Thug who locked girlfriend in eighth-floor flat jailed for three years

‘Narcissist’ thug, 33, who locked his girlfriend in eighth-floor flat, forced her to pull out her braces with PLIERS and threatened to ‘gut out’ their unborn baby is jailed for three years

  • Thug confined girlfriend to eighth-floor flat and threatened to kill unborn baby
  • Thomas Fosbrook, 33, obsessed with controlling work colleague Holly Jepson 
  • Restaurant chef made Miss Jepson remove her dental braces with a pair of pliers
  • ‘Narcassist’ Fosbrook jailed for three years after he admitted coercive behaviour

A ‘narcassist’ thug who confined his girlfriend to their eighth-floor flat and threatened to ‘gut out’ their unborn baby during a row has been jailed for three years.  

Thomas Fosbrook, 33, of Stockport, Greater Manchester, embarked on a two-year campaign to control the movements of his work colleague Holly Jepson, 23, after he cut her off from family, friends and the ‘outside world’.  

The restaurant chef removed all the interior doors to their eighth-floor tower block apartment so she had no privacy – and even painted over the windows so no one could see inside.

Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court heard that Fosbrook changed the intercom system so Miss Jepson could not let anyone in and whenever they did go out, he kept a hammer in their oldest child’s pram in case she challenged him.    

Miss Jepson said she ‘suffered egotistical and narcissistical abuse’ and even considered taking her own life.

Thomas Fosbrook, 33, of Stockport, Greater Manchester, embarked on a two-year campaign to control the movements of his work colleague Holly Jepson, 23, (pictured) after he cut her off from family, friends and the ‘outside world’

Fosbrook changed the intercom system so Miss Jepson could not let anyone in and whenever they did go out, he kept a hammer in their oldest child’s pram in case she challenged him

Evil Fosbrook had previous convictions for domestic violence in 2012 and drug dealing in May and Nov 2015. 

He also has offences on his record, of battery in 2006 and common assault in 2006, 2007 and 2012. 

The couple met in January 2019 whilst working together in the kitchens of a restaurant and they moved in together at a flat in the name of Fosbrook’s father. 

During their abusive relationship, Fosbrook took control of Miss Jepson’s finances and would deliberately sleep on the side of the bed closest to the open doorframe in case she tried to leave him. 

Miss Jepson had to resort to getting provisions from food banks as he squandered all their money on drugs and whilst she was pregnant with their second child, he vowed to ‘gut out’ the unborn infant during a row. 

She eventually escaped after she sent a clandestine SOS email to her mother and police rescued her from their spartan flat in the Lancashire Hill area of Stockport, Greater Manchester in May this year. 

A judge said he treated Holly as ‘nothing more than an object to satisfy [his] demands’  

In a statement the victim who has been left with debts of £1,400 said: ‘I always find misery and heartache when I think about what he has put me and my children through.

‘It makes me feel so stupid and naive and I wish I was one step ahead of him. The fact is it did not take long for me to fall deeply in love with him. He targeted me and controlled me because I was young.

Fosbrook met Miss Jepson in January 2019 after they worked at the same restaurant, and they quickly moved in together

‘Within the first year, there were signs of coercive and controlling behaviour. We moved into his father’s flat and I saw my friends and family less and less. We put our wages together and money went out every month but it would fund his drug addiction.

‘He demanded for me not to talk to any other men at the restaurant where we worked at and he made it clear I was to dress the way he wanted me to. 

‘I felt socially awkward everywhere I went. He mentioned if any other men were to look at me he would kill them. He said he was jealous of my own mother.

‘He provided little or no help and I was in no state to question anything he said or did. I just spent every day with my thoughts. 

‘We were living in total isolation for nearly two years. When we went out together, it was just for a quick shop. I rarely enjoyed going out.

‘He painted the rooms and windows as he was not wanting anyone to see from outside even though our flat is on the eighth floor. I feel sick to my stomach as to why he wanted so much privacy.’

