Uber bully Arna Kimiai who coughed on driver 'sued over 2019 car crash that left victim with severe injuries'

"UBER bully" Arna Kimiai, who was filmed coughing on a driver, was hit with a civil suit in February over an alleged reckless driving incident.

A woman filed a court case against Kimiai in Los Angeles over a February 2019 crash that she says left her with severe injuries and lingering pain, according to court documents obtained by The Sun.

The case alleges that Kimiai made an unsafe turn and struck the woman's vehicle, and accuses her of negligent driving and "failing to keep a proper lookout for other vehicles."

The woman who was hit says she is still dealing with pain and suffering to this day, and is suing for damages, medical expenses and loss of earnings, the court docs say.

News of the court case comes after another video of Kimiai resurfaced online, where she appeared by be filming herself driving McLaren sports car at 122mph last June.

Kimiai was filmed last weekend berating and coughing on an Uber driver, Subhakar Khadka, after refusing to wear a mask in his car on a trip through San Francisco's Bayview District.

Kimiai, friend Malaysia King and another friend, who was wearing a mask, were all riding in Khadka's car together when the altercation broke out.

The driver filmed the incident where he asked Kimiai to put on a mask and she refused, so he asked the women to leave the car after pulling over at a gas station.

However, Kimiai began hurling insults at the driver before grabbing at his mask and fake coughing into his face. While the women were accosting the driver, they also claimed to have Covid-19.

Kimiai can also be seen grabbing for the driver's phone, before King allegedly got out of the car and sprayed pepper spray into Khadka's open window.

On Thursday, King, 24, was taken into custody in Las Vegas and is facing charges of assault with a caustic chemical, assault and battery, conspiracy and violation of health and safety code, according to KPIX.

Kimiai, also 24, is also wanted, and told police through her legal counsel that she plans to turn herself in to the San Francisco Police Department.

"We're glad to hear that Ms. Kimiai intends to do the right thing and turn herself in to the nearest law enforcement agency, and we hope it happens promptly," San Francisco Police Lt Tracy McCray said.

"The behavior captured on video in this incident showed a callous disregard for the safety and wellbeing of an essential worker in the midst of a deadly pandemic.

"We take this conduct very seriously in San Francisco, and we're committed to ensuring that justice is done in this case."

After video of the Uber altercation went viral, Kimiai posted a bizarre topless video defending her actions.

"All I did take his mask off and cough a little bit but I don't even have corona," she said in the video.

"I ain't gonna lie, that was disrespectful as f**k. I was dead a** wrong for that."

"F**king stupid a** Uber bruh, that's why I take Lyft," she said. However, Uber and Lyft both banned her from using their services after the video went viral.

Khadka told KPIX he believes that he was subjected to such shocking harassment and racial slurs because he is a South Asian immigrant.

"I never said anything bad to them, I never cursed, I was not raised that way," he said. "I don’t hit people, I am not raised that way, so they were not getting out of my car."

"If I was another complexion, I would have not gotten that treatment from them," he later added.

Kimiai tried to share her own side of the story on her Instagram, where she posted videos she had taken herself during the Uber ride in question.

Those videos do show the women saying they don't want to exit the car because they did not know where they were and didn't feel safe.

However, the videos stop short of providing any additional clarity on what happened before the coughing and physical altercation.

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