The ebbing of life

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I am 82 and live in a nursing home because of physical limitations. I have an academic background and can very happily fill my days with satisfying intellectual pursuits – reading, writing, research and phone chats to friends. I have recently updated my advanced care directive to include dementia as a reason to access voluntary assisted dying should legislation be in place to allow it if, or when I develop dementia and can no longer use my brain and enjoy life on my own terms.
I do not want to be the wanderer who invades the rooms of others, nor whoever defecated on the bathroom floor of another resident. I do not want to become aggressive and disruptive. I do not want to be stuck in a princess chair all day, unable to move or communicate, unable to recognise friends or family and parked in a group in front of a blaring TV with a carer sitting by. I do not want to be spoon fed, changed like a baby and kept alive for no good reason at all. I would be rightly accused of cruelty if I treated a pet like that. I emphatically reject the idea of palliative care. My next of kin are aware of my choices and are supportive. OK, these are my choices.
I do not expect that everyone else wants the same, but please, please let me be the decision-maker for my own body. Surely that is not too much to ask?
Kath Wilkinson, Box Hill

Is it quality or presence?
It seems reasonable for a person to request voluntary assisted dying if they are to suffer dementia and get to a point where they will lose their faculties, and are certainly fuelled by fear. However, it raises questions. At what point in the trajectory of the illness will the procedure take place? Under current legislation, the person has to administer the potion or risk a murder charge on another person. And while palliative care is about pain management and symptom control, it does not address the cognitive or functional decline in a patient.
Is life measured by quality or presence? Does a person have the right to determine the timing and condition of own demise or are we losing the value of a human life? It is not a black and white issue.
Julie Ottobre, Sorrento

A measure of our civilisation
Great courage was shown by Professor David Ames and Dr John Obeid for being prepared to offer an informed view of voluntary assisted dying and its implications for people with dementia (Comment, 10/6). Many diseases can’t be measured in absolute terms or defined by numbers. Dementia is among them, yet our focus of attention is usually on extreme cases, for illustrative purposes in advocacy for social improvement, to make it seem simpler. The vast majority of people with dementia have a life, and the way in which we support that is a measure of our civilisation. No numbers needed.
Dr Clyde Ronan, Yarrawonga

The system needs to be first-class
Professor David Ames and old-age psychiatrist Dr John Obeid gave a calm and rational opinion on how to respond to the potential or actual onset of dementia in oneself or a loved one. In a high-quality aged care system of the future, every Australian needing aged care services for any ageing-related disability, including dementia, would, as a first healthcare response, be placed under the knowledgeable and capable wing of a geriatrician, and every detail of the care carried out by aged care services workers would be closely directed and monitored by the expertise of the geriatrician. As Miriam Margolyes once said, the way to respond to the onset of an ageing-related disability is to describe oneself as ″⁣a newly disabled person″⁣.
Ruth Farr, Blackburn South

Indignity and its discontents
I watched my aunt die a slow, very undignified death. She was anything but ″⁣content″⁣.
Marie Nash, Balwyn


Climate hope
Thank you Nick O’Malley (″⁣Hope as clean energy booms″⁣, 10/6). What a desperately needed shot in the arm it is to learn of the unprecedented increase in clean energy across the globe in the past year. And China, America and Europe are leading the way.
Maybe, just maybe, humans can get their act together fast enough to defeat the annihilation hurtling towards us and our beautiful, miraculous, green and blue globe.
We are at 60 seconds to midnight on the extinction clock. The summer Arctic sea ice that used to cool the globe and reflect the summer heat is gone. The melting of the Arctic permafrost that will release vast stores of the methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is speeding up.
What would it take to preserve life on Earth? Certainly the courage, resolve, and self-sacrifice that the Ukrainians are now demonstrating. In short, war planning, societal resolve and extraordinary leadership.
Can we do it? We are the only generation who can. We must.
Lynne Holroyd, East Hawthorn

