Shaken shop workers are too afraid to unlock their doors

EXCLUSIVE: Full inside story of crazed shirtless man’s terrifying rampage through one of Australia’s most affluent suburbs – with residents now so frightened they REFUSE to go outside

  • Man roared vile abuse at police officers and dared them to shoot him 
  • The terrifying scene happened in a leafy, well to do inner city suburb 
  • Nearby shop workers watched in horror as the man stormed shopping strip
  • A dozen police eventually cornered and pepper sprayed the man to subdue him 

Terrified shop workers in one of Australia’s most affluent suburbs are too afraid to unlock their doors after a crazed, shirtless man rampaged down the street.

Customers and staff could only watch in horror as the aggressive man stormed towards them in Kew, in Melbourne’s east, about 9.15am on Tuesday.

He took a fighting stance in the middle of a major intersection known as Kew Junction and dared pursuing police to shoot him, over and over. 

Andy, a worker at Top Fade Barbers, had just arrived to open the salon when he stumbled upon the confronting scene. 

An aggressive, shirtless man is pictured in the leafy inner Melbourne suburb of Kew, roaring abuse at police officers and demanding they shoot him

‘The cops chased him across the road and cornered him with four police cars, then they pepper sprayed him and he fell down,’ he told Daily Mail Australia.

Across the road an employee at ASL Real Estate had a perfect view of the unfolding drama that still had her shaken the next day.

‘I saw him shouting in the middle of the street and when the police apprehended him, and I dared not go outside,’ she said. 

‘I’ve kept the door locked since then… I’m just here on my own and I’m a bit rattled. It’s not what you expect to see around here in the morning.’

Witnesses said the man first appeared outside the derelict Junktion Hotel (centre) and stormed up busy Studley Park Road until he reached the intersection

He stormed to the middle of this street in Kew about 9.15am on Tuesday and roared at police

Witnesses said the man first appeared outside the derelict Junktion Hotel and stormed up busy Studley Park Road until he reached the intersection.

Disturbing video showed him bellowing at three pursuing officers.

‘F*** off, you f****** dogs,’ he roared. 

‘Shoot me. Shoot me, ya f****** dogs,’ he shouts while punching his chest and gesticulating at the police. 

As more police cars arrive the agitated man holds an aggressive stance and continues his tirade. 

‘Shoot me, go on, shoot me,’ he said, over and over again. 

The video ended with three police officers, two female and one male, approaching the man, who turned away and shuffled across the street.

He ended up outside NK Nail Salon where manager Phuc Dang and his staff were serving a full shop of customers.

‘We suddenly saw this man shirtless and screaming come towards us,’ he said.

He scuttled to the corner next to NK Nail Salon where a dozen cops cornered and pepper sprayed him

Two female police officers are pictured in front of a moving police wagon with its siren blaring

‘Everyone was curious [as to] what was going on and moved to the window but we weren’t worried because there were police following him.

‘It was very early in the morning for something like that to be happening.’

Four police cars full of officers cornered the man in Roal Wallenberg Gardens next door to the nail salon, where he was eventually taken down.

Mr Dang said police came into the shop to ask for water, which they gave to the man before an ambulance arrived to take him away soon after.

Daily Mail Australia contacted Victoria Police for comment. 

Source: Read Full Article

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