At Minshull Street Crown Court, Manchester, Fosbrook who has a tattoo of an inverted cross on his forehead was jailed for three years after he admitted coercive behaviour

She added: ‘I was left in debt to feed his drug habit which is all in my name. I had zero control of my finances and now have £1,400 debt including rent arrears which I have been unable to pay.

Getting help and support for domestic violence 

Domestic abuse can include, but is not limited to, the following: 

  • Coercive control (a pattern of intimidation, degradation, isolation and control with the use or threat of physical or sexual violence)
  • Psychological and/or emotional abuse  
  • Physical or sexual abuse 
  • Financial or economic abuse
  • Harassment and stalking 
  • Online or digital abuse

You do not have to wait for an emergency situation to find help. 

If domestic abuse is happening to you, it’s important to tell someone and remember you’re not alone.

 To get support or advice, you can:

  • Visit Women’s Aid Live Chat: does your relationship not feel right? It could be domestic abuse
  • Send an email to a Women’s Aid domestic abuse support worker
  • Help for all aspects of domestic abuse, such as women’s housing, safety planning, dealing with police
  • Speak to other women in our supportive community of domestic abuse survivors. 

Credit: Women’s Aid 

‘He cleared his bank account to avoid paying for any child maintenance for his two other children he had with a previous partner. But I was blinded and was willing to believe anything. 

‘I feel ashamed and disgusted that I believed the terrible lies I believed. On one occasion I had no choice but to remove my own braces with plyers. I had nowhere to go and nowhere to turn to.

‘He was controlling me in awful ways, belittling me and spitting at me in private and in public. When I did not have money for drugs, I was shoved around and slapped in the face. He would kick me in my hairline so that the damage was hidden. I watched as all of my personal belongings were sold.

‘I knew he was a dangerous man so I remained submissive throughout his outbursts. I was scared and I considered jumping out of my eighth-story window.

‘My children are the only positive things I have gained from that relationship but I know I am always going to carry the weight and insecurities. 

‘I suffered egotistical and narcissistical abuse. There is no such thing as love. I was a target for him and I hope he is never given the chance of doing this to another woman.’

At Minshull Street Crown Court, Manchester, Fosbrook who has a tattoo of an inverted cross on his forehead was jailed for three years after he admitted coercive behaviour.

Prosecutor Rachel Widdicombe told the hearing: ‘He cut her off from her friends and family. When she became pregnant with their first child she stopped working but the money she had was then used to fund the defendant’s drug habit.

‘He made the decision to take the flat’s doors off so she could have no privacy. He painted over the bottom of the windows so no one could see in. He slept on the side closest to the doorframe so he could stop her from leaving. There were curtains or quilt or TV and there was a lack of food.

‘He had control of her mobile phone and ran up debts of £1,000 including rent arrears. He cut her off from the outside world, changed the comms system so no one could enter. 

A judge said he treated Holly as ‘nothing more than an object to satisfy [his] demands’

‘He controlled her bank account and had access to her money. She had to regularly use food banks to feed her child. She had to keep her head down outside so her eyes did not meet that of another male.

‘He controlled what she wore, he made her wear makeup and he had a hammer hidden under the sofa which he also put in the pram with the baby when they went out. He threatened to kill her, which she believed.

‘On one occasion, He punched her to the head and kicked her in the side forcing her to curl up to protect herself and refused to let her go to the hospital. On another occasion, he slapped the side of her face.

‘Whilst pregnant with his second child, he held a hammer and raised it to her head. He told her he would kill her, she flinched in genuine fear for her life. He picked up a fork and put it against her stomach when pregnant and said he would gut the child out.

‘He threatened to commit suicide if she did not continue the relationship. He refused to let her take contraception and even refused to let her go to anti-natal care until 25 weeks pregnant.

‘On 8 March, when she was around 25 weeks pregnant he went to the surgery with her and would stay outside whilst she was with the midwife due to COVID protocols. She told the midwives about her life and they set up codes to help her.

