Scientific research too important to die a death by a thousand cuts

So much for the “clever country”, that inspiring little phrase Bob Hawke, legend has it, coined on the spot one day in 1988. Or Malcolm Turnbull’s “innovation nation”. We might like to think of ourselves as smart, but the way we are treating our scientific community is anything but.

We’re proud to reel off Australia’s countless scientific achievements, among them Wi-Fi, the black box flight recorder, polymer banknotes, the “bionic ear”, plastic optical lenses, ultrasound scanning and the HPV anti-cancer vaccine.


Even in the past three months Australian researchers have discovered a better way to fight blood cancers, moved a step closer to better treatment for diabetes, used snake venom to create potentially lifesaving blood clots, and shown that it’s safe to drive even when you’ve taken high levels of the medical cannabis derivative cannabidiol.

But we’re not always so interested in the difficulties our researchers must face to reach these occasional eureka moments. The fact is that too much of their time is being spent writing long grant applications in the hope of being allowed to keep doing their jobs. Too many of these applications come to nought and researchers have to start again. The problem is contributing to alarming levels of stress and anxiety as they worry not about their research, but about their livelihoods.

As Ben Schneiders reported on Monday, due to the byzantine way research is funded in universities, many of our brightest scientists find themselves working in a “gig economy” with little or no job security, forced to compete with each other for a shrinking pool of grants to keep the lights on, vulnerable to wage theft, unpaid overtime and worse.

Over half the early-to-mid-career scientists surveyed last year at Melbourne and Monash universities reported burnout; more than a quarter reported “clinically significant symptoms of depression”; and only a third said they were not thinking about leaving academia. The survey also suggested researchers suffered high levels of bullying, sexism and racism.

More broadly, a Senate committee into underpayment in the workforce earlier this year found “around half of Australia’s universities have been implicated in underpayment of staff”, an increasing number of staff were in “insecure work arrangements”, a disproportionate number of women were in insecure work and casual staff had been especially affected by job losses during the pandemic. Many of those staff who lost their jobs in the pandemic were, thanks to the Morrison government’s ingenious calculations, among the tiny minority of Australians ineligible for JobKeeper.

The funds available for specific research projects through the National Health and Medical Research Council and the Australian Research Council have shrunk by nearly 20 per cent in the past decade, after taking inflation into account. Overall research and development funding, as a share of GDP, has fallen for 14 years.

The remaining funding is increasingly earmarked for industry-focused applied research rather than the kind of blue-sky thinking that could lead to fundamental discoveries. According to science reporter Liam Mannix, nearly  80 per cent of applications to the ARC’s biggest grant program get knocked back.

New federal Education Minister Jason Clare has already announced a review into the grant program, saying the “delays and the political interference in the way competitive grants operate need to end”. The University of Melbourne has promised to reduce its reliance on casual staff. Monash has also said it will improve the job security of researchers.

We can only hope the weight of recent evidence will encourage those who fund, support and regulate this vital sector to stop the constant cost-cutting and invest once again in our future. The dismaying alternative is that our best and brightest will vote with their feet, to the detriment of us all.

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