Tractor porn MP says wife 'chased me around with a pair of scissors'

‘Snip snap!’: Tractor porn MP Neil Parish says wife ‘used to chase me around the kitchen with a pair of scissors knowing perfectly well which part of my anatomy she’s after’ in excruciating Lorraine Kelly interview

  • ITV viewers said bizarre chat with disgraced Tory put them off their cornflakes 
  • Mr Parish was caught watching porn deliberately in the Commons chamber
  • He said he initially accidentally viewed X-rated video when browsing for tractors
  • His long-suffering wife Susan has stood by him throughout the ‘stupid’ mistake 
  • He said: ‘She knows I’m no angel. She knows what I’m like’

Tractor porn Tory Neil Parish today admitted he is ‘no angel’ and his long-suffering wife chases him around the kitchen with scissors threatening to ‘snip’ off his genitals in an excruciating TV exclusive about his demise.

ITV viewers said they were put off their breakfast by the bizarre interview with Lorraine where he also laid into Boris Johnson after another ‘Pestminster’ sleaze scandal erupted.

Mr Parish admitted that he initially lied about being the MP who was caught watching tractor porn in the Commons, having confessed after an ’embarrassing’ conversation with his wife Susan and their two children.

The Tory quit as the MP for Tiverton and Honiton after the scandal in April, with the Lib Dems taking the seat at a by-election last month – the first time in its history that it was not won by the Conservatives. 

He said: ‘She [his wife] knows I’m no angel, she chases me around the kitchen with scissors saying ‘snipper snap’ knowing full well what part of my anatomy she is after. She knows what I’m like’.

Paying tribute to his wife, he said: ‘She came up with me all the 12 years I was in Parliament. Helped me in the office, helped keep me on time. She’s done so much with me so naturally on the morning I decided to resign it was her advice I took. Our children, our son and our daughter, both gave very sound advice, and in the end do you twist and turn, do you tell lots of fibs, or go. And I decided to go’.

Farmer Mr Parish first said he accidentally viewed one X-rated video when browsing for tractors, before later doing so deliberately in the Commons chamber. 

Tractor porn watching Tory Neil Parish today admitted he is ‘no angel’ and his long-suffering wife chases him around the kitchen with scissors threatening to ‘snip’ off his genitals in an excruciating TV exclusive with Lorraine about his demise.

Lorraine appeared shocked when she heard Mr Parish’s explanation about him watching porn in the Commons

Susan Parish, pictured with her husband Neil Parish, said very few men can claim to have never watched pornography, although she admitted it should not be viewed in the House of Commons 

Neil Parish – who was named as the MP accused of watching porn in the Commons – is a former Somerset farmer who spent more than two decades as a politician in Westminster and Brussels.

Born in Bridgewater, a historic market town on the edge of the Somerset Levels, he became MP for Tiverton and Honiton, a picturesque constituency in the heart of south-west England, in 2010 after a decade as a Tory MEP. Before that he served as a local councillor.

The 65-year-old was a member of the Environment and rural affairs committee since 2010 and was once branded a ‘Rottweiler’ by former farming minister David Miliband. 

Mr Parish left school at 16 without qualifications and began working on the family farm, where he still lives. He is married to Susan, a teacher, and they have two children and two grandchildren

A biography on Politico described him as a ‘devoted family man’, with him and his wife considered something of a ‘double act’. 

It continued: ‘Shorter than average and slightly rotund, Parish makes up in personality what he lacks in height. He is a whirlwind of activity, giving the impression he never stays still for very long. 

‘One of his political opposites in the Parliament describes Parish as ”personable” – it is difficult to find anyone who dislikes him – but says he suspects him of being ”shallow”, accusing him of a tendency to jump on other people’s bandwagons for the sake of publicity. The same person adds with a sigh: ”He’s a pretty nice guy actually”.’

Mr Parish’s other interests include African politics, according to an online biography. During the 2000 Presidential elections in Zimbabwe, he acted as an election monitor and criticised the conduct of Robert Mugabe’s regime. 

Following this, Robert Mugabe banned Neil from re-entering the country, a ban that remains in place to this day. He was recently among more than 280 MPs to be sanctioned by Vladimir Putin’s regime for comments he had made in Parliament in support of Ukraine. He described this as a ‘badge of honour’. 

His most recent work in Parliament was launching an inquiry into marine mammals, which will look into their welfare in UK waters and worldwide.  

Lorraine looked a mix of shocked and incredulous as he spoke, and asked if Boris Johnson is partly to blame for the crisis, because he ‘doesn’t lead by example’.