His counsel Neil Ronan said: ‘The principal concern he has had in this relationship is jealously and paranoia. When he was 11, his mother rang and said she was not coming home’

‘She told the midwives her number was not safe from the defendant and how he would not allow her to contact the nursery. Miss Jepson could not keep anything from him.

‘Eventually she managed to contact her mother through email as the defendant was monitoring that less than other social media platforms. She said she wanted to leave as she was not safe there and the mother contacted the police.

‘The defendant denied everything and he said he thought she loved him. He then became volatile and in interview, he then threatened to mill himself and the interview had to be terminated.’ 

His counsel Neil Ronan said: ‘The principal concern he has had in this relationship is jealously and paranoia. When he was 11, his mother rang and said she was not coming home. 

‘He was then raised by his father and suffered physical violence and his addiction to drugs underpins this primary relationship regarding his jealousy and paranoia. He does not wish this to be the future. He is disgusted by the way he has behaved.’

Sentencing Judge John Potter told Fosbrook: ‘Bluntly, your relationship with Miss Jepson was categorised by physical and psychological abuse on a very regular basis. 

The court heard Fosbrook (right) had control of Miss Jepson’s (left) mobile phone and ran up debts of £1,000 including rent arrears. He cut her off from the outside world, changed the comms system so no one could enter

‘You tried to control whom she was to see, how she behaved with people and what she was to wear. If she did not where clothing you approved of, you would tell her and then slap and punch her. You would make threats to kill her and her family or her friends.

‘You told her she could not have friends and you stopped her from seeing them. You cut her off from her family and denied them access to the flat by changing the intercom. You allowed her to go out of the flat but she had to remain with you throughout. You kept a weapon hidden under the sofa and would take it out in the push chair.

‘When she was pregnant, you sickeningly threatened to harm her unborn child. This was sustained and abusive behaviour by you. You treated her as nothing more than an object. 

‘You had no love or care for her but simply used her as an object. You treated your victim in a disgraceful way and there is no level of excuse for providing your victim with that level of torment.’

Fosbrook was also banned from contacting Miss Jepson under the terms of a restraining order.

Ruth Davison, Refuge CEO, said: ‘Coercive control rightly became a crime in 2015. It is rarely seen in isolation and almost always occurs alongside other forms of domestic abuse.

‘Anyone who recognises any parts of this horrific story of abuse can contact Refuge’s National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247. Our Helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

‘We know the window to call for help can be very narrow, so if you are unable to call you can also access support at, where you can live chat with our expert female staff or fill in a webform to request a safe time to be contacted. You are not alone. Refuge is here for you’ 

Domestic abuse will be treated as seriously as knife crime under Priti Patel’s new measures 

Domestic abuse and sexual offences will be treated as seriously as knife crime under new measures.

The Home Secretary said it will mean ‘sickening’ acts of violence will be treated equally seriously.

A range of agencies which are currently expected to work together to tackle knife offending will have to take similar steps to combat domestic abuse and sex crimes.

A government spokesman said adding the crimes to the so-called ‘Serious Violence Duty’ would help ‘prevent future crime and tragedy’. 

Miss Patel said: ‘Any instance of violence towards another human being is sickening and it is incumbent upon all in authority to try to prevent it from occurring.

‘There are numerous public sector bodies and agencies with a responsibility to protect young and vulnerable people from harm – and they must get better at working together to deliver for them.’

The changes will cover police, government, health and education bodies, requiring them to share information about sex crimes and domestic abuse in a bid to protect people from further harm.

The reforms come after a campaign by Conservative peer Baroness Bertin.

The Home Secretary said: ‘Following tireless work on this important issue by Baroness Bertin, I am bringing forward changes to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill to make sure that domestic abuse and sexual offences – which do untold and often long-term damage to victims – can be included in local strategies for tackling serious violence.’

Domestic abuse commissioner Nicole Jacobs said the move ‘sends a very clear message to victims and survivors that tackling and preventing domestic abuse and sexual violence are top priorities and not optional extras’.

She added: ‘This amendment will ensure there is an early intervention, public health focused approach to tackling serious violent crime.’

Source: Read Full Article

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