The rest of Australia is showing the way ahead

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Australia’s states are showing the way ahead
With only four weeks until the UN’s climate summit in Glasgow, it is too late for the Australian government by itself to provide a comprehensive, well-considered plan that will guide Australia effectively to net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050. A plan cobbled together from a compromise between the parties within the Coalition is unlikely to receive the widespread support and commitment necessary for success.

Why not also bring together, and fully reflect, the work of the states, territories, local governments and private sectors? Already, all the state governments, from both sides of politics, as well as the capital cities, many other local governments and many private organisations are committed to the 2050 goal, and Tasmania is already there.

As practised in Canada, the role of the national government would be to support the states, assist collaboration and represent Australia internationally. Such an inclusive submission could save Australia from humiliation in Glasgow.
Graham Hunter, Canterbury

South Australia should be congratulated …
Thank you to Peter Hartcher for painting a clear picture of a successful transition to renewable energy (“PM powers down, world fires up”, Comment, 2/10). Steven Marshall’s South Australian government should be congratulated for its forethought and ambition towards a sustainable future.

Humanity struggles with change. A clear and positive vision, however, can provide the necessary encouragement to assist the process. In addition to the obvious and significant environmental benefits, Hartcher has used the South Australian example to outline the economic benefits a renewables boom provides.

The Morrison government has a month left before the Glasgow COP26 conference to come up with a credible plan for climate action this decade. I remain hopeful that a positive vision can tip the balance away from excuses and towards a brave and opportunistic new world. Can they do it?
Amy Hiller, Kew

… but the previous government deserves credit
Peter Hartcher has now put South Australia at the forefront, however, I do take issue with Hartcher in not giving sufficient credit to the previous Labor government under the leadership of Jay Weatherill, when he says that government “lacked competence” with the management of the grid’s transition from carbon-based power to solar and wind.

During Weatherill’s tenure, there was the big battery installation at Hornsdale and significant wind farm installations in the mid-north of the state. And let’s not forget his role in saving the Whyalla steelworks, which included the use of renewable energy.

The present government is now riding on the back of these initiatives, so credit should be given to some forward thinking by the Labor government.
Bruce MacKenzie, South Kingsville

It’s time to be part of the solution
Barnaby Joyce is effectively still sitting on his hands waiting for the Prime Minister to produce a fully costed climate plan for his consideration. Instead, he and his (admittedly dysfunctional) Nationals colleagues should be producing their own blueprint.

This would of course quantify the costs to his constituents of past and future climate-affected droughts, bushfires and floods and the jobs that are at risk to rural and mining communities as the world demand for our fossil fuels collapses.

His plan would then spell out the environmentally sensitive farming practices that could be practised (and funded if need be) and the new industries and jobs from renewables and related industries that will protect and transform rural communities.

Mr Joyce, stop being the problem and be part of the solution.
Peter Thomson, Brunswick


Not as proud as I once was
I used to be proud to call myself an Australian. Now I don’t know what that means, or what we stand for. Our federal government spends taxpayers’ money for political ends. It shreds contracts, makes big announcements with no outcomes, has an appalling attitude to women and is making us an international pariah with its “policies” on climate change.

It delays ordering vaccines when a pandemic engulfs the world and has to be pressured by the state premiers into providing financial support to the millions affected by locking down the country to protect us from that pandemic.

Many sectors miss out on financial support – the arts, higher education, gig economy workers, international students – while others just add subsidies to their bottom line.

Our federation fractures when the government pits state against state. It preferences the “gold standard” state over all others while federal MPs regularly undermine their home states. Statistics are manipulated and spun to suit the narrative. We treat refugees and asylum seekers as criminals and deny our First Nations people their right to a voice.

I am a proud Victorian, but I cannot be proud of this Australia.
Judith Downie, Doncaster East

Echoes of a Star Chamber
I found your article about a secret tribunal extremely disturbing (“Victoria’s ‘secret place’ for interrogating criminals”, The Age, 4/10). It does indeed sound like a Star Chamber and seems to undo centuries of slow progress in establishing the rights of the citizen. I am not surprised that the police are in favour of it; when have they ever not been in favour of coercive interrogation?

