Teachers compete in ‘degrading’ game where they scramble on the ground for cash

Teachers took part in a strange game where they had to scramble to find money in a game called 'dash for cash'.

The organisers that set up the game have been hit with major backlash after the clip went viral.

It was condemned widely on social media after the educators were seen on their hands and knees attempting to find $1 bills.

Ten teachers from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, were seen scrambling to grab as many bills as possible within five minutes on Saturday night (December 11).

A total of £3,772 was donated by CU Mortgage Direct, with the gathered money going towards each teacher's respective school or classroom.

At first Director of Business Development and Marketing for CU Mortgage Direct, Ryan Knudson, said the game was an 'awesome' thing to do.

He told previously Argus Leader: "With everything that has gone on for the last couple of years with teachers and everything, we thought it was an awesome group thing to do for the teachers.

"The teachers in this area, and any teacher, they deserve whatever the heck they get."

But social media condemned the game, and the video has already been viewed almost 20million times.

After the 'degrading' clip went viral, the organisers apologised to the school teachers for the embarrassment caused to them and their profession.

They said while the event was set up to provide a 'fun and positive' experience, they saw how it "appears to be degrading and insulting towards the participating teachers and the teaching profession”.

“We deeply regret and apologise to all teachers for any embarrassment this may have caused,” the statement by the hosts said.

Commenting on the video, one person said: "Teachers, on their hands and knees, grabbing for $1 bills to buy classroom supplies, for the amusement of a crowd. yeah, totally uplifting and fun not at all totally dystopian."

Another said: "This is really sick and degrading. Why is this happening?

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"Just pay the teachers a decent wage and give schools the necessary funding for classroom supplies."

A third added: "What in the actual f***?! As a teacher this makes me furious.

"Just GIVE them the $$$ instead of making them crawl on the ground for $1 bills in front of an audience.

"How ‘bout the person who thought this up does the same thing for their bonus this year. See how they like it."

Another made an eerie comparison to the recent hit South Korean Netflix show and said: "Next time on Squid Game… "

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