SERVING THE PUBLIC: Political reasons for using consultants

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:.

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Steven Hamilton (Comment, 4/4) presents one side only of the case for consultants. Let me put the counter view. Politicians increasingly use consultants for four reasons: first, they can receive the advice that they want, second, they can avoid unwanted impartial advice from public servants, third, external advisers can provide an air of independence for the often politically inspired advice that they seek, and fourth, if anything goes wrong in a policy development process led by consultants ministers can claim some distance between themselves and any disaster.
The shadow treasurer Jim Chalmers is right to propose rebuilding a hollowed-out public service, although how much “better” advice Labor might want to receive remains to be seen. Unfortunately there has been bipartisan degradation of the public service with successive governments diminishing its ability to provide advice that is in the public interest. There is yet another reason to doubt the wisdom of Hamilton’s advice. At its core, government is a competitive business and rather than buying recycled advice already in place in multiple other jurisdictions elsewhere in the world Australian governments would do well to encourage their public servants to develop new, integrated, and tailored solutions for their policy problems: they are indeed capable.
Barry Ferguson, Parkdale

The decisions tell the story
Steven Hamilton writes that consultants can deliver better policy to governments. The federal government has shrunk the public service by 20 per cent and has tripled spending on consultants. If we use an evidence-based analysis and look at government decisions in health, disability, aged care and climate policy I think we might need fewer, not more, consultants.
David Fry, Moonee Ponds

Transparency needed on comments
Steven Hamilton notes that public servants are not free to make public comments. Is there evidence that private-sector consultancies engaged by the public service have more freedom to make public comments and that they use that greater freedom? What would motivate them to do so?
Alan Gunther, Carlton

Frank and fearless, a distant memory
It is to be hoped that the Ombudsman will also take a historical approach to her review of politicisation of the state public service. The practice of making political appointments has been going on for nearly 50 years or more. I recall one newly elected premier removing most departmental heads and replacing them with more politically acceptable appointees. Unfortunately the Westminster system of an independent public service providing frank and fearless advice is a distant memory.
James Young, Mount Eliza

This system does not serve democracy
Your correspondent (Letters, 2/4) is right when he says that proportional representation would end pork barrelling – which is entirely due to the chopping-up of the electorate into single-member divisions resulting in some votes having vastly greater value than other votes. But then he cites the Victorian Legislative Council. That would be the house where the Transport Matters Party, with 0.62 per cent of upper house votes (the fourth-lowest vote of all), won one seat, while the Greens, with 9.25 per cent of the vote (the fourth-highest), also won one seat. And where 7.48 per cent of votes cast for 10 other parties won no seats at all.
This corruption of proportional representation has been achieved by the deliberate gaming of a system whereby people cast a single vote ″⁣above the line″⁣, thereby approving preferences decided by the party of their choice – mostly quite bogus preferences which few voters have even seen, let alone understood.
Colin Smith, Glen Waverley


A teacher’s lament
Teaching is a hot topic at present, whether it is over salaries that do not meet the rising cost of living, increased administrative tasks, unsustainable workloads, lack of resources, severe public and political scrutiny, the devalued status of the profession, staff shortages, increased student welfare responsibilities, behaviour management and teacher burnout.
These myriad problems have translated into the following statistic: 50 per cent of teachers leave the profession in the first five years.
I am in my fifth year of teaching. As a new graduate, I was targeted as a high-achieving student, and offered an incentive to teach out west. I did my time, and after dipping my toes in and out of private system, I made my way back and am now teaching full time in a public school.
While I haven’t taught for an excessive number of years, I feel I have had a diverse teaching experience which has enabled me a holistic view of our educational systems – and it is disheartening.
I’ve come to the point where I am asking myself, is teaching really worth it? I don’t ask it out of self-concern, but of fear for the future of the profession.
Ultimately, I am nothing more than a cog in the machine. However, if one too many of these drop off, what do we have left?
Name and address withheld