The authorities will always assure us that such interrogation is necessary to keep us safe; the same argument is used to justify torture.

A tribunal whose proceedings and very existence are secret and where the accused/witness has no right to silence. What have we come to?
David Rose, Montrose

An ‘anti-vax’ tax …
As pointed out by Professor David Hayward (“Anti-vax tax may be a shot in arm”, Comment, 4/10), refusal to be vaccinated against COVID has implications for innocent third parties who wear the costs of the health consequences of a no-vax decision made by some individuals.

We are already seeing this situation now in the overloaded hospital wards. Professor Hayward’s suggestion to introduce an anti-vax tax is consistent with existing rules including the “No jab, no pay” policy, where children need to be up to date with their immunisations to claim the Family Benefit Part A and childcare subsidies.
Leigh Ackland, Deepdene

… is worth considering
Professor David Hayward’s “anti-vax tax” proposal warrants serious consideration, although its divisive name could be revised.

At first glance, the comparison with a tax on tobacco may seem flawed. After all, the decision to smoke is a decision to do something, the decision to remain unvaccinated is the decision to not act.
However, once vaccines flow freely and with choice, declining a vaccine without having a genuine medical exemption is an active decision to risk promoting the spread of COVID-19 and burdening the health system.

No matter what pandemic levy is applied, whether broad based, or targeting the unvaccinated, there must be a differential feature, the unvaccinated must pay a significantly higher rate, to reflect their negative impact on the health system, but more critically, to encourage vaccination.

Getting this public policy right will save more lives than any doctor or ICU nurse could, enhance economic resilience, and fund a health system under unprecedented strain.

Josh Frydenberg should turn his attention now to a pandemic levy to complement and support state vaccine incentives.
Anita White, Kew

Just adopt the NSW model
Using his marketing expertise Scott Morrison has frequently expressed his admiration for NSW and its “gold standard” and encouraged others to follow suit.

Could he please apply the same logic to its Independent Commission Against Corruption. A simple “cut and paste” of its legislation to the federal sphere will not involve much effort and the resultant benefits to probity, honesty and accountability would be immense.

When it came to a parliamentary vote on that proposed legislation, I doubt many would want to be seen opposing it.
Jenny Callaghan, Hawthorn

Shocking, not surprising
Although Victoria’s continuing COVID infection surges of 1000-plus new cases are indeed a shocking situation, it’s debatable whether many Melburnians are shocked, (“COVID-19 spike another hard lesson”, Comment, 1/10).

Many may be horrified and alarmed, but certainly not surprised, given the continual, and increasing, breaches of public safety orders by an increasing number of fellow citizens.

Then there are those who are neither horrified nor alarmed: apparently not giving a damn. They are the ones who by their continual non-compliance have delivered these numbers to our community.

If only the COVID-19 spikes would actually be “another hard lesson”. Unfortunately there are those, who, preferring the quick fix of immediate, self-justifying gratification – doing what they feel like, when they feel like it — steadfastly refuse to learn. A recalcitrance that has led to rising infections and arguably the deaths of some people – not necessarily those who are non-compliant.
Deborah Morrison, Malvern East

A clear, loud message
Your story “Nurses tell of COVID horrors on the wards” (The Age, 4/10) quoted the nursing manager at the Royal Melbourne Hospital to great effect.

The message was clear and loud. Increasingly, she was caring for younger patients who were begging to have the vaccine right before they were put on life support. “COVID is real, it’s affecting younger age groups and it’s scary,” she said.

We need to hear more from those on the front line fighting COVID-19. This could be a wake-up call for young, fit people who think that they are immune.
Jane Campton, Albert Park

Not my idea of peaceful
The commentators and politicians who claim that the anti-lockdown protests largely consist of peaceful demonstrators obviously have not had the misfortune to be caught up in one. I have.

Travelling home just before the last lockdown started, I was trapped in a tram at the corner of Swanston and Flinders streets by the COVID lockdown protest. The demonstrators pounded the sides and windows of the tram as they passed. I could see the glass flexing, and had it been ordinary window glass, it would have broken.

The young woman who provides home care for my mother was driving past a different demonstration. Rocks and bottles were thrown at her car. Perhaps as she was wearing a uniform the demonstrators thought she may have been a nurse and therefore a “legitimate” target.

