Three men jailed for attacking woman who fled arranged marriage

Woman, 24, who fled an arranged marriage with man who had been in prison for drug offences was tracked down to safe house and attacked by gang sent to bring her back, court hears

  • Haroon Ilyas, 42, tracked down the woman who went into hiding for her safety 
  • The 24-year-old woman took her younger siblings and went into a safe house
  • She was told she was going to marry her cousin who she said was a criminal 
  • Ilyas was jailed for five years for attacking the woman at a secret safe house 

Haroon Ilyas, 42, from Crumpsall, Manchester, pictured, was with his father and brother when they tried to return a 24-year-old woman to her family so she could be married to her drug dealing cousin

A woman fleeing an arranged marriage was tracked down to a secret safe house and attacked whilst she was in hiding with her younger sister.

The victim, 24, had quit her family home with her sister after she was designated a husband who had been in prison for drugs offences.

But despite being assigned a place in hiding by social services the two young women were found just five months later and confronted by a gang of three men who had been dispatched to return them home.

The victims, who cannot be named, struggled with their attackers but managed to shut the front door in their faces before an eye witness alerted police.

The pair both escaped injury and are thought to be have been rehoused elsewhere. It is not known how the men found about the location of the safe house.

At Minshull Street Crown Court, Manchester Haroon Ilyas, 42, from Crumpsall, Manchester was jailed for five years after he admitted using violence to a coerce someone into marriage and breaching a court order.

Ilyas’ father Mohammed, aged 76 also of Cheetham Hill, and brother Quisam, 38, of Bury were each jailed for nine months after admitting other charges relating to the attack. Allegations against all three men of attempted kidnapping were dropped.

The court heard the victim had taken out a forced marriage protection order against her own family after learning she had been ordered to marry one of her cousins.

Miss Shirlie Duckworth prosecuting said: ‘The groom she was supposed to be marrying had been remanded in custody for being concerned in supply of drugs. She did not agree to this but she says pressure was put on her to marry him in 2018, but it was put on hold when he was arrested.

‘When the marriage was supposed to happen in November 2019, she refused to marry him as he was a criminal. The argument got worse after she turned 24 and in December 2019, she was told about the arrangements of the wedding which had been booked for the end of the month.

Haroon Ilyas, 42, from Crumpsall, Manchester was jailed for five years while his father Mohammed, 76, and brother Quisam, 38, were both sentenced to nine months in jail

‘It was then a decision was made by her to flee the house with her three younger siblings. She bought a car and drove them all to a place of safety and two younger siblings were put into foster care while temporary accommodation was given to the complainant and her sister.

‘But numerous unwanted phone calls were received and the complainant believed her life was in danger. She knew her family would be ashamed because invitations had been sent out and arrangements had been made.’

A forced marriage protection order was granted on July 27, 2020 which was designed to protect the women from their family but the pair were tracked down on January 25 this year.

Miss Duckworth added: ‘At approximately 5.30pm the two women heard a knock at the door and saw the driver from the takeaway shop next door. But she then saw three men trying to barge in. They were screaming and the delivery driver shouted at the men to get out. Quasim was telling them to be quiet trying to put his hand over the complainant’s mouth but she managed to step out of the way.

‘The other sibling said the door was barged open and it nearly squashed her against the wall. Two of the defendants grabbed her by the wrists as she was struggling.’

Eye witness Carol Ashton said: ‘I saw some men run into the flat and heard the victim screaming and went to assist. I knew something wasn’t right and could see a struggle in the doorway. I told the men to leave the women alone and I called the police.’

All three men initially denied wrongdoing. The court heard the women’s family believe they ‘made up’ stories to get money to foster children for profit.

But the victim said in a statement: ‘I am very scared for myself and my sister. I am scared these people will find out where my brother and youngest sister are.’

In mitigation for Haroon, defence lawyer Denise Fitzpatrick said: ‘ He is remorseful and says he is very very sorry about the consequences this has had and he is regretful. He understands he should not have done it. He says he has let down his mosque.’

Sentencing the judge Mr Recorder Michael Duck QC said of the victim: ‘She did not want to take part in that marriage because of that individual, but it is clear her wishes were ignored.’

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