The real reason why Donald Trump is so obsessed with scoffing takeaways from with fast-food chains … and it makes sense

MYSTERY has always surrounded why the billionaire Donald Trump tucks in to so much cheap fast food – but now the real reason behind his penchant for a Big Mac or KFC bucket can be revealed.

During his presidential campaign, Trump's calorific diet came under the spotlight as well as his weight.

But it has always been baffling why Trump – dubbed the "fast-food president"- loves a takeaway when he is so luxurious about everything else?

Now this burning question can answered once and for all.

And it is all has to do with Trump's love of being in control.

For he mostly eats takeouts from chain restaurants because he believes them to be clean.

Speaking at a Republican town, Trump praised Wendy's and McDonald's for maintaining what he called "a certain standard".

He said: "I like cleanliness and I think you're better off going there than maybe some place that you have no idea where the food is coming from."

So it seems the property mogul is a germaphobe and wants to avoid catching a tummy bug.

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Trump takes some time out from his busy schedule to feast with a member of his staff on a Domino's PizzaCredit: Getty Images

Trump is well-known for having a fear of germs.

He has previously been hesitant to shake hands with people he meets for that reason.

Trump's pal presenter Piers Morgan backed this claim up in a recent tweet.

He said: “Trump IS a germaphobe, fyi.

“I’ve personally seen him recoil from shaking hands (not mine, obviously..) many times.”

The burly property tycoon is the third fattest President in history finishing behind fellow heavy-hitters Taft and Grover Cleveland who weighed 275 pounds when he entered the White House in 1893.

The plump firebrand, who has admitted to gorging on calorific fast food, would also be the oldest President in the history of the Unites States beating Ronald Reagan who was 69-years-old when he took office in 1980.

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