Think of the PM
The malice being directed at Scott Morrison about bullying and lying is at a level of discourse which makes one despair. His ability to withstand these slings and arrows, along with some sensitivity about learning from his mistakes, makes him appear a far more human politician than many of the self-righteous and smug politicians and citizens plotting against him with narrowed eyes. Where this leaves voters who, traditionally, have voted for a fair go for all and who believe all good actions begin with oneself, is troubling to say the least.
Patricia Wiltshire, Montmorency

White lie fever
It reflects poorly on politics that voters speculate whether Scott Morrison is a serial liar, if he lied to Emmanuel Macron, Malcolm Turnbull or anyone else. Why do his close colleagues, let alone the public, expect so little from political leaders? One lie is one lie too many from a prime minister.
Anita White, Kew

Climate for change
It is perfectly clear that the Liberals have no moral impetus on climate change, but are merely scrambling off the back foot to make superficial changes they have only just realised are important to the people they have been representing for the past 10 years.
This false face on climate change to keep hold of power will no doubt change as they slam on the brakes after the election. You only need to watch the insipid ads about power points for electric cars and recycling rubbish to see just how blind and lethargic they are to the seriousness of the situation. The latest report from the IPCC says radical changes must be made in the next decade, not by 2050, to avoid catastrophic results. It is clear we can’t afford another five minutes, let alone three years of Scott Morrison at the helm. Ginny West, Jan Juc

Doggone it, we’re one
Fair points James O’Keefe (Letters, 5/4), but the few Asian families whom I have assisted with their permanent resident visas think differently.
They have your “no connection whatsoever to England” yet can answer all the “what have the British ever done for us” questions. Initially quiet, circumspect and relieved to have escaped less tolerant lands, I rejoice to hear them (eventually) start mouthing off political opinions; and relate tales from their freedom to travel and associate.
About 20 accents and first languages exist at the local dog park (a hotbed of political dissent – health, education and housing) but I am yet to hear anyone moaning about the tyrannic dominion of the Crown. Reimagine ourselves. We are already “whole”, united by our furry friends.
Ronald Elliott, Sandringham

Respect? No
The Australian high commissioner to India “respects” India’s refusal to condemn Russian brutality in Ukraine.
Perhaps we can, sadly, understand why a country reliant upon Russia for military aid might not want to take an adverse position, but to ″⁣respect″⁣ it for not calling out the most egregious act of wanton violence in the 21st century is grossly inappropriate.
Stephen Farrelly, Donvale

Putin no Christian
Vladimir Putin seeks to portray himself as the defender of Christian values, (against the decadence of Western culture,) and an ally of Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, who is supporting the invasion of Ukraine.
At Easter, Christians commemorate the death of Jesus. Jesus portrayed himself as “The Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for the sheep” in contrast to ″⁣the thief″⁣, who comes “only to steal and kill and destroy”. Jesus said, “I have come to bring life.” (John ch. 10)
Judged by the results of his actions, Putin fails the test of a Christian leader.
Geoff Francis, Doncaster East

Onus on Baby Boomers
I agree wholeheartedly with Louise Kloot (Letters, 5/4). Baby Boomers and older well-off citizens surely must contribute to their own looming aged care needs.
A quick internet search reveals the cost to government of some taxation benefits to a good percentage of Baby Boomers and older people (like me). Negative gearing $13.1 billion in 2019, franking credits and tax-free superannuation income streams for over-60s.
Richard Denniss, of The Australia Institute, recently stated that Australia could have first-class aged care (and health services and education) for everyone, as some other First World countries enjoy. We just need the will to do it.
Annette Madden,

Why reef secrecy?
Surely the request of the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council, key community groups and locals to not proceed with the installation of the artificial kingfish reef until detailed information is publicly available is a valid one to ask of state government departments (The Age, 2/4).
Government accountability and transparency demands data and facts should be freely available. Such facts as what impact, if any, these game fishing reefs will have on the surrounding marine environment.
David Kramer, a bait and tackle salesman, touts the Shoalhaven artificial reefs as a model but omits to say NSW consulted widely, and rigorously assessed the ecological, biological and socioeconomic impacts before installation. The Victorian Fisheries Authority ignored community and other stakeholders as did the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning which gave consent for the installation. All involved remain silent on the reef’s proximity to eco-sensitive areas. Why the secrecy?
Mechelle Cheers, Rye