In both these cases the question was not if the protest would be violent, but how much more violent it was likely to become. Any genuinely peaceful protester would have packed up and gone home.
Heather Mitchell, Brighton East

We’re in a pandemic
Melbourne may have recorded the world’s longest lockdown but you would be hard-pressed to find an apolitical epidemiologist who has found fault with measures the Victorian government has taken to control the spread of cases and the number of deaths.

Critics of the government need to remember that this is a “pandemic” not a “Dan-demic”.
Garry Meller, Bentleigh

Joyce joins the conga line
Every time ICAC declares a Liberal identity or politician as a person of interest with the resultant resignation from their position, a conga line of Coalition politicians appears declaring that bureaucrats should not be in charge, that ICAC is a political instrument, that politicians are the elected body, etc.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce is the latest with his statement that ICAC is like the Spanish Inquisition.

Are these people seriously saying that the findings against the corrupt Labor NSW ministers Eddie Obeid and Ian Macdonald should not have happened? The Obeid family reportedly made $30 million from their corrupt issuing of mining licences.
Doug Shaw, Sunbury

It’s within our grasp
Melbourne may be the world’s most locked-down city but our compliance is waning.
We all know of many instances among our family and friends where there are repeated and increasing breaches of the rules.

This is understandable and to some extent forgivable since we are all totally fed up.

With 82 per cent of Victorians aged 16 and older having received the first dose, we are pretty well guaranteed to reach our 80 per cent fully vaccinated target in a few weeks, especially if those waiting for their second dose are recalled to have it quicker than originally scheduled.

We just need to follow the guidelines throughout October to regain many of our freedoms without overloading our hospitals. It’s within our grasp.
Peter Barry, Melbourne

The stress runs deep
Each day the Premier tells us how nurses and ambos are stressed because of the workload created by those who are in hospital because they chose not to be vaccinated.
It’s not only these health staff who are stressed.

The impact on mental health, education, small business and hospitality is astronomical. Those employed in these areas are bearing the brunt of the lockdown.

Unvaccinated people are the reason we have extended periods of time in lockdown. It’s about time the selfish unvaccinated members of the community began to consider society as a whole rather than their individual whims.
Ian Bennett, Jan Juc

He shouldn’t go to Glasgow
I don’t think that Prime Minister Scott Morrison should go to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow.

It would be so embarrassing for him, and for us.
Angela O’Connor, Glen Iris


Melbourne’s lockdown
Longest lockdown, my feelings – alive, and kicking.
Michael Helman, St Kilda East


Melbourne can hardly claim to be the lockdown capital of the world given the extent to which the rules are being ignored.
Tony O’Brien, South Melbourne

From now on, our vehicle number plates should read: Victoria – the lockdown state.
Mark Weatherseed, Kew

If a Prime Minister dithers twice does that make him double-vacillated? Jim Pilmer, Camberwell

Gladys Berejiklian, is there ever a right time to be ICAC-ed?
Jenny Bone, Surrey Hills

If wind farms are to play a major part in power reform, the hills around Canberra should be an ideal place.
Doris LeRoy, Altona

Democracy isn’t the right to protest, it’s the right to vote (“Can a pandemic kill off the right to protest”, The Age, 4/10).
Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills

The tennis
Novax Djokovic. That’s easy to remember.
Simon Thornton, Alphington

Melbourne can host a very successful Australian Open without Novak Djokovic.
Lyn Anderson, Surrey Hills

Glasgow climate summit
Scott Morrison will be the laughing stock of the climate talks in Glasgow if he attends, and if he doesn’t attend.
Phil Lipshut, Elsternwick

Professor David Hayward’s article on an anti-vax tax and a traffic light system for bars and restaurants (“Anti-vax tax may be a shot in arm”, Comment, 4/10) was spot on. Has he considered running for office?
Neale Woods, Wattle Glen

The fabulous scarecrows (“Gladys pops up among the scarecrows”, The Age, 4/10) made me smile: would love to see a Kevin Rudd or Peter Dutton scarecrow, that would be really alarming.
Mary Cole, Richmond

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