Mr Parish replied: ‘It’s a bit of that yes. It’s about trust and integrity. It’s like Christopher Pincher. One day he says he doesn’t know what he’s like and the next day you have Dom Cummings saying he used to say: ‘Pincher by name, pincher by nature’. I love Boris in many ways but why tell a fib when you know 24 hours later it’s going to be refuted when the public are worried about the Prime Minister’s integrity’.

Farmer Mr Parish first said he accidentally viewed one X-rated video when browsing for tractors, before later doing so deliberately in the Commons chamber. 

Of the incident in parliament, he told Lorraine: ‘I think there’s moments of madness in your life, and this was one of them and one has plenty of time to regret it afterwards, but I did the right thing, I apologised and I left parliament.

‘I should have done it even quicker than I did. I think I went into a sort of denial, really and I think I went into shock – I thought perhaps if I pretend it didn’t happen, it hasn’t happened.

‘I also wanted to be able to apologise to the two women concerned because I never intended to flaunt it in front of anybody. I wasn’t proud of what I was doing, I knew it was wrong what I was doing and it was a weakness in my character, but I promise you – and my wife will back me up on that, who’ s a great support – I don’t flaunt, I really don’t.’

On being quizzed by Lorraine for being on his phone at work when he should have been listening, he said: ‘It wasn’t during a debate, it was at 11:30 at night and we were voting. I wasn’t in a part of the chamber you can ask a question from, waiting to go into vote, so in between votes you have about ten minutes… One of the problems with parliament and the voting system is – it’s no justification, but I got bored. You look at your phone. I used to look at cars and tractors during votes.’

Lorraine asked, ‘But how do you go from tractors to porn?’

He replied; ‘It was linked, the website was linked but naturally I’m not going to say how because I don’t want others to go on to the horrible site. I know people make fun of me that I’m the tractor porn man but I promise you, that was the case.’

Susan Parish, his wife of more than 40 years said at the time of the scandal that their marriage would survive the scandal, claiming it is ‘all very embarrassing’ and ‘very stupid’

After hearing about the allegation, Mrs Parish said: ‘My breath was taken away, frankly,’ although she defended her husband. ‘No. He’s quite a normal guy, really. He’s a lovely person. It’s just so stupid.’ 

 She said: ‘People shouldn’t be looking at pornography. He would never just sit there with people looking. He would never just do that knowing [people were looking]. These ladies were quite right to be as cross as they were because I was cross, too.’

Boris Johnson is facing demands to set out what he knew about allegations of inappropriate behaviour centring on Chris Pincher before appointing him to the Tory whips’ office.

The Prime Minister is alleged to have referred to the MP as ‘Pincher by name, pincher by nature’ before making him deputy chief whip in February.

Under-fire Tory MP Neil Parish with his wife of 40 years Susan, who has described the allegations against him as ‘very embarrassing’ but is standing by him

The MP for Tamworth in Staffordshire resigned from the role after being accused of drunkenly groping two men in a private members’ club in London.

‘Chris Pincher groped me as we posed for this picture’: Fundraiser says shamed MP stroked his thigh then grabbed him as they posed for charity photo 

Mark Dabbs today claimed that disgraced Tory MP Chris Pincher groped him while this picture was taken

A charity fundraiser today claimed that disgraced Tory MP Chris Pincher groped his thigh and bottom and gave him the ‘come on’ including suggestively praising his ‘muscles’ and ‘stamina’ while they posed for the picture below. 

Mark Dabbs, who is straight, claims the Conservative began making inappropriate comments and then touching him when he was trying to raise cash for their local hospice in Tamworth, Staffordshire.

He said: ‘When we took a photo he was touching me, then feeling my bottom.  He was helping me with my charity work and I think he thought he’d get something in return.’

His claims only emerged after the Tory MP was forced to quit as Boris Johnson’s deputy chief whip after drunkenly groping two men in a London members-only club last week. 

The Prime Minister is under huge pressure to reveal what he knew about his MP’s behaviour, given an allegation that Mr Johnson joked in 2020 that he was ‘Pincher by name, Pincher by nature’, long before he made him his deputy chief whip in February.

NHS worker Mr Dabbs is now the seventh person to claim that Pincher was guilty of inappropriate behaviour, and on this occasion Pincher was ‘stone-cold sober’ at the meeting in 2018.

He said: ‘He waited until we were alone and then said some inappropriate things. He said how tall and slim I was, then wanted to know if I had a partner. I said I was a runner. And quick as a flash he replied, “Oh, that’s why you’re so slim”. Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he said, ‘I bet you’ve got stamina’.

