U.N. General Assembly votes 141 to 5 to condemn Russian invasion

BREAKING NEWS – Russia sent further into global isolation as U.N. General Assembly votes 141 to 5 to back resolution demanding Putin immediately cease use of force and withdraw troops

  • The UN General Assembly voted 141 to 5 on Wednesday to demand Russian troops leave Ukraine
  • Russia, Syria, Belarus, Eritrea and North Korea voted against a resolution that ‘deplores’ the invasion
  • Although such resolutions are non-binding, they carry political weight and will further isolate Russia  
  • It came on the third day of a rare emergency session of the 193-nation body – the first in decades

The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday rebuked Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine with a resolution that demanded the withdrawal of all Russian forces.

Although it comes with no teeth, such resolutions are often a powerful political tool. 

Wednesday’s resolution, which passed with the support of 141 members of the 193-nation body, came at the end of a rare emergency session and signals the growing international isolation of Russia.

It came as Moscow’s troops pounded Ukrainian cities with air strikes and bombardments.

Thirty-five members including China and India abstained while five countries – Russia, Syria, Belarus, Eritrea and North Korea – voted against the resolution. 

Before the vote, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, spelled out exactly what was at stake, She said Russian forces appeared poised to step up their assault.

‘We have seen videos of Russian forces moving exceptionally lethal weaponry into Ukraine, which has no place on the battlefield, she said. 

‘That includes cluster munitions and vacuum bombs – which are banned under the Geneva Convention. 

We have seen the 40-mile-long lethal convoy charging toward Kyiv. President Putin continues to escalate – putting Russia’s nuclear forces on high alert, threatening to invade Finland and Sweden. 

‘At every step of the way, Russia has betrayed the United Nations. Russia’s actions go against everything this body stands for.’  

A UN General Assembly resolution demanding the withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine passed by 141 votes to five on Wednesday. Belarus, Eritrea, North Korea and Syria voted with Russia against the resolution 

Huge convoys of Russian armor have rumbled into several Ukrainian cities, only to be met with fierce resistance as well-armed troops used a mixture of their own and NATO-supplied anti-tank weapons to wreak havoc on the invaders

A destroyed tank is seen blocking a street with damaged houses in the background in the town of Bucha, near Kyiv, as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues, March 1, 2022

President Joe Biden also weighed in as he left the White House for a trip to Wisconsin. 

He accused Russia of targeting civilians. ‘It’s clear they are,’ he told reporters. 

Ukraine estimates that 2,000 civilians have been killed so far.  

However, Biden said it was too early to say whether Russia had committed war crimes. ‘We are following it very closely,’ he added. 

Wednesday marked the seventh day of fighting in Ukraine. 

An intense battle for the eastern city of Kharkiv. Its mayor said he believed its defenses would hold, despite shelling inflicting heavy casualties on the civilian population of the  besieged city.

Russia has yet to achieve a breakthrough against Ukrainian forces and faces an unprecedented backlash from the West.

The general assembly session began on Monday, when it heard an impassioned plea from the Ukrainian ambassador. 

Sergiy Kyslytsya read out what he said were the final text messages from a Russian soldier to his mother – describing his horror at the unfolding war before he was killed.    

‘Mom I’m no longer in Crimea,’ they began. ‘I’m not in training sessions.’

His mother asks: ‘Where are you then? Papa is asking whether I can send you a parcel.’

‘What kind of a parcel mama can you send me,’ he responds

‘What are you talking about? What happened?’

‘Mama, I’m in Ukraine,’ he responds, before describing the horror unfolding.

‘There is a real war raging here. I’m afraid. We are bombing all of the cities together, even targeting civilians. 

‘We were told that they would welcome us and they are falling under our armored vehicles, throwing themselves under the wheels and not allowing us to pass. 

‘They call us fascists. Mama. This is so hard.’

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