‘Sickly old man’ Putin will either die in his bunker or face war crimes trial at The Hague, says Ukraine | The Sun

"SICKLY" Vladimir Putin will either die holed up in one of his bunkers or face trial for war crimes, Ukraine has said.

The dilapidated nation is hell-bent on ousting the Russian President amid his disastrous invasion – by whatever means necessary.

Senior intelligence officials suspect the desperate leader is running out of moves and will meet a disappointing end.

When his brutal regime is toppled, they say the aging figurehead will be forced to stand trial at The Hague for his atrocities.

That's if Putin doesn't meet his maker first – to face an "inglorious" death while skulking away in one of his bunkers.

The rumours have only been exacerbated by the Russian despot's shaky public displays while speculation around his deteriorating health continues.


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Vasyl Malyuk, acting head of Ukraine's security service, voiced his predictions for Putin's pitiful climax during an interview with Ukraine's 1+1 channel.

The SBU chief warned the warmonger he would not be immortalised as a hero at the culmination of his career, but rather a coward.

Malyuk scathed: "Played, sneaked in, exposed himself. This is the bunker grandfather.

"He really lives in his sick world, and two options will befall him.

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"Either the dock in The Hague, or an inglorious death somewhere in a bunker in Altai.

"That's it."

Paranoid Putin is said to have a string of luxury bunkers across Russia that are ready for him scarper off to for solace – and safety.

According to reports, the network of underground hideouts stretch from Moscow all the way to The Ural Mountains.

If the Russian President does want to avoid the dock, Ukraine suggests he will instead miserably perish in one of his boltholes.

Malyuk then hinted the leader had better move fast – as he announced the SBU and other global security agencies have already curated a "unique treasure trove" of evidence against him.

Their alleged stacks of proof of Putin's war crimes could see him prosecuted on a world stage at the International Criminal Court.

Alternatively, Putin could suffer the same fate as the dictators of Iraq and Libya, who died at the hands of their own people when their horrific regimes were ousted.

Faith in Putin's prowess as a war leader has dwindled in recent months amid a string of blunders and speculation surrounding his health.

He has already scrapped his state of the nation address for the New Year – which would be the biggest speech of his life.

The mad tyrant also cancelled his end-of-year press conference and his annual hockey game.

Either the dock in The Hague, or an inglorious death somewhere in a bunker in Altai.

Aborting his traditional plans have again only fuelled rumours he is hiding from the Russian people as his health falters.

It has been alleged that the he is suffering from a number of illnesses -including cancer, Parkinson’s disease and a schizoaffective disorder.

Telegram channel General SVR, which claims to be run by Kremlin insiders, alleged that Putin was visibly unwell while dishing out awards on Tuesday.

He presented the highest state decorations to "outstanding Russians" in the safety the Kremlin's St Catherine Hall.

General SVR said the "only danger during the presentation of awards was Putin himself" as he coughed and spluttered.

The post read: "He had obvious symptoms of SARS (possibly the flu), such as chills, pain in the head and joints, a fever and snot appeared.

"But the President preferred to block the symptoms with drugs and still held the ceremony."

The alleged Kremlin insiders added that cancelling events and other plans would only encourage "unnecessary questions and rumours" about Putin's health.

Despite claims of his illnesses, the Russian leader managed to compose himself to unveil his country's new military strategy.

Putin will set out the Kremlin's military aims for 2023 in a meeting with top officials on Wednesday.

The meeting, which AFP reports will include a speech from defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, comes days after the British MoD reported morale was growing increasingly low among Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

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It comes as President Zelensky visits the United States for his first visit outside of Ukraine since Russia's brutal invasion began.

The steadfast leader is set to address Congress as the US prepares to provide his country with a massive new aid package.

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