‘Then he said to me, “I bet you have strong legs” before starting feeling the top of my thighs. He said I was very muscly. I thought it was all very strange. He was very suggestive. It was vile. I was shocked that an MP would behave in this way.’

MailOnline has asked Mr Pincher to comment. 

It was the second time he resigned from the whips’ office after Conservative candidate Alex Story accused him of making an inappropriate advance in 2017.

The latest in a line of sexual misconduct allegations featuring Tory MPs was adding to Mr Johnson’s struggle to regain his authority after the partygate scandal.

There were suggestions his handling of Mr Pincher will embolden Conservative rebels’ attempts to change the rules of the 1922 Committee of backbenchers so they can hold another no confidence vote within the next year.

A stream of fresh allegations against Mr Pincher emerged over the weekend, as one Tory backbencher said claims about his behaviour had been ‘swirling around Westminster for years’.

Labour Party chair Anneliese Dodds has written to the Prime Minister demanding to know what Downing Street knew of the allegations about his ally before his second appointment as a whip.

‘Only Boris Johnson could have looked at this guy’s record and thought ‘he deserves a promotion’,’ she added in a statement.

‘This Prime Minister is clearly happy to sweep sexual misconduct under the carpet in order to save his own skin.’

She also questioned why the Tory whip was not suspended, meaning the MP now sits as an independent, until Friday when the incident took place at the Carlton Club on Wednesday.

A Downing Street source has argued that Mr Johnson took the move after speaking to a Tory MP who was with one of the men allegedly groped by Mr Pincher.

‘The account given was sufficiently disturbing to make the PM feel more troubled by all this,’ the source told the PA news agency.

Dominic Cummings, the Prime Minister’s former chief aide turned critic-in-chief, said Mr Johnson referred to the MP ‘laughingly in No 10 as ‘Pincher by name, pincher by nature’ long before appointing him’.

Downing Street has not disputed that account, but Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey argued that Mr Johnson did not know ‘specific claims’ about the MP.

‘I don’t believe he was aware, that’s what I’ve been told today,’ she told Sky’s Sophy Ridge on Sunday.

Liberal Democrat chief whip Wendy Chamberlain laid the blame for the ‘sleazy toxic Government’ with Mr Johnson.

‘He must now be forced to reveal what he knew before making the appointment,’ she added.

Current party rules dictate that another challenge cannot be held for a year after last month’s confidence vote, which Mr Johnson won despite 148 Tory MPs voting against him.

But amid renewed questions over his judgment, there are suggestions that the upcoming elections for the 1922 Committee’s executive could focus on a compromise proposal to allow a vote sooner.

The change would mean a second confidence vote could be held if 25% of Tories in the Commons – 90 MPs – submit letters to the 1922 leadership, double the current amount required to trigger an initial vote.

Under investigation by Parliament’s Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme, Mr Pincher said he is seeking ‘professional medical support’ and hopes to return to represent his constituents ‘as soon as possible’.

Meanwhile, a man told the Sun that Mr Pincher said ‘inappropriate things’ before touching the top of his thigh in a meeting in the MP’s constituency office in 2018.

The Mail on Sunday alleged Mr Pincher threatened to report a parliamentary researcher to her boss after she tried to stop his ‘lecherous’ advances to a young man at a Conservative Party conference.

The Sunday Times alleged he made unwanted passes at two Conservative MPs in 2017 and 2018 – after his first resignation as a whip.

A Tory MP told the Independent he was groped on two occasions by Mr Pincher, first in December 2021 and again last month.

In 2017, at the time a young Tory activist, Mr Story described Mr Pincher untucking the back of his shirt, massaging his neck and whispering ‘You’ll go far in the Tory Party’.

The new allegations reignited concerns about standards in Westminster after a string of Conservative MPs faced sexual misconduct claims.

In May, Neil Parish quit as MP for Tiverton and Honiton after admitting viewing pornography in the Commons chamber.

A month earlier, then-Wakefield MP Imran Ahmad Khan was jailed for 18 months for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy.

The Conservatives lost both by-elections that followed.

A third unnamed Tory MP has been told by whips to stay away from Parliament after being arrested on suspicion of rape and other offences.

In a statement, Mr Pincher said he would ‘co-operate fully’ with the investigation.

‘As I told the Prime Minister, I drank far too much on Wednesday night, embarrassing myself and others, and I am truly sorry for the upset I caused,’ he continued.

‘The stresses of the last few days, coming on top of those over the last several months, have made me accept that I will benefit from professional medical support.

‘I am in the process of seeking that now, and I hope to be able to return to my constituency duties as soon as possible.’

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