ABC FM winner
If the ABC is concerned about ratings on AM radio it need look no further than ABC FM, which managed to get almost 200,000 Australians to vote for their favourite instrument. The cello won but the clear winner was ABC FM radio. Only an organisation with such a wide spread of cultural distribution and such highly musically inclined and educated presenters could manage such excellent programming. And this to be followed up by a live concert in Melbourne celebrating the Top 100. All congrats to the team at ABC FM and especially the presenters who managed to display what AM radio lacks.
Nathan Feld, Glen Iris

Stop blaming RBA
Ashley Craig nailed it (Comment, 12/6). The RBA is doing a credible job in its attempt to rein in inflation by using its only available tool, interest rates. However, government spending and failure to reduce costs is undermining its efforts. Time for the government to play its part by tightening its belt, reducing subsidies and taxation reform.
Oh, and to stop blaming the RBA for the crisis it is exacerbating by its inaction.
Brian Marshall, Ashburton

The best use
What an amazing outcome for this cohort of critically ill children (″⁣Vital answers for sick children with ultra-rapid genetic tests″⁣, 12/6). On reading the effects of how, if begun in very early childhood, the chance of giving an infant the ability to thrive and develop is astounding. To think that all this can be achieved at a cost of just $10,000 a child, it is perhaps the most incredibly efficient investment imagined.
Truly, this is the best use of ″⁣early intervention″⁣, rather than a slow, plodding examination while the child’s body is further damaged before a diagnosis is recognised.
Joyce Butcher, Williamstown

Senate numbers
In ″⁣Push for more MPs could backfire″⁣, (12/6) George Brandis provides a timely reminder of the effect on Senate numbers of any increase in the number of members in the lower house. He claims, however, that the Hawke government failed to appreciate this when the size of the parliament was last increased.
What he failed to mention was that the Hawke government well understood the issue, and proposed a constitutional amendment aimed at breaking this nexus between House of Representative and Senate numbers. This proposal was put to a vote at a referendum in 1984. The proposal was, as usual, strongly opposed by the conservative opposition, and was defeated although there was a narrow national majority in favour.
It is a pity Brandis was not around then to provide his advice to his own party.
Robert Packett,

Nationwide problem
The crisis of homelessness in Victoria – “with the problem growing fastest in some regional areas” – is mirrored across the country. Put simply, homelessness is a national problem requiring all hands on deck. As opposed to the current impasse in the federal parliament. (“Homelessness more than doubles in some parts of Victoria”, 12/6)
Moreover, homelessness is characterised by not only “people living on the street”, but who are forced to reside as an option of last resort in “cars, boarding houses, temporary accommodation (crisis accommodation in motels) or severely overcrowded dwellings″⁣.
Notably the worst part of the story about growing homelessness in Australia is that it has been a long time in the making (ie three decades at least) and that it is entirely preventable if only ″⁣home first″⁣ was the policy response as a basic human right.
Jelena Rosic, Mornington

Power abused
The leaking of messages on Brittany Higgins’ phone is an abuse of power. It will make future victims of sexual violence reluctant to report the crime to the police. It is unjust that a young woman who made an allegation of rape has been subject to such ongoing abuse.
It is also unfathomable that the Liberal Party is attacking Senator Katy Gallagher for what she knew and when. This is a serious case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Sarah Russell, Mount Martha

Cacophony? No thanks
Your correspondent rightly asks, ″⁣Who goes to a restaurant to listen to music chosen by, and for the benefit of, staff?″⁣ The same applies to pubs, wherein there are often also noisy televisions. As there is no shortage nowadays of outlets for beer, wine and spirits, why bother going to these establishments? For, instead of being able therein to enjoy a quiet drink with others, we find ourselves paying for a distracting intrusive cacophony.
Peter Drum, Coburg

Deception and lies
I read with interest the views of Noel Pearson in relation to the Voice and the Yes campaign. Pearson thinks the Yes campaign lacks a clear message and has been snookered by the deceptive arguments of its opponents. This is copybook tactics used so effectively internationally by climate change deniers, regrettably to this day. Let us substitute the word deceptive with bald-faced lies and we are getting closer to the truth.
Phil Labrum, Trentham

