Sneaky dog snatches meat from kitchen counter while adults chat

‘Where’s the other steak?’ Moment sneaky dog snatches meat from kitchen counter while her owner and friends chat

  • A cheeky dog chomped away on a steak while three adults were busy chatting
  • Home footage captured the pooch’s fast one at Fort Worth, Texas, on March 6
  • Three human talked away in their kitchen as their two dogs eyes up their steaks
  • A minute and a half went by until one of them noticed what the dogs were up to

This is the the moment a smart pooch stole a steak while three oblivious adults in the kitchen weren’t looking.

The footage was captured by Reddit user Beef_Candy on Sunday, March 6, at his home in Fort Worth, Texas.

In the video, he lays out three freshly-cooked steaks in his kitchen as he and his partner host their friend. His dog Turbo and his friend’s dog Delta then come meandering into the kitchen. 

Say what? The trio stare in disbelief after realising that one of the three steaks has mysteriously vanished

While the humans aren’t looking, cheeky Delta jumps on to the counter and gently grabs the nearest steak in her jaws – chomping it down in seconds.

Delta and Turbo take turns jumping up to the counter and greedily eye up the other two steaks.

However, the humans continue chatting unawares for over a minute and a half until they wise up to what the dogs are doing.

The three people look back and forth at the canine duo and the steaks are then moved to another side. 

After’s Delta theft was caught on camera, other dog Turbo was rewarded with a small slice of steak for ‘being a good boy’.

When the humans’ backs are turned: Wise pooch Delta makes a grab for one of the steaks and chomps it down in seconds

Guilty culprit! Delta realises the game is up when she is surrounded by her owner and his two friends

After sharing the footage online, the man said:  ‘A good friend of ours came by my home to have some steaks. He brought his dog, Delta, to play with our dog, Turbo. They’re really close. 

‘We got super into a conversation about kitchen appliances, of all things, while letting the steaks rest on a cutting board after cooking… and that’s when Delta snuck in and stole the smaller steak. 

‘She was then bold enough to try to come in for round two, while we were still none the wiser. 

‘She didn’t even share with her furry friends! Lucky for her, it was her birthday the day before! 

‘Plus, Turbo got some steak later for being left out but being a good boy and following the rules.’

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