Revealed: Tory-hating ex-head girl behind Durham University protests launched ‘culture commission’ to ‘deconstruct toxicity’ on campus
- Seun Twins was behind campaign to oust Durham Uni Professor Tim Luckhurst
- Came after he branded walkout in Rod Liddle speech by woke students ‘pathetic’
- Twins has launched a ‘culture commission’ to ‘locate and deconstruct toxicity’ at her university
- She has previously hailed ex-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as ‘the white king’
The left-wing student leader behind a campaign to oust Professor Tim Luckhurst described Jeremy Corbyn as ‘the white king’ and suggested Tories should be ‘dealt with’.
Seun Twins has said the union’s objective is ‘unravelling the unfair power dynamics which permeate into a culture of privilege’ at the university.
She has launched a ‘culture commission’ to ‘explore and locate and ultimately deconstruct toxicity at Durham’.
Seun Twins, the left-wing student leader behind a campaign to oust a Durham University lecturer, has previously described Jeremy Corbyn as ‘the white king’ and suggested Tories should be ‘dealt with’
After she was elected, Miss Twins called for Tories to be ‘dealt with’ by ‘roadmen’ in a leaked post from her private Instagram account.
Roadman is a slang term defined as a young person who spends ‘a lot of time on the streets in a group, and who may be involved in selling drugs’, according to Collins dictionary.
She wrote: ‘I don’t condone violence in the slightest, but sometimes when you are in the presence of such grotesque entitlement, do you ever just want to say “We need to take these tories to South London and let roadmen deal with them” but you realise that you have to be the palatable and charismatic black girl since you are going to be their president for the next year and you must to smile and wave.’ [sic]
Miss Twins has said the union’s objective is ‘unravelling the unfair power dynamics which permeate into a culture of privilege’ at the university. It comes after Professor Tim Luckhurst (pictured), principal of Durham’s South College, branding a walkout by woke students ‘pathetic’ and is now facing investigation
The students staged a walkout during a speech by right-wing journalist Rod Liddle (pictured)
She later insisted the post was in response to a specific incident of bullying and was an expression of the way she felt she had to present herself ‘because of racism and sexism’.
Now in her second year as Durham Students’ Union president, Miss Twins has made no secret of where her political affiliations lie.
She has previously hailed former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as ‘the white king’.
Miss Twins, a former head girl at Camden School for Girls, a comprehensive in North London, became student union president after taking senior roles in the Durham People Of Colour Association and the Intersectional Feminism Society.
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