'No false promises, you are being kidnapped and that's that.'

"The youngest girl he messaged was just 13. She thought his behaviour was controlling, but there were no kidnap messages.”

She said Kayleigh fled the flat.

Ms Moore added:  "You don't run out into the night dressed like she was unless you want to get out of there fast.”

The jury was told neighbours heard "loud bangs" and "screams" from the property at 10.30pm and at 3.30am a witness saw Kayleigh trying to escape.

Project Manager Simon Baker's house overlooks the pathway from Harlow's home to Sense Valley Forest Park.

In a witness statement read out by prosecutor Teresa Hay, he said: "At around 3.30am I was in my bedroom when I heard a loud scream that sounded like a female in distress.

"My partner said 'Did you hear that?'

"I went to the window and I saw what I thought was a policeman pinning a girl down on the ground.

"I couldn't see clearly who it was, but he was wearing a dark jacket with white stripes so I thought it was a policeman.

"I looked back a few moments later and she was on her back lying down and he was pinning her down with his knees on her elbows.

"Her arms were up with her hands either side of her head. He was sat astride her, near her neck.

"He looked up for about 20 or 30 seconds. The male and female then got up and made their way back towards the Croft Estate.

"They appeared perfectly normal and there were no altercations or fighting or shouting.

"About ten or 15 minutes later I heard another scream. I could see them walking back along the path towards me.

"They appeared calm. I heard the girl calmly say 'Hold my hand,' and they walked along the path that leads into Science Park. I did not see or hear them again."

In her witness statement read out by Miss Hay, witness Angela Bailiff said: "I was awoken to the sound of banging and screaming in the early hours of November 15.

"At about 3.15am I woke up with a start and I could hear a girl screaming and men's voices.

"It was not just a normal scream, this was quite intense. I just lay there, rigid. I was petrified, it sounded really serious.

"The screaming and shouting lasted for about three or four minutes and then it went silent."

Sophie Hunt said in a witness statement read out by Miss Hay: "Throughout that evening I remember hearing banging and crashing from number seven.

"It was constant throughout the evening.

"Later on, at around 10.30pm I suddenly heard a scream. It was a girl's scream. It lasted for around two to three seconds."

The trial, which is expected to last up to three weeks, continues.

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