No true process at work
The three women pictured in “Reef Grief: Mornington locals wary of underwater installations at Point Nepean” are not single-issue ″⁣not in my backyard″⁣ types. They have led community groups to campaign for strategic protection of Point Nepean, from 2007 when the federal government threatened to turn the former quarantine station into a residential subdivision, followed by a long, losing fight to stop the deepening (actually widening) of the Rip in 2009.
They now are strongly concerned at the installation of 16 artificial reefs in the pristine and sensitive marine national park. The proposal for the artificial reefs in a dynamic energy environment has state bipartisan support and so it seems there was no necessity of any public consultation nor scientific scrutiny of the project.
Hardly a democratic process.
Alida Burke, Sorrento

Sorry, Simon
Our family are big Demons supporters and we admire what Simon Goodwin has achieved. We don’t admire him enough, though, to take medical advice from him.
Jill Rosenberg, Caulfield South

Deface in the crowd
Josh Frydenberg is not the only candidate in Kooyong with defaced posters. The graffiti on those of the independent and Green faces, too, is obviously the work of the usual vandals who don’t, or can’t, discriminate between electricity poles and political advertising.
Kay Moulton, Surrey Hills

ICAC is needed
Reports of misuse of power and processes is close to turning us into a Third World country. Kickbacks, flouting processes, avoiding scrutiny, misleading information was Donald Trump’s modus operandi and now is rife here. Establishing an ICAC is essential to restore confidence in our democratic institutions.
Our adversaries are taking delight in the failures of our liberal democracy and will do what they can to undermine it.
Eugene Schlusser,

Disappearing act
It’s not just the swearing, body parts and shock-horror that make comedy unfunny, it’s also that most comedians get their laughs from beating up on somebody. These days most play it safe by beating up on themselves but many, like Chris Rock, still pick out victims.
Either way it’s comedy without wit and not that funny. My benchmark for humour comes from a joke Red Symons once told: ″⁣Descartes walks into a restaurant and orders coq au vin and a glass of wine. When he’s finished the waiter returns and asks, ‘Will there be anything further sir?’ Descartes replies, ‘I think not’ and disappears.″⁣
John Laurie, Riddells Creek

Mission failure
The federal government is a bit like Apollo 13, ″⁣What is working on this thing?″⁣ We have a problem.
Andy Wain, Rosebud


If the truth in political advertising legislation being considered in Victoria was mandated federally Scott Morrison may well be left speechless.
Phil Alexander, Eltham

You don’t have to be a racist to weaponise race for political advantage.
Anne Maki, Alphington

Perhaps Scott Morrison’s forte is advertising. He is using dodgy means attempting to sell a shonky product.
Joan Segrave, Healesville

Scott Morrison’s treatment of Christine Holgate as Australia Post CEO was another example of his bullying behaviour. Completely unacceptable.
Michelle Leeder, Trentham

The PM says claims of racism made against him are ″⁣malicious slurs″⁣. The allegations are certainly damaging and might be motivated by ill-will, but that’s not the point. The point is, are they true?
Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills

Prime Minister, a carefully worded stat dec won’t be very convincing. All you really need to do is to explain exactly why a massive vote against you was retaken and the opposite result reached. How hard could that be?
Terry Bourke, Newtown

I have never heard the words “billion dollars” used so much as in the past couple of weeks.
Ron Mather, Melbourne

Another report from the UN on the climate change crisis. Will the PM embrace it in his election campaign?
Phil Lipshut, Elsternwick

Scott Morrison signs off on a free trade agreement with India while India continues to trade with Russia. At what cost is free trade? Leigh O’Connor, Beaumaris

Photos of politicians in shorts? Not while I’m having breakfast, please (″⁣Trouble at the temple″⁣, The Age, 5/4 ).
David Cayzer, Clifton Hill

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