Storm the cria sees his reflection for the first time

Alarmed llama! Hilarious moment Storm the cria sees his reflection for the first time

  • An adorable baby llama reacted to seeing his reflection in a mirror for first time
  • Seven-week-old Storm was spooked at Wunsapana Farm, Altamount in New York
  • Footage, posted on TikTok, shows animal building confidence to get closer to it

An adorable baby llama was left spooked by his refection after seeing himself in a mirror for the first time. 

The seven-week-old baby llama – known as a cria – named Storm, looked like he’d seen a ghost at Wunsapana Farm, Altamont in New York after his owners placed a long mirror in the barn. 

The footage, which was posted to TikTok on November 14, shows the animal spotting his reflection before quickly darting away in fright.

Seven-week-old baby llama Storm looked like he’d seen a ghost at Wunsapana Farm, Altamount in New York on November 14

But the inquisitive llama hilariously jumps back in front of the mirror and faces his reflection head on before running off a second time.

Seconds later, the llama slowly approaches the glass again, before bravely touching his nose against the surface. 

One user wrote: ‘I do the same thing every morning!’ Another said: ‘If I looked as good as you, I’d be staring at myself!’

One more wrote: ‘This is so so so adorable!’

This isn’t the first time a reflection has managed to spook an animal, sometimes the latter effect is to make them angry.

One cat hissed and growled at a potential rival, not realizing the intruder was his own reflection in a mirror.

Unhappy moggy Baby Claude’s owner heard the cat mewing from an upstairs room at their home in Brandenberg, Germany.

Thinking another animal had broken in, she ran upstairs to find the pet gearing up for a fight against a large mirror he had spotted himself in.

The owner’s video shows the confused seven-year-old slowly stalking the mirror before raising his head, catching sight of the ‘other animal’ and letting out a volley of hisses and growls. 

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