Ban e-scooter hiring
We should do what the City of London has done. Ban all hire e-scooters, but not those owned. Problem solved.
Elaine Savona, Aspendale

Two standards
We rightly laud the efforts of the journalists who disclosed Ben Roberts-Smith’s actions, possibly war crimes; Julian Assange pointed the finger at American war crimes and may be jailed for his efforts.
Lee Kennedy, Box Hill

The Trump warning
Donald Trump says he is part of a “final battle” with “corrupt forces”. By his actions, he has created much of the corruption himself. His personal morals and abrasive politics have been supported, or at least glossed over, by many within the right wing ecosystem.
Many Republicans who know the truth still hang on to his coat-tails. Fox and other ″⁣news″⁣ media reinforce his dangerous lies, like the election was ″⁣stolen″⁣ from him. Why is this important to Australia? Because we rely on and follow the United States in so many ways. America is both a symbol and practical example of democracy. Defence and other ties bind us. Individuals and organisations here often take a lead from America.
So I hate to agree about anything said by Donald Trump, but he’s correct in asserting that the next US election may destroy America, or at least destroy democracy there.
John Hughes, Mentone

Kids show how
Australian TV spends millions on ″⁣reality″⁣ endurance shows, featuring fit adults and then along comes the real endurance of four children in the Amazon.
Gerry Lonergan, Reservoir

Thanks, Brett
We owe Brett Sutton much more than was acknowledged during COVID (“It nearly crushed me: Sutton exits”, 10/6). Victoria’s loss is CSIRO’s gain, but there’s a missed chance: the RBA could do with his “net zero” focus right now.
Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale

Thus spoke wise words
I think Nietzsche put the matter very well: “To die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. Death freely chosen, death at the right time, brightly and cheerfully accomplished amid children and witnesses: then a real farewell is still possible, as the one who is taking leave is still there.“
Nola McIvor, Golden Square

No boos for Blues
The one positive the Carlton players can take from their woeful on-field performances of late is that they don’t get booed off the field. Most of their supporters are already on their way home.
Rob Prowd, Box Hill South

I dips me lid
I think stall holder Amelia Trompf deserves a King’s Birthday honour for her efforts to make lunch boxes usable again (″⁣If the cap fits, share it″⁣, 12/6).
Craig Tucker, Newport

Excellent news
An Age Ago archive series. What a good idea. The one regarding Beatles mania was very interesting. Well done.
Denise Deerson, Victoria


When we become a republic, will we lose the King’s Birthday holiday?
Ian Broinowski, Battery Point, Tas

It’s rather wonderful that King Charles has his birthday on the same day as his late mum.
John Bye, Elwood

Considering all the accolades and heartfelt thanks that have been given to Brett Sutton, it is a pity he wasn’t officially recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours.
Alan Inchley, Frankston

At the rate the AFL is charging and penalising players for tackling, they might as well cancel the Brownlow, there won’t be any players eligible.
Tom Stafford, Wheelers Hill

Parents can send their children to a Catholic school or any other private school, but they should not expect the taxpayer to subsidise their decision.
David Eames-Mayer, Balwyn

I predict Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe’s diary will soon open up, giving him vast opportunities to increase his hours of work.
Mick Hussey, Beaconsfield

Seems fair if people with two houses (or more) share their wealth with those who don’t have one at all.
Grant Morgan, Hurstbridge

The Saudi government might need to upgrade its PR team. (“Oil kingdom punts on production cut”, 12/6) All the soft-power smooching in the world won’t outweigh the anger at having to pay more at the bowser.
John Mosig, Kew

“Australia need one wicket to win.” Australia is a country, Australia is a team. Australia needs one wicket to win.
George Stockman, Berwick

Below is a complete list of everything the world owes you and what you are entitled to.

Geoff Warren, Anglesea

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