Shocking moment cannibal croc devours rival in ferocious battle to the death

A CANNIBALISTIC crocodile has been caught on camera feasting on a rival croc in a brutal two-hour battle.

Photographer Anne-Marie Scheepers, 52, snapped the blood-thirsty pictures while visiting the Kruger National Park in South Africa.

The pictures show a crocodile clamping its teeth down and shaking the helpless, smaller crocodile.

The shocking attack happened over the space of two hours.

Anne, from Johannesburg, said: "I went on an eight day trip to Skukuza, the main camp in Kruger, where we stayed in the camping area.

"As we were on our way from Lower-Sable, passing Sunset Dam, I noticed something strange and asked my friend if he would reverse so I could look again.

"I saw the crocodile with another crocodile in its mouth and at first, thought it was part of a mating ritual.

"But when I looked through the lens, I saw the blood on the big crocs teeth.

"It became clear to us that this was no mating ritual, but rather an attack.

"The big croc soon started to do the death roll int he water, with the small croc still alive fighting bravely.

"We could see the small croc opening and slowly closing its mouth while moving its tail.

"The big croc then emerged from the water and repeatedly shook the little one every 10 to 15 minutes.

"It was clear to me that the little one was still alive because he opened and closed his mouth and eyes and was shaking his tail at the end."

Larger crocodiles feed off bigger prey including pigs, birds, reptiles, turtles, wallabies and even other crocodiles.

This cannibalistic behaviour is believed to be an important population controlling mechanism.

Last month, a giant anaconda wrapped itself round a deadly caiman in brutal fight for survival.

The 40-minute long battle was snapped by Kim Sullivan from Indiana in the US along the banks of the Cuiabá River, Brazil.

Similarly, another croc was crushed by an elephant mum in a bid to protect her calf.

The elephant was filmed attacking the crocodile at a safari park in